
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 7

Hachiya Karako: (I remember that the Taimanins are trained and educated to obey from the age of 5)

Hachiya Karako: (I also have to test how my Ninja Art works and I remember that the Female Taimanin who gave me the role to enter Gosha Academy, put her bare hand on my slightly sweaty forehead)

Hachiya Karako: (that means my Ninja Art works with my sweat or just with my fluids like sweat, blood, saliva, mucus and semen)

Looking at Ishizuka, I raise my hand and put a finger in my mouth, then take it out with some drool on my finger and extend my hand with the finger pointing at Ishizuka.

in a calm tone.

Hachiya Karako: "suck my finger"

Hearing my words, he is a bit surprised, but then composes himself, raises his left hand, lowers the mask that covers his mouth, down to his throat, and obediently separates his lips, leaving his mouth open and sticking out his tongue. She leans in and runs her tongue over my finger, licking it along with my drool. then wraps her lips around my finger. shaking her head slightly and running her tongue over my finger into her mouth, she begins to suck on my finger.

Miyoko Ishizuka: hm hm, Suck! Suck!

Hachiya Karako: (I expected some complaint or something else, but I see that the education given by the Taimanin is very effective)

looking at Ishizuka, kneeling on the ground and sucking on her finger.

trying to use my Ninja Art with my imagination, (I imagine Ishizuka becomes completely loyal and obedient towards me).

Hachiya Karako: (I hope this test is worth it or it will be a waste of time)

After saying that, I noticed a slight change in Ishizuka, it doesn't seem like she's forcing herself to suck my finger anymore, she seems like she enjoys pleasing me.

Hachiya Karako: (that solves my problem of how my Ninja Art works, although in this world it's not a big deal, since there are thousands of powers, magic rituals or chips and nanobots capable of doing the same, "maybe better")

Putting aside my thoughts, I look towards Ishizuka and with a calm but slightly nervous tone.

Hachiya Karako: "stop sucking my finger"

she listens to me and with a plop! she pulls my drool-covered finger out of her mouth.

I raise my hand and put my finger in my mouth, suck Ishizuka's drool, then take my finger out of my mouth and put my hand on Ishizuka's cheek.

I form a warm smile on my face and with a friendly tone.

Hachiya Karako: "good girl"

she removed my hand from her cheek.

Hachiya Karako: "now you belong to me, Ishizuka, I hope you agree to obey me"

with a soft voice and calm tone.

Miyoko Ishizuka: "yes, master"

Hachiya Karako: "okay, now follow me, I want to talk to my mother"

After saying that, Ishizuka gets up and puts her mask back on, then the three of us walk down the corridor until we reach my mother's office, Alicia quickly walks past me and opens the door, but she seems a bit agitated and unfocused. , but then she comes back. In her normal mood, I walk past her and Ishizuka follows me.

When I walk into my mom's office, the first thing I see is those intimidating eyes, staring back at me.

in a calm tone.

Hachiya Karako: "good morning, mother"

with her facial expression, serious as always, soft voice and cold tone,

Hachiya Minako: "I hope you liked my gift"

leaning slightly.

Hachiya Karako: "I like it a lot, mother"

with a warm smile and friendly tone.

Hachiya Karako: "I hope to give you a gift to your liking, one day mother"

I thought I saw my mother tremble slightly for a second, but the next second she seemed like always, someone cold and calm.

with a serene but slightly anxious tone.

Hachiya Minako: "in two hours the Academy starts"

Hachiya Minako: "Go now or you will have your first punishment for missing the Academy"

Hachiya Karako: "yes, mother"

I leave my mother's office and walk followed by Alicia and Ishizuka until I reach the entrance of the mansion, where Ishizuka and I continue, from the mansion to the town and upon reaching the Academy, Ishizuka turns around, in the direction of my mother. the Hachiya mansion, by the time the day at the Academy is over, come back to escort me back to the mansion.

I look at the doors of the Gosha Academy and a terrifying feeling arises in me, depending on my future life in hell or something like a Special Forces Academy.

After all, before reincarnating, I was a mere civilian, without any combat training.

and now you tell me to go to an Academy where even a Special Forces soldier couldn't survive or come out sane (at least a normal human couldn't survive Taimanin training, even the weakest Taimanin can kill a Veteran Special Forces soldier). Special Forces).

I stop thinking and walk inside the Academy, then I ask a Taimanin who is watching the corridor for directions, I walk through the corridors until I reach some stairs that lead to a floor below, I go down the stairs and take several turns through the corridors , then I manage to find my class, the sign next to the room says, Class 1, I open the door and upon entering I am greeted by the looks of several boys and girls.

I look to the front of the classroom and see a beautiful woman with red eyes and waist-length white hair.

