
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

69 Doing Sus Things With A Teacher and The Foreign Princess

"Ahhhnn~ Otto-kun." Nene moaned softly as Otto thrust into her from behind.

"You're going so dee—p as always." She gasped as Otto's cock entered her deeply, pushing against her uterus.

Otto remained silent, internally questioning why he felt so aroused by Nene's petite frame.

Nene clung onto him not wanting to let go, since she wanted to feel what it felt like to be creampied on.

"Nene-sensei, I'm close," Otto grunted, his breath ragged, and warned her that he was about to cum.

"Don't worry~ hgnnn— just shoot all of your load inside my tight pussy," she moaned, wrapping her legs around him. As she said this, she pulled him closer to her, their faces inches apart.

Otto's movements became faster as he unloaded strings of cum deep inside her tight pussy.

"I can hardly breathe when you're pumping so deep," Nene gasped for air, feeling his seed flow inside her. She kissed his neck, leaving a mark.

"Mmmm," Otto sighed after cumming inside her.

Nene leaned against his chest, while Otto's cock remained hard inside her.

"Did that feel good?" she asked, showing consideration for how he felt, especially since she was the one who tempted him.

"Uh-huh," he replied with a slight nod, feeling a bit embarrassed to admit it to her.

"Want to go for another round~?" she teased, touching her clit as her pussy craved more of his large cock.

'Has she become addicted like Brynhildr?' Otto wondered, noticing her newfound energy and eagerness for more rounds. Unlike before when she'd collapse after one round, this time she seemed insatiable.

"Hnngnngg—oh~" Nene hollered in surprise as Otto began to piston his cock.

"Otto... Otto~" she called out, moving closer to his face and planting her lips against his, which Otto graciously accepted.

'I... No longer care.' Otto thought, feeling unstoppable, not even by the FBI.

"Has he finally accepted my affection!?" Nene wondered ecstatically, seeing Otto willingly accept her kiss, a stark contrast to when Brynhildr forced them together.

"Oh—Otto-kun~ I love you!!!" she exclaimed, moving up and down on him.

Otto leaned closer to her ear, whispering, "I love you too, Nene," softly, taking her breath away as she covered her face.

"Hm? Did I do something wrong?" he asked, concerned by her whimpering.

"No... Otto-kun didn't do anything wrong," she happily replied, wiping a tear, and continuing to move her hips, taking all of him.

"Why are you crying?" he asked, concerned that he may have caused her pain.

"I'm just happy that Otto-kun has finally accepted me, even though I'm older," she said, hugging him.

"I like older women, though," he said, subtly indicating he wasn't fond of younger women like Brynhildr.

"Really?" she asked, surprised, thinking Otto preferred younger women.

"Of course I do—" He started to say before Nene passionately sealed his lips with hers, trying to dominate the moment.

*churrrpp* *kiss noises* *idk man*

"Ahhhn~ can you treat me roughly? I—ah~ kind of like it when you treat me like an object." She said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Alright." He sighed, as he pulled her closer and bending her over before thrusting all of his cock inside her uterus.

"AAAAHHHGGNNN~! FU—it feels so great—!" Nene tried to cover her embarrassing moans from Otto but was pinned by him by putting her into a full Nelson. Hitting her in the deepest spots in her pussy.

"Mhmmmm~ aghhmnn~" Nene's expression turned into ahegao, as she drooled all over herself.

"Blast it aallll—! Inside me Otto-kun! Please!" She begged, feeling his cock throbbing inside her like it was about to burst his cum inside.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

A lewd sound of wet flesh hitting each other, As Nene's loud moans were getting louder, Otto placed a curtain around them to neutralize the noise she was making.

"Oo—ooohh Ot-tttoooo!!!" Nene climaxed, spraying her love juice all over the two of them, as Otto thrust deep inside, busting his fat load in her as Nene's stuck her tongue out.

'Otto-kun... Make love to me more, I don't want it to end so soon—' She thought before passing out.

"Haah—" Otto let off a heavy sigh, seeing Nene passed out after two rounds of sex.

*Door creek*

"???" Otto alerted sensing that Brynhildr and Stella Vermillion entered the dorm.

"What's she doing here?" Otto wondered why Stella was with Brynhildr.

"You wait here for a moment~ okay?" Brynhildr's sweet voice could be heard by Otto in the bedroom.

Brynhildr went to their bedroom, finding Otto and Nene in bed together, as she gave him a thumbs up for messing Nene's pussy.

"Why is Stella with you?" He muttered.

"Heh— just pretend to be asleep, I got this." She assuringly said, as she picked up Nene and hid her in the closet with a futon.

"Wha—why?" He replied as he reached onto his clothes on the ground before Brynhildr slapped his hand, and snatched his clothes from him.

"Naked of course~ we'll be having a great time tonight~" She smirked, before going out of the living room.

"Your apartment seems bigger than mine's..." Stella blurted out not knowing what to say.

