
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

62 Princess From Another Nation

"You look..." Kurono began, her voice trailing off as she gazed at Nene with surprise. Nene was usually sharp-tongued, especially when Otto wasn't around, but today, she seemed different.

"What?" Nene asked, attempting to hide her blushing cheeks.

"You look different today," Kurono repeated, thinking that Nene had somehow managed to win Otto's heart.

"Hm? Maybe," Nene responded playfully, leaving Kurono bewildered and wondering what had caused this change in her friend.

"Could it be..." Kurono pondered, a vague idea forming in her mind. Nene's demeanor reminded her of how she had felt after her first time with her husband.

She sighed, hoping her best friend was making the right decisions by getting involved with Otto.

A *knock* at the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Come in," she called, granting permission to the visitor.

"Good morning, Director," Yuri Oreki greeted, entering the room and wiping a trickle of blood from her nose.

"Good morning to you too, Miss Yuri. Is there something you need?" Kurono composed herself, ready to attend to her duties.

"I'm just here to remind you that you need to pick up the Princess of Vermillion," Yuri reminded her.

"Oh, right..." Kurono had almost completely forgotten about that matter, distracted by the recent news that one of her teachers had admitted Otto to the Academy without her permission.

The realization that Otto was now one of her students made her even more restless. This unexpected turn of events was not supposed to happen.

Kurono left the Academy to pick up Stella Vermillion, the Princess of a foreign nation. Stella's arrival was an important event, and Kurono wanted to ensure everything went smoothly. The weight of her responsibilities, combined with the unexpected presence of Otto, made her feel anxious.


Many paparazzi were present at the airport, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Genius Princess. They all wanted to get their fair share of articles about her.

"Over here, Princess," Kurono called out, waving with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Are you the Director of Hagun Academy?" Stella inquired, ensuring she didn't get lost on her first day in Japan.

"I am. Now follow me before people get the chance to interview you," Kurono responded, showing her ID for proof. Stella quickly trusted its authenticity, knowing that no one would dare to impersonate one of Japan's strongest Blazers, famously known as "The World Clock."

As they made their way to the car, Stella's curiosity got the better of her. "So, can I ask a question?" she asked, settling into her seat.

"Sure, go ahead, Ms. Vermillion," Kurono replied, starting the engine.

"Is it true that The Trailblazer, Otto Apocalypse, transferred to Hagun Academy?" Stella asked. She had initially been disappointed when her father refused to let her attend Bukyoku Academy, where Otto had been enrolled. She had wanted to meet him.

Hearing Stella's question, Kurono felt a pang of concern. She wondered if Stella had become interested in, or had caught the attention of, Otto.

"Ummm, yeah, he is," Kurono replied, trying to keep her tone neutral.

"Really? That's great," Stella said with relief. She had been hoping for months to have an encounter with Otto, and now it seemed she wouldn't have to wait much longer.

'I can't wait to have a spar with him,' Stella thought, eager to compete with Otto in terms of firepower. The prospect of challenging him excited her, and she looked forward to proving her skills against someone of his caliber.


Back at the Academy...

"Are you satisfied yet?" Otto asked Brynhildr, who had just reached her fourth climax.

"Mmmnn, I have. But I'll need more later," Brynhildr purred, licking her lips before lowering her curtain barrier.

"You've increasingly become a sex addict," Otto remarked, noting how sex-hungry Brynhildr had become after experiencing pleasure for the first time.

"I can't help it... For thousands of years, I haven't indulged in any kind of pleasure that humans do. But now that I've discovered how good it feels, it seems like a crime to refuse it when it's available, no?" Brynhildr replied. Since Otto was her lover, it was natural for them to use each other for mutual pleasure.

"Lust is one of the sins, according to the Christian Bible," Otto commented.

"Hmmm, why do they even consider sex a sin when it feels so good?" Brynhildr asked, genuinely curious.

"It's a temptation that pulls a person away from true values," Otto explained.

"From what?" Brynhildr inquired further.

Otto remained silent as they walked along the hallways. Brynhildr awaited his answer.

During their walk, some students who were at the Academy despite it being summer break noticed Otto Apocalypse walking with a beautiful woman who resembled him.

"Oh, are they siblings?"

"It seems like the Apocalypse family is really blessed with beautiful and charming children..."

"Oh my, do you think they... Heheh—" One of the girls in the crowd speculated, sparking a chain reaction of similar thoughts.

"No way..."

"Yes way, they look compatible with each other."

"Incest is legal in most countries after all, so I hardly think those two just have a normal relationship." They murmured, watching Brynhildr, who was clinging to Otto's arm with her ample bosom pressed against him.

Otto was bothered by their comments; some were outright slander, while others hit close to the truth.

"Bothered by their comments?" Brynhildr asked with a mischievous smirk, noticing Otto's expression.

"No... No way," he denied.

"But some are true, no?" She smirked, finding their relationship thrilling, almost like a forbidden father and daughter scenario.

"True... Yeah, that's pretty true..." He couldn't deny it technically. They continued their walk toward the academy's entrance.