Female Taimanin: "You must be Hachiya Karako, right?"

Hachiya Karako: "yes, teacher"

Hachiya Karako: "sorry for the delay, it took me a while to wake up"

with soft voice and serious tone.

Female Taimanin: "don't worry, there is approximately 1 hour left until the start of classes"

Female Taimanin: "look for a seat, since in these 10 years there will be only half of the students in this class and the other two classrooms due to the lack of acceptable candidates"

I bow my head in greeting or thanks to the Female Taimanin and turn my head to look at my new classmates for the next 10 years or so, depending on how many survive.

counting me we are 13 future Taimanins.

At the back of the classroom there are three boys, in front of the stepping stone there are two girls, further back, there is a solitary girl, on the far right of the classroom there are two boys, on the other end there are two girls and in the center of the classroom there are two others girls.

I walk towards the two girls sitting on the left end of the classroom, when I get closer I pay more attention to their physical features and one is about my age, slightly tousled pink hair tied up in a ponytail, pink eyes and a slight lunatic look.

The other one also seems to be my age, waist-length brown hair, red eyes, a mole next to her lips, and a bit of a bored look.

She smiled slightly and with a calm tone.

Hachiya Karako: "hello"

with a soft voice and calm tone.

brown girl: "hello"

in a soft voice and disinterested tone.

pink girl: "hello"

Hachiya Karako: "I can sit next to her"

brown girl: "I don't care"

pink girl: "I don't care"

I walk past the brown-haired girl and sit at the desk in the middle, next to both girls.

Hachiya Karako: "thank you"

looking at the brown girl.

Hachiya Karako: "What's your name?"

brown girl: "I am Saika, Fuuma Saika"

with a bored and somewhat tired tone.

pink girl: "Mutsuho, Yanagi Mutsuho"

Hachiya Karako: "it's a pleasure Saika and Mutsuho"

Hachiya Karako: "I am Karako, Hachiya Karako"

Yanagi Mutsuho: "the pleasure is mutual, now leave me alone"

with a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead and a slightly nervous tone.

Fuuma Saika: "I-I'm so sorry for her behavior, she's like that with everyone"

Hachiya Karako: "nothing happens"

We kept talking for a while until an alarm went off on the teacher's desk.

Female Taimanin: "class begins"

Female Taimanin: "My name is Hitomi, Katou Hitomi, matriarch of the Katou Clan."

Katou Hitomi: "Normally, a Clan leader would not teach at the Academy, but as some of you may know, we are on high alert and the Academy is short of Elite Taimanins available to teach, and most of the Clan leaders are in their Clan enclosures or some in special cases, carrying out missions together with other Elite Taimanins"

Katou Hitomi: "that's why I'll be teaching this class"

Katou Hitomi: "now, let's start with the introductions, the last one to arrive, begin"

Hachiya Karako: "My name is Hachiya Karako"

Fuuma Saika: "I am Fuuma Saika"

Yanagi Mutsuho: "Yanagi Mutsuho"

then the teacher points to the two girls in front of the stepping stone.

one has blonde hair tied into two pigtails, blue eyes, and pointy ears.

the other has waist-length blonde hair and violet eyes.

pointy-eared girl: "my name is Shinganji Kurenai"

violet-eyed girl: "my name is Hagakure Machiko"

she then points to the girl behind them.

She has waist-length black hair, amber eyes, and an indifferent gaze.

amber girl: "Kiryu Mikoto"

then she points to the two children on the far right of the classroom.

one has short, almost gray black hair, gray eyes, and an irritated look at the boy next to her.

gray child: "Kiryu Sábato"

looking at the boy next to her and with an annoyed tone.

Kiryu Sábato: "stop bothering me and give me back my notebook!"

the other boy has short black hair, somewhat intimidating golden eyes, a somewhat sharp face, and has two cross-shaped earrings, one in each ear.

with a smile and a slightly jovial tone.

boy with earrings: "heh, my name is Neguchi Yukio"

holding a notebook with the left hand and waving it.

Neguchi Yukio: "what's inside? Why are you so desperate to get it back?"

with a somewhat mocking tone.

Neguchi Yukio: "How much will you pay to return the notebook?"

with an authoritative and serious tone.

Katou Hitomi: "enough already!"

Katou Hitomi: "Yukio returns the notebook"

Although slightly disappointed at not being able to get anything out of the boy with almost gray black hair next to him, he complies with the teacher and returns the notebook to the boy.

then the teacher returns to the presentations and points to the girls in the center of the room.

one has long black hair tied in a ponytail and blue eyes.

the other has long white hair, purple eyes, and a mole under her right eye.

blue-eyed girl: "I'm Fuuma