"It's because Saikyou-sensei was the one that lent it to us," Brynhildr said coming closer to Stella.

"You and Otto-san are close with her?" She curiously asked, hiding the fact that it felt unfair that they got a special privilege over a princess like her.

"Hild-san—ah~" Stella yelped in surprise as Brynhildr started to grope her massive breasts.

"You're in luck Stella-chan~ Otto is still sleeping in the room. And it's the best chance to fulfill the end of your deal~" Brynhildr seductively whispered into her ears, sending chills down her spine, and at the same time she felt her crotch wet for some reason.

"Haa—h, what did... Hild-san did to my body!?" Stella asked as she can't help but touch her pussy.

"It's our pact Stella-chan, and to relieve that feeling you need to do it with someone~. Thankfully Otto-kun is sleeping in the bedroom right now~" She slyly whispered, turning on Stella even more.

"I feel... So aroused Hild-san." She said, feeling her knees weak as she slumped to the floor. But Brynhildr helped her walk towards Otto's and to her bedroom.

"That..." Stella gasped, looking at the tall tent on the sleeping Otto, who heard their conversation.

'Did Brynhildr do something to her? Like a succubus rune or some shit?' Otto thought as he had the urge to sigh, on Brynhildr's plan of tempting Stella to have sex with him.

"Hild-san, my crotch feels strange..." Stella muttered feeling horny as her juices were already dripping to the floor.

"You're so wet Stella-chan." Brynhildr commented, as she suddenly took off the crimson princess' wet panties.

"Whaa—!" Stella was surprised at the sudden action and felt embarrassed as her pussy was in clear view of Brynhildr who was licking her lips.

"Let's stimulate it first shall we?" Brynhildr said as the princess' unshaved virgin pussy might be too tight for Otto's large meat stick.

"HIIIIHKKKNNNN~ W-wait Hild—!!!" Stella said as she could easily stop Brynhildr who was licker her pussy, but didn't since it was a new feeling and it felt good.

*chulp* *lerolerolerolero*

Brynhildr sucked on Stella's aroused pussy to the point of spraying her love juice all over her face.

"Mmmnn, your love juices are sweet Stella-chan." She slyly smiled, as it tasted similar to Nene's juice.

"T-thanks?" Stella didn't know how to reply, trying to process the good feeling she felt.

"Want to move on to better feeling princess?" Brynhildr asked.


Brynhildr uncovered Otto's standing pillar, as Stella's used to be groggy eyes immediately wider at how big Otto's was.

"That... That's going I-inside me!?" Stella felt her pussy being threatened just from the presence of the huge schlong.

"Yup~ and let me tell you, it feels really good inside you~" Brynhildr whispered slowly taking off Stella's clothes.

"I-i-I won't die right?" Stella terrifyingly asked, imagining how was it possible for something that big, would insert inside a pussy that had a small opening.

"You won't." Brynhildr funnily shook her head, knowing how innocent the princess was. But it even turned her on even more knowing that fact, as she couldn't help but make her addicted to Otto's cock, like she already had.

"So come on~ princess... It's just a one-time thing." Brynhildr climbed on the bed, stroking Otto's erect cock.

'But the sleeping Otto-kun would be the one who will take the virginity of a princess of a country...' Stella gulped as her pussy was beginning to start to secrete her love juice.

"Would you like me to show you if putting this thing inside your pussy is possible?" Brynhildr said, seeing that Stella felt scared at Otto's massive cock, which had already claimed 2 virgin pussies.

"Yeah!" Stella immediately replied, curious at how Brynhildr would handle it.

Brynhildr feeling horny just from stroking the cock, began to take off her soaked panties and skirt, revealing a clearly shaved pussy.

'Hild-san's vulva is clear and smooth...' Stella thought, thinking that she should've shaved before coming to their dorms.

"Look closely Stella-chan." Brynhildr showed off to her by taking all of Otto's cock in as her pussy had already accommodated his cock.

Stella stared at Otto's cock going in and out of Brynhildr's small opening, thinking it was kind of hot.

"Ooohh~ fuck it feels so good no matter how many times it goes in~" Brynhildr bragged.

'Hild-san... Wait...!!!' While Stella wondered if people's demeanor changed if they had sex, she suddenly realized that Otto and Brynhildr had the same last name.

"Aren't you siblings?" Stella sheepishly muttered.

"So what? It feels good so why would I care about that shit?" Brynhildr scoffed at her question.

"Is it really that good that you have to do incest?"

"Fuck yeah! And besides you can't really say about the morality of incest when you're a royalty yourself." Brynhildr replied as she bounced on top of Otto.

"Ugh..." Otto tried to suppress his groan from them, but thankfully Brynhildr's moans were loud enough to mask it.

"Hmmmnhnn~!" Otto came inside Brynhildr as her body slightly convulsed, trying to make it look like it was easy that her to take his cock in her pussy.

"So are you enjoying the show?" Brynhildr smugly said after lifting herself from Otto's cock that came inside her as the semen dripped out.

"You—you won't get pregnant right!?" Stella worryingly asked since they were still too young to raise children.

"Pregnant or not it's just a hit or miss." She replied casually not really caring about the consequences.

"Or would you rather do it with condoms instead?" Brynhildr would feel disappointed if Stella were to choose condoms.

"That..." Stella didn't know what to say.

"You won't get pregnant..." Brynhildr reassured. "I know a magic that prevents pregnancy..." She stated.

"Really? They you could've said it..." She pouted.

"It would take out the excitement if you knew. You know the riskier the more exciting the sex is." Brynhildr immediately came out with an excuse.

Stella slowly came to the bed with Otto and Brynhildr, slightly feeling embarrassed as she was naked with the opposite gender.

'Sorry Otto-kun.' Stella felt sorry for Otto, as she felt like she would take advantage of him in his sleep.

Unknown to her, Otto was quite of an actor and kept his face straight and tried to sleep.

Brynhildr on the side was worried that Otto would just reveal that he wasn't asleep the whole time.

Stella slowly mounted on Otto's lap with his cock right in front of her pussy.

'I hope I'm not too heavy for Otto-kun...' Stella thought that Otto might just wave up from the heavy feeling.

"Is there something wrong Stella-chan?" Brynhildr asked as Stella was taking her sweet time admiring Otto's massive stick that was rubbing on her wet pussy.

"Ah—no..." Stella prepared herself, as she slightly stood to rub Otto's glans against her labia, making her moan, feeling tingly from the contact.

Meanwhile, Brynhildr watching Stella hover over on the top of the cock, had the urge to push Stella down on the cock, but refrained as Stella might not like a really painful experience.

"It feels good right?" Brynhildr asked as Stella was already gasping for air, even though the cock haven't even entered her pussy.

"Yes—ah~" Stella hesitated, as she tried to find a reason good reason to lose her virginity to a man whom she once considered as a rival. But was completely changed when she fought with Brynhildr who played her in their serious match.

"It even feels good if you insert it inside you. After the slight pain." Brynhildr inticed her, as she rubbed Stella's clit.

"Hild-san, I think I'm about to cum." Stella's eyes rolled her leg felt weak from supporting herself for Otto's cock.

"Let it all out Stella-chan~" Brynhildr whispered in her ears, making Stella cum all over the place.

At that time Stella accidentally lost her balance as Otto's cock slid inside her, surprising her as something inside her slightly stopped Otto from proceeding deeper.

"OOOHHnnn—" Her eyes widened as Otto's entire glans were inside her.

'Did her hymen stop Otto's spear? Damn.' Brynhildr silently thought.

"It feels... I don't know..." Breathing heavily she tried to adjust her posture straight, as she was now prepared to let Otto inside her pussy.

"Don't rush it—ow... Nevermind." Brynhildr tried to advise her, but Stella forced Otto's cock to pierce her hymen open, resulting in her screaming in pain as Otto's massive cock accidentally went and reached her cervix.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Stella screamed in pain as her body felt weak, regretting forcing the cock inside her inexperienced pussy.

'Good thing I placed a barrier around us beforehand. Her scream would've alerted the entire dorm and wake Nene up.' Brynhildr thought, smirking at Otto's bothered expression from Stella's loud scream.

"Hild-san, it hurts so much," Stella said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Stella-chan, that pain will go away after a few minutes." Brynhildr hugged Stella, assuring her it would be alright.

After a few minutes, Stella's virgin blood dripped mixed with Otto's precum.

"Alright, I'm ready Hild-san." Stella stated as the pain went away.

"Good~" Brynhildr had gone behind her, with the intention of helping her on bouncing her booty cheeks to ride Otto's cock.

"Ah—ohhhhhmmnnn~" With an O in her mouth, Stella felt weird by the feeling at first but as her movement moved on, the more she felt good.

"So—?" Brynhildr curiously asked seeing Stella's movement had gotten faster and faster.

"Ahhnn~ this—uhh~ feel..." Stella didn't want to admit it since it was too embarrassing.

"Feel?" Brynhildr came behind Stella, stimulating her nipples.

"Mmmmnnnn~" Stella breathed heavily as she was liking the feeling she felt right now, as her pussy wanted to be pounded by the long cock.

"I think I'm cumming again—Ahhhh!" She yelped, feeling Otto's cock madly throbbed inside.

"KYAAAAAAAAAH—" Stella's body trembled as she and Otto gave her her first creampie.

'Oh god, that looks hot!' Brynhildr thought looking at Stella who slumped her body against Otto's chest.

Brynhildr took out, Otto's penis out of Stella's pussy, which gushed out of his semen. As she cleaned the cock off by blowing him clean.

At the same time, Stella had mixed feelings of ecstasy and guilt. Thinking that she raped Otto in his sleep, by how much she bounced in his cock.


-Chapter End-

(A/N: Can't help but laugh at the segs moments while writing this chapter, since it kept reminding me of Dixon Dallas songs.)