As they approached the entrance, Otto noticed a large gathering of people. He realized that today might be the day the heroine, Stella Vermillion, would arrive at Hagun Academy with Kurono.

At the Academy Entrance...

Kurono pulled up to the Academy entrance, the car coming to a smooth stop. Stella Vermillion, the Princess of Vermillion, stepped out, her eyes sparkling curiosity. She was eager to explore her new surroundings and, more importantly, to meet Otto Apocalypse, who was considered one of the strongest fire users in Japan.

As Stella walked through the grand entrance, she couldn't help but notice the students whispering and glancing in her direction. Her arrival was already creating a buzz, which she was accustomed to.

Inside the Academy...

Otto and Brynhildr stood near the entrance, watching the commotion. Stella's presence was commanding, and the students' murmurs confirmed her reputation.

"Is that... Otto Apocalypse?" Stella muttered to herself, quickening her pace with a mix of eagerness and excitement, much like a fan meeting their idol for the first time.

"Yes..." Kurono replied, her tone tinged with worry.

"Hello," Stella greeted confidently as she approached Otto and Brynhildr. Her eyes were drawn to Brynhildr, who was scrutinizing her appearance.

'Is she Otto's sister?' Stella wondered, noting their similar features.

'A potential!' Brynhildr thought with excitement, appraising the princess' bountiful proportions.

Otto, who had sensed Stella's unusual draconic presence from a mile away, turned his head slowly in her direction, much like a character in an anime.

"Are you Princess Stella Vermillion, perhaps?" Otto asked, pretending not to recognize her, as this was their first meeting.

"Yes, I am. It's nice to finally meet you." Stella bowed respectfully, already considering him an equal.

"No need to bow, Princess," Otto responded, bowing like a gentleman when facing a royalty from another country.

Meanwhile, Brynhildr observed the interaction closely, thinking that Stella might be someone special in the future, given Otto's courteous behavior.

'Is she like a heroine or something? If so, I wonder if I'll encourage Otto to cuck her protagonist,' Brynhildr mischievously thought, noting Stella's resemblance to other strong individuals she had encountered.

"And you are?" Stella asked, turning her attention to Brynhildr after introducing herself to Otto.

"I am Brynhildr, Otto's lover," Brynhildr said with a smile, while Kurono looked on with a confused expression.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Brynhildr," Stella replied, her eyes narrowing slightly as she sensed the intimacy between Otto and Brynhildr.

"Are you a new student?" Kurono stepped forward, curious, already considering Brynhildr another anomaly along with Otto.

"I am, Ms. Director. Ms. Nene personally tested my admission," Brynhildr quickly clarified, showing her status as an A-ranked Blazer, with top marks in all her statistics.

"Hmmm, alright..." Kurono muttered. Despite having kicked out some of the "worthless" teachers after becoming the director, she suddenly felt her position was undermined as Nene kept admitting people without consulting her first.

"Well then, shall I walk you to your dorm now, Princess, and halt your talk with Student Otto for the time being? My schedule is quite packed today, so I hope you forgive me," Kurono said, eager to dismiss the conversation.

"Sorry, Ms. Director," Stella complied, sensing Kurono's displeasure.

Before leaving, Stella turned her attention back to Otto. "I've heard so much about you from the news. I was hoping we could have a sparring match sometime."

"I'd be honored, Princess. We'll arrange it soon," Otto replied, his expression softening slightly with a hint of amusement, though he inwardly dreaded the prospect of another fight.

Brynhildr leaned closer to Otto, her voice a whisper only he could hear. "Looks like you've caught another one's interest."

As Stella and Kurono walked away to get Stella settled in, Otto watched them go, his mind already planning how to kidnap the princess smoothly for the Rebellion. Beside him, Brynhildr remained silent, her thoughts hidden behind a knowing smile.


"Tell me, is she special?" Brynhildr asked. Beyond Otto's plans to kidnap Stella for the Rebellion, she sensed there was something more significant about the princess.

"Hmmmm, if this were a story... then yeah, she is a heroine," Otto commented, still hiding the fact that this world was based on an anime he used to watch.

"Am I one of the heroines?" Brynhildr asked, her curiosity piqued.

"No..." Otto hesitated, unsure how to respond. In the original story, she had been merely a sword used by Basara and had never gained a human body.

"Oh..." Brynhildr responded, seemingly unfazed by her position. All that mattered to her was being close to Otto.

"You sound disappointed," Otto replied, sensing a shift in Brynhildr's tone.

"No, in fact, I'm happy," she said with a smile, hugging him from behind and pressing her breasts against his back.

"Just imagining myself being with another man other than you already makes me want to puke." She reassured him, making it clear that she wasn't interested in cucking him. Instead, she found the idea of Otto being with other women whom she find attractive, somewhat hot and exciting.

"Good?" Otto was confused by her response.

"Umu, so get lots of wives," she muttered softly.

"Huh?" Otto blinked, taken aback by her suggestion.

"Nothing, just move on," Brynhildr said, pushing him gently. They continued walking, heading towards the mall for some casual shopping.