
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

59 Everyone's Troubles

(A/N: Jan Yolisti = pre-reincarnation, Kyle = white friend from past life, Ricardo = black friend from past life.)

"Jan, check this out dude." One of his buddies, Ricardo, said as he pulled out his Nokia phone.

"The fuck?" Jan had a confused expression.

"Yooo, check this chick out. She got potential." Ricardo commented on the loli character.

"Yo what the fuck?" Kyle looked at Ricardo with a disgusted expression.

"Yeah, what the fuck man, you're disgusting as hell." Jan feeling disappointed at Ricardo for being attracted to little girls.

"That ain't okay, man." Both of them had a look of disapproval at Ricardo as he was enjoying the loli dance video.

"I don't understand why you're attracted to those munchkins, man. As a black man, you should be looking at single hot moms in your area," Jan said, being a fan of MILFs himself.

"Shut the fuck up man. You're the only one Among Us, three that haven't gotten laid yet. So don't fucking judge my taste in women and be respectful. Yeah?" Ricardo rebutted, unable to understand why Kyle and Jan liked those lumps of flesh women instead of the petite and kawaii girls.

"Yo, what the hell is he talking about?" Kyle said worryingly, thinking their friend might get arrested sooner than he and Jan.

"No, bruh, you literally have a problem," Jan helplessly shook his head, seeing no way to save his friend who was too deep in the shoujo rabbit hole.

"Whatever, fam, I'm going to hang out with my limited edition cardboard cut-out girlfriend," Ricardo said, fully aware that his friends would never understand his unique preferences and interests.

Leaving, Kyle and Jan exchanged concerned glances, contemplating the possibility of losing their friend to a run-in with the FBI.

"Wait..." Jan and Kyle locked eyes, a sudden realization dawning on them both.

"Nahhhh..." Kyle's face contorted in disbelief.

"He's crazy..." Jan muttered, the two friends acknowledging the unlikely possibility that Ricardo might have succeeded in a romantic pursuit.

"You're seriously considering reporting him to the FBI?" Kyle's voice trembled, hinting at the gravity of the situation if Ricardo had indeed became a pedo certified.

Jan, reaching for his phone in his pocket to make the call, suddenly felt a wave of unease wash over him as his vision blurred.


"A dream?" Otto muttered, waking up from his abrupt sleep.

"Otto, Hmmm~" A voice familiar to Otto spoke as he felt wet all over.

"???" Otto woke up after a mentally tiring day, feeling confused.

"Oh, you're awake. You're usually always up and about doing your own thing, so finding you sleeping is quite rare," Brynhildr said, noticing Otto's awakeness. While naked on top of him.

"Get off," he ordered, feeling inconvenienced by her saliva all over his body after being licked.

"Mmmm, no," she clung, refusing to budge from his embrace.

"Ugh..." He forced her to let go with a shock.

"AHHHNN~" The shock created the opposite effect instead, intensifying the situation.

"Tsk, pervert," he muttered, throwing her onto the bed before leaving the room to clean himself up.

"..." Looking at himself in the mirror, he reminisced about his past.

"Damn, I miss those weird guys... They were my best friends for the longest time," he muttered to himself after dreaming with the boys.

"I wonder if I can go back... If that were to happen, I wonder if the outcome would be good or bad..." Otto pondered deeply, fully aware that venturing into another world would inevitably cast him as the invader, a thought that weighed heavily on his mind.

"With enough of my authority, I think I can transport myself to another world," he mused, his voice tinged with a hint of edginess, for this was one of his aspirations for the future.

"Mmmm, my dear, why did you refuse Zekka's request to be your disciple?" Brynhildr, who had noticeably grown a few inches in just a day, entered the room and posed the question to Otto, curious about his real reasons.

"That's because, knowing you, you might just constantly grope her... So I refused her." He stated, having a hunch that Brynhildr would do exactly that, given how intently she was staring at her breasts.

"No, I won't. Those are your privileges," she replied with a pout, acknowledging the truth in his statement.

"But she's only thirteen," he reasoned.

"Why do humans now, don't like petite young girls? Aren't the younger the better or they say?" She said, based on the taste that ancient Gods have.

"That's the olden days." Not emphasizing that she was old.

"But they're attractive though." She stated, thinking that Otto lost the chance of tricking the girl into being his "Disciple". Just her imagining them doing a student and teacher ralationship, made her slightly feel a tingle.

"Yeah... But, ugh. Just shut up," he quickly dismissed the thought before he accidentally said something he didn't mean.

As he left, Brynhildr immediately climbed onto his back, knowing he preferred that to being held in his arms.

"Another day," Otto sighed, preparing to attend Hagun Academy. Each day brought new problems.


During a flashback, shortly after Otto refused Zekka's request to be his disciple at the Houzouin Temple, a conversation unfolded.

"You're oddly composed after he rejected you," a voice within Zekka remarked.

"It's your fault that he refused," Zekka retorted.

"How's that my fault? Your gloomy aura was what drove him away," Tensei, her sacred gear spirit or soul, responded haughtily.

"No. These stupid breasts are the reason he refused," Zekka frustratingly replied. She believed that Otto was satisfied with her swordsmanship but couldn't stand how her chest moved around as she fought. This realization left her feeling both irritated and self-conscious.

"No, no, Zekka. That person was staring at your breasts, especially his daughter, who seemed to love your assets. After all, there's hardly a straight man in this world who wouldn't appreciate big breasts," Tensei implied, confessing his own preference for larger busts and noting how both Brynhildr and Otto had also noticed them.

He sensed that both of them possessed significant life force, which intrigued him.

"Lies..." Zekka countered, her frustration evident as she disliked Tensei's presence residing on her breasts. She knew he was the reason why her chest was abnormally large for her age, and why she felt embarrassed to summon him in front of others—he had a tendency to tear her shirt and expose her breasts, much to her discomfort and chagrin.

"I'm telling you the truth, believe me; that guy was just holding back," Tensei reassured Zekka, though he wasn't entirely sure why Otto had rejected someone as attractive as his host.

Deep in thought, Tensei couldn't help but draw parallels between Otto and his father.

'That blonde guy feels like my father... Maybe he's the key to unlocking the mystery of my missing sister, Eve,' he pondered, feeling a growing urge to forge a closer connection with Otto in hopes of unraveling this potential clue through his host.

"Tsk," Zekka clicked her tongue in frustration, feeling disheartened after losing the chance to become the strongest swordsman. She left the room to tend to her sickly grandmother, seeking solace in her caretaking duties.

"Why don't you try begging or seducing that guy?" Tensei suggested, seeing it as a last resort. He believed that with Zekka's curvaceous body, she would have a 100% chance of success.

Zekka, however, was no longer listening to Tensei; his constant suggestions were beginning to annoy her.

Not receiving a response from Zekka, Tensei felt he had no choice but to try a different approach. "How about we make a bet?" he proposed, finally catching her attention.

"What now!?" Zekka exclaimed, picking up a bucket of water to tend to her grandmother, intrigued by Tensei's sudden proposal.

"I bet if you show your breasts to him, he'll accept you as his disciple!" Tensei wagered confidently, believing that Otto wouldn't pass up the opportunity to have someone as beautiful as Zekka as his disciple, even if it meant a bit of embarrassment for her.

"And if he still refuses?" Zekka's tone turned cold, her initial hope from Tensei's proposal diminishing.

"I'll change where you'll summon me, and I'll stop bothering you," Tensei stated firmly. His desperation to find his sister fueled his determination to use Otto as a potential lead, even if it meant resorting to such a bet.

Zekka was surprised by Tensei's sudden gamble. She knew how much he admired breasts, often encouraging her to make contact with others' breasts for his own satisfaction. This bet was a really embarassing move, but the potential reward of gaining Otto's acceptance was tempting.

"Fine. But how can I trust you?" Zekka retorted, skepticism evident in her voice.

"Let's make a contract, then," Tensei proposed confidently. He trusted Otto to be a man of culture like himself, believing that their shared appreciation for certain aspects would lead to a favorable outcome.



Otto arrived at Hagun Academy with Brynhildr in tow, attracting confused expressions from Kurono and Nene upon seeing him with a child.

"O-Otto-kun," Nene's voice was laced with confusion as she looked at Brynhildr, who bore a striking resemblance to Otto.

Kurono's mind raced with questions, as the Otto she knew didn't have any children. "Who is that child!?" she wondered, restraining herself from using her powers to peer into the future and find out more about the mysterious child. She had noticed strange phenomena occurring whenever she attempted to use her abilities against Otto in secret, feeling as though the white summon he possessed was watching her even in the temporal gaps she created.

"Hello, Madam Director, and Ms. Nene," Otto greeted respectfully as usual.

"Hello," Kurono replied dryly, her curiosity piqued but her suspicions kept in check.

"Ah yes, um hello. And who's child is that?" Nene pointed at the 9-year-old Brynhildr, who was putting on a cutesy act.

"She—" Otto began to concoct a story, but he was cut off before he could explain further.

"Mama!" Brynhildr exclaimed excitedly, seizing the opportunity to possibly win over Nene or Kurono and become a part of Otto's harem. She approached the two women with open arms, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Kurono skillfully dodged Brynhildr's hug, not keen on getting closer to anyone associated with Otto, especially considering she already had a daughter at home. Nene, on the other hand, was puzzled by the sudden affection from the child.

"Mmmm, Papa and Mama!" Brynhildr, who was nearly the same height as Nene, snuggled up to her, further confusing Nene but also eliciting a sense of warmth and acceptance.

'Am I Mama now?' Nene wondered happily, reciprocating Brynhildr's hug with a smile.

Meanwhile, Otto observed the situation with a stoic expression.

"This little shit. I shouldn't have brought her with me," he thought to himself, watching Brynhildr conceal her smirk as she enjoyed in the surprise and confusion she caused.


-Chapter End-