
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 6

-Gosha Town-

-Hachiya Mansion-


Alice POV


I wake up at 6:00 in the morning, like always.

I sit on the bed and when I try to get up I feel that something is holding my right hand.

Turning my head, I see the teacher's hand holding mine.

When I see that, I feel incredibly happy, although I hardly feel emotions or feel anything when I am with others, but with the master it is different, I feel alive, serving him and being with him, although two days ago, the master totally changed, It was also when I started to feel these new emotions.

I leave my thoughts and looking at the hand that is holding mine, I move my left hand to try to free my right hand, without waking him up, but when I touch his hand, the teacher moves a little, scaring me and from fright I fall on top of the teacher, with the mouth inches from her lips.

Alicia: (The teacher's lips are so close,..., and another woman will be the one to enjoy them, instead of me!)

putting on a cold expression and narrowing his golden eyes.

Alicia: (I'm the one who should be next to the teacher!, not some newly arrived whore)

With a new resolve and a new goal, I look at the teacher's lips and carefully place my lips on his.


Separating our lips joined by a thread of saliva, I look at the teacher's with a little of my saliva on them.

smiling like a lunatic.

Alicia: (I'm the only woman who can be with the teacher, no one should touch him except me)

Alicia: (I have to warn/threaten the rest of the servants, so they don't touch my master)

I see that the teacher is waking up, I return to my normal facial expression, get up from the bed and lean slightly with my hands on my stomach.

in a soft and slightly kind voice.

Alice: "Good morning, Karako-sama"


Hachiya Karako POV


a bit annoyed, I wake up from my sleep to feel ""my"" saliva on my lips.

I raise my left hand and run it across my lips to wipe ""my"" saliva.

Hachiya Karako: (I don't remember sleeping with my mouth open in my previous life)

Hachiya Karako: (must be because of this new body that is used to acting like a child, although in theory I'm a child now)

I turn my head to the left and see Alicia bent over, her hands on her stomach.

Alice: "Good morning, Karako-sama"

with a slight smile and a soft voice and affectionate tone.

Hachiya Karako: "Good morning, Alice."

Although it was for a second but, I think I saw a slight tremor in Alicia, seeing my smile and hearing the tone of my voice.

Hachiya Karako: (must be my imagination or I'm not fully awake yet)

I put my thoughts aside and get out of bed.

Just like yesterday, I go to the bathroom to shower and relieve myself, when I finish, Alicia dresses me and then we both leave my room, we walk down the hall and when we get to the dining room, Alicia walks past me, takes a chair and moves it a little backwards for me to sit down, then when I sit down she moves her forward leaving me on the chair, she runs/walks quickly towards the kitchen and after a while she leaves the kitchen alone, with a large cart, with several trays of Japanese food.

I don't want or care to ask her where the other kitchen maids are.

when she gets to me, she places several trays of Japanese food in front of me and I start to eat.

-10 minutes later-

I put the cutlery on the empty tray and Alicia grabs the tray, places it on the cart on top of two other trays, holds the cart and carries it back to the kitchen, then walks out of the kitchen and I get up from the chair, we both walk out from the dining room and as we walked down the hall, from the corner, a person appeared, a somewhat familiar Female Taimanin.

When the Female Taimanin sees me, she leans in slightly and with her right hand on her A-Cup chest and her left hand next to her hip.

with a soft voice and calm tone.

Female Taimanin: "greetings, young master"

Female Taimanin: "I received the mission to escort and protect him from now until the matriarch says otherwise"

After saying that, she looked somewhat dazed and then with a slight drop of sweat running down her forehead.

she falls to the ground, her forehead resting on the dark wood floor.

Female Taimanin: "I'm so sorry for my incompetence!"

she raises her head and straightening her back as her short black hair tied in a ponytail to the nape of her neck bobs.

Female Taimanin: "let me introduce myself"

Female Taimanin: "I am Miyoko Ishizuka, a Taimanin who has served the Hachiya Clan since I was born, just like my parents."

with a soft voice and calm tone.

Miyoko Ishizuka: "Treat me well, young master"

somewhat surprised and at the same time expecting this.

Hachiya Karako: (it was a matter of time before my mother gave me a servant with combat skills, and easy to replace, so that I could do what I wanted with it, although as it is this type (""H") of world, I think she expects other things from me, by sending only one woman)

Hachiya Karako: (Anyway, I appreciate this gift and I'm going to make the most of it, although right now I can't and don't want to do anything with the gift, I better wait until I get more information about the state of the world, since, seeing that there are new Clans and Taimanins, I imagine that the Taimanin was not the only one to change, surely (""THERE"") there is some other lunatic in the Human World or in the Dark World)

I leave my thoughts and turn my attention to Mom's "Gift", though I don't notice the death glare my dear servant Alicia is giving the Gift.

with a friendly smile and pleasant tone.

Hachiya Karako: "Treat me well too, Ishizuka"



Author: comment on how the chapter was and tell me how the characters are written, do they have emotions or are they empty?