
Reincarnated Into The Anime World

Just as I was all chill after buying manga from the store, until... A crazy woman broke in to my apartment and took me and my roommate. After running away from the escape room, I was about to get Isekai'ed by this shitty truck-kun driver who couldn't even kill me in one hit. He should've got fired from his job. I fucking swear to fuck your ancestors in hell once I'm through with this. ... What is even going on!? Did Gold Experience Requiem hit me, to have a death loop!? And what's with this yandere doing? How can she even follow me... ... After escaping the GER's death loop, a wise looking person could be seen... Are you God? No. I'm Shakyamuni, the present Buddha. You're also buddha... HUUH!? ---- Cover image isn't mine, artist: @KANOSE

RenamedOnesAgain · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

11 The Kurogane From Chivalry Of A Failed Knight

"So... where are we going exactly?" Otto seemed lost in the forest, after leaving the barrier. He found himself in the middle of the forest unlike where he had entered the village.

"I don't know..." Brynhildr didn't know too many locations in Japan, since she had spent her life fighting on the battlefield.

"There is a downstream here... Maybe if we follow it we could find our way to civilization." He followed the stream.

"So do you have any idea about the mage-knight school?" He asked Brynhildr as he wanted to figure out its Origin, or what anime it belonged to. He was certain it belonged to another anime but needed more hints on what it was.

"There are 7 schools in Japan as far as I know and those are, Hagun, Bukyoku, Donrou, Kyomon, Rentei, Rokuson, and Bunkyoku Academy. All the students in these schools are blazers."

"I assume it's a government-controlled school right?" He asks as there was no way the government would allow magic users to go around without any supervision.

"Yes, in fact, it's them who established it. People who are Blazers would need to graduate from a school for them to get a license and get the social status of a mage knight. Giving them full permission to use to use their powers without limitations." She explained.

"That system sounds like a pain in the ass..."

"That's because after Japan won the Second World War. Blaz-"

"What?" Japan won the Second World War?! Didn't the Allies win?

"Is there something wrong?" She asked as he'd suddenly cut her mid-sentence.

"Yeah, of course I do. What do you mean Japan winning the Second World War?" It was 3 countries against the world, how in the world did they manage to win?

"Japan is part of the allies from different countries so of course they won." She sounded like it made sense.

Meanwhile, Otto's mind was about to crash, confused as to why they were part of the allies.

"Didn't Japan join Germany and Italy?" He asked.

"What are you even talking about? Did you go to school for this?"

"I didn't..." Otto didn't have any education in this world as stuck to his previous pieces of knowledge. And as for the internet... He couldn't even bother to search the history of this world.

"Japan was the major contributor to defeating the two countries. Since it the frontlines were led by Ryouma Kurogane who was later known as the hero, and Nangou Torajirou who is known as the god of war. And as you can guess already, both of them are Blazers. The two of them are the reason why Blazers are popular and sort of accepted these days."

'Not sure about the Kurogane, but it sounds familiar... I missed a lot of things in this world. That I forgot that this was an anime world when I reincarnated.' Otto didn't know how to react and just sat on the rock beside the downstream and thought that this world just became even more confusing.

"It's finally snowing..." Otto looked up as snow started to fall from the sky.

"Let's get going... And find a place that could give warmth." Brynhildr suggested as Otto just sat there admiring the snowy atmosphere.

In his past life, he didn't get the chance to experience this kind of environment since he was always holed up in his room.


-The Village-

"Hey, Bismarck. You sure Otto's gonna be safe out there?" Jin asked Bismarck, showing concern as it was starting to snow.

"He'll be finnneee-" Bismarck said as he drank the entire bottle of booze.

"Besides. It's Otto we're talking about. He should overcome all obstacles that come his way." He didn't even bother and continued to get drunk.

*Sigh* Jin now started to wonder how Bismarck raised Otto, seeing his carefree attitude.

Meanwhile, Basara and his childhood friends gathered around Kurumi who seemed sad.

"Why are you so down? Don't tell me you like that guy?" Celis looked at Kurumi.

"What? No." She denied it. "It's just that I wonder, why he's allowed to go outside the village... That's all."

"That's because the elders banished him, under the pretext of leaving..." Basara answered.

"Didn't he gone off, on his own accord?" Takashi stated that he was sure that Otto himself said that he was leaving because it was boring here in the village.

"That's true, but I overheard the elders banishing him since they considered him too dangerous after he claimed the ownership of Brynhildr." He replied.

"Why? Isn't being strong good for them?" Yuki asked.

"Well, strong and dangerous are two different things you know..." Takashi stated.

"Being strong doesn't need to be dangerous." They all remembered the time when Otto killed Budo without any hesitation like it was just another day.

"Still don't you think it is too harsh to banish someone when it was about to snow?" Yuki stated as the snow outside was starting to get heavy.

Basara knew the reason for her answer since he had overheard their conversation. And that was because the elders wanted Otto to die in the middle of nowhere covered in the cold snow.


-Back to Otto-

"Man the snow is getting strong..." Though Otto doesn't seem to be affected by the coldness, the snow continues to hit against his head, ruining his hair. Started to bother him quite a lot.

"Are you regretting walking now?" Brynhildr said, as Otto had said before that he didn't want to run because it would ruin the fun in his journey.

"Nope. Not one bit." He denied it and continued to walk in the middle of the snowstorm.

After twenty minutes of walking in the same direction. Otto seems to find a black-haired kid around 9 years old, wearing a children's suit.

The kid was walking alone in the storm, so he followed the kid curiously. Not long before an old man approached in front of the boy who fell from the cold.

"Does it frustrate you, kid, does it frustrate you to be the weakest one? That's good hold on to that feeling it's proof that feeling means that you are not yet ready. To give up on yourself." The old man said to the kid, before picking him up on a piggyback and walking away.

Otto seemed to be somewhat familiar with what the old man said to the kid and tried to recall by sneakily following them.

Brynhildr on the other hand seemed to know who the old man was but stayed quiet.

"Take it from me, boy, your life will be very boring if you aspire for no more than to live within your means. You can be anything you want to be anything you want to be. Look at all mankind, we humans were never gifted with a pair of wings and yet we've still flown to the moon." The two walked amidst the snowstorm.

"Don't you agree boy?" The old man stopped and turned around in Otto's direction.

"May I ask what is your name, old man?" Otto politely asked.

"Haha- I'm just now a nobody that isn't worth mentioning." He acted humble.

"Still, to be unaffected by the storm you seem to be strong." He replied.

"I'm just Ryouma." Ryouma finally answered. "And this child on my back is Ikki Kurogane, my great-grandchild." He smiled softly.

"Ikki Kurogane?" Otto muttered in surprise as he recognized that name, from an anime called Chivalry of a Failed Knight. And thought the blazer thing probably came from that anime.

"You know him?"

"I don't..." Otto replied.

"Alright, why don't you join us? It's cold here boy." He smiled at the boy who was covered in snow.

The three walked together to find shelter, as Otto could feel that the old man was protecting Ikki from the cold using his magic.


-Chapter End-