
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

67 Hagun Academy

"Don't you think it's fine to just laze around?" Brynhildr asked, her voice a soft murmur as she lay naked beside Otto in bed.

"That would be nice... but we need to get up," he replied, feeling the mental exhaustion from the previous day's events. He looked at the clock; it was almost 8:30 in the morning.

"I need to take things easy today," he added, his voice trailing off as he contemplated the day ahead.

"Mnnn~, how did you manage to win the fight against the alien spirit?" Brynhildr asked, her curiosity piqued as she felt left out of the battle.

"I used my Dharmacharka and Domain Expansion to beat her regeneration." he replied, tossing her school uniform to her as they prepare for classes.


During the class, Otto didn't fully pay attention as the teacher merely reiterated what the director had said during the opening ceremony. The selection process for the representatives of the next Seven Stars Sword Art Festival was straightforward: all students could participate in a series of fights, and the top six winners would become the school's representatives. This method was very simple and fair to all students who wanted to participate.

To Otto, however, it was clear that Kurono had altered the rules to allow Ikki Kurogane to participate. Previously, the school selected representatives based solely on their high ability statistics, which Ikki clearly lacked, giving him no chance of participating under the old rules.

"Sigh This is so boring..." Brynhildr whispered to Otto, her voice filled with disinterest.

"So, the school match will start next week. You'll be informed of your fight's schedule and opponent via emails to your student ID, so I advise you to check it regularly," the teacher stated. "In total, all students will participate in ten matches, with one match every three days."

'Tsk, that's clearly for Ikki, who can use his noble art once every three days due to the backlash on his body,' Otto rolled his eyes at the new rule.

"And before I forget to mention," the teacher continued, "if you don't want to fight, you can withdraw from the match. Withdrawing won't affect your grades, but you will be forfeited from entering the festival."

Otto glanced at Brynhildr, who seemed equally unimpressed by the announcement or practically didn't care.

"This whole thing is rigged to accommodate certain people," he muttered under his breath.

"It's for that Ikki kid, I bet," Brynhildr guessed, and Otto nodded in agreement.

"Either way, I have no interest in entertaining these children. I won't fight. They're not even enough to entertain me," Brynhildr said dismissively, viewing the other students as mere side characters with some abilities but no real threat.

"Except you, of course... You've already beaten me several times, in bed, of course," Brynhildr mischievously grinned, looking him in the eye, clearly wanting another round.

"No, just wait until we go back, okay?" Otto replied, noticing her hidden lewd expression.

"Okay~." She calmed herself down, knowing Otto might get angry if they did anything in the classroom.


As the final bell echoed through the corridors, Otto and Brynhildr leisurely made their way out of the classroom, immersing themselves in the lively buzz of students exchanging excited whispers about Otto's companion, a sight that had piqued their curiosity.

"Oh goodness, Incest?" Brynhildr exclaimed softly, her gaze catching Ikki and his little sister Shizuku engaged in a public display of affection amidst the onlookers, with a bespectacled girl capturing the moment with her camera.

"Hmm, perhaps?" Otto mused aloud, his thoughts drifting to the yet-unfinished chapters of "Chivalry of a Failed Knight". He knew few things in the original plot where Ikki and Stella banging after he had won the festival.

And speaking of Stella, Otto looked around seeing that Stella wasn't present like in the original plot.

"A fellow incest lover I see."

Brynhildr's eyes lit up with joy at finding someone who appreciated the bonds of family love.

"I've missed you terribly, my dearest brother," the young girl with short silver hair and captivating jade-green eyes expressed warmly.

"Goodness, Shizuku! We're siblings by blood! People are watching!" Ikki exclaimed in astonishment at the unexpected kiss, causing a stir among the onlookers who couldn't help but chatter about her audacious display of affection.

"I'm merely expressing my affection for my beloved brother through a kiss, as it's a gesture of closeness and care. If two individuals can share a romantic kiss to display their bond, why can't I show love to my elder brother in the same way?" She explained while maintaining her position atop Ikki, who was clearly uncomfortable with the attention.

"Moreover, in some cultures, kisses are a customary form of greeting," she added with a gentle smile, leaning in once more to plant a kiss on Ikki's cheek.

"Really?" Ikki responded, a hint of uncertainty in his voice as he hadn't encountered such customs before.

"Let's focus on us and pay no mind to the onlookers," she reassured, wrapping her arms around Ikki in a protective embrace.

"Looks like things are heating up," Brynhildr remarked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, drawing everyone's attention towards her with a playful comment.

Meanwhile, Shizuku, aware of the growing interest from the gathered crowd, decided to use the opportunity to showcase her deep affection for her brother, wanting to convey to everyone just how much she cherished their bond.

"Who are you?" Shizuku shot a malicious glare at Brynhildr, her possessiveness over her brother evident in her expression as she demanded his undivided attention.

Brynhildr, caught off guard by Shizuku's hostility, momentarily forgot that she had encountered Shizuku in her spirit form before this encounter.

"Ah yes, I am Brynhildr Apocalypse," she introduced herself, aware that her name might not be widely recognized yet.

"Apocalypse?" Shizuku and Ikki's eyes widened in surprise at the name, a hint of recognition dawning as they caught a glimpse of Otto standing behind Brynhildr.

Ikki and Shizuku's expression darkened as they recognized the person standing in front of them. Memories of past encounters and conflicts flooded his mind, including the time when Otto had been involved in the events surrounding their grandfather's death.

"Otto Apocalypse..." Shizuku's voice was tense, his gaze focused and wary.

Otto, unfazed by her reaction, simply waved in greeting. "Hello, Ikki Kurogane," he said casually, as if their meeting was casual.

"And you must be Shizuku Kurogane, right?" Otto remarked with a friendly tone, addressing Ikki's little sister. "I'm sure you remember me from our previous encounters."

His words, though meant to be friendly, were taken with suspicion by Ikki and Shizuku. The mention of their past encounters, especially with Otto's reputation, made them misunderstand his intentions, thinking that he was subtly mocking them.

"Why are you here?" Shizuku asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"I attend Hagun Academy now," Otto replied casually, his tone unbothered.

"Are you here to tak—" Shizuku began, but Ikki quickly covered her mouth, preventing her from potentially creating animosity with Otto.

"Good morning, Otto-senpai. Now, if you'll excuse us," Ikki said hastily, steering Shizuku away from the crowd, leaving the onlookers puzzled about why Ikki would avoid an encounter with Otto.

Otto watched them leave, slightly confused. Brynhildr, standing beside him, raised an eyebrow. "Interesting reaction, coming from the both of you and them. But mostly you to be honest," she commented.

"???" Otto was puzzled, not realizing that he had caused Shizuku and Ikki to misunderstand his intentions, as he hadn't cleared up the matter with Ryouma Kurogane to them yet and had just left after burying his body.

"Did you notice something I missed?" he asked Brynhildr.

"It seems they think you have some unfinished business with them. You might want to clear up any misunderstandings before things get out of hand." She chuckled softly. 

"My bad, I didn't mean to unsettle them. I guess I'll have to talk to them properly next time." Otto sighed. 

"Anyways, let's just go back to the dorm," Brynhildr said, rolling her eyes while wrapping her arms around Otto's arm, pulling him closer.

Otto chuckled. "Alright, let's head back."

As they walked through the bustling hallway, the chatter of students gradually faded into the background. Brynhildr's grip on his arm was firm as she was excited about doing their thing alone.


At Kuoh Academy, on the "High School DxD" side of town, Issei Hyoudou found himself in a predicament. He and his two perverted friends, Matsuda and Motohama, were navigating their second year of high school as transfer students since the academy had recently turned co-ed.

"Oh yeah, all the girls look so hot!" Matsuda, the bald-headed member of the trio, exclaimed while ogling at the girls passing by.

"Heh—check those out," Motohama, the glasses-wearing friend, said as he fixed his glasses, accurately pointing out all the girls' three sizes with just a blink of an eye.

"Uhhh, I don't think we should be doing this, guys," Issei said, feeling uneasy. Most of the time, he was the one getting punished for their antics.

"Hmph, quit being a sissy, man. We're in high school now, we've got your back," Matsuda said, looking away for a moment while patting Issei's back.

"Look, bro, a hottie is watching me," Motohama said, noticing Akeno Himejima watching their group.

"Ugh—she was totally watching me, man!" Matsuda interjected immediately, thinking he was more handsome than the other two.

'Was it just my imagination?' Issei thought, as ever since he enrolled at Kuoh Academy, he had started to feel like he was being watched.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the break. The trio reluctantly headed back to class, their excitement slightly subdued. As they walked down the hall, Issei couldn't shake the feeling of being observed. He glanced around but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

In the classroom, Issei's mind wandered as the teacher droned on. He thought that he did something wrong to deserve this.

Meanwhile, Akeno Himejima, the girl who had been watching them earlier, exchanged a knowing glance with Rias Gremory, her friend, and fellow member of the Occult Research Club. They had been keeping an eye on Issei for a reason at the previous incident concerning Vincent Fabron.

"I'm starting to think he's not the one, President..." Akeno concluded, noting that Issei didn't even react to her killing intent.

"Or—he's just pretending," Rias replied thoughtfully. She knew how good of an actor Vincent Fabron, or Issei Hyoudou, could be. The Issei they had met back then had shown a remarkable ability to conceal his true nature.

"Vincent Fabron managed to fool not only us but also Serafall, and the vatican." Rias continued, her voice tinged with frustration. "Though, to be fair, Serafall didn't know our problem in the first place." 

Vincent Fabron, or Otto, had become the most wanted criminal in the Underworld. His notorious ability to steal sacred gears had garnered attention from multiple factions. Satan Lucifer himself had issued a warning about the situation to the other factions, a warning that was promptly supported by the Governor General of the Fallen Angel faction who exoerienced the same problem with his two associates with a longinus gear.

"Should we continue to investigate Hyoudou?" Akeno asked, her eyes fixed on Rias.

"Yes," Rias replied, her tone resolute. "But bring Koneko with you. Her ability to sense auras will be invaluable. If Hyoudou is indeed Vincent Fabron, she should be able to confirm it."


-Chapter End-

(A/N: Lemme ask you viewers, on who's mc should Otto shit on in the future. #Basara Toujou, Ikki Kurogane, Issei Hyoudou, or Shido Itsuka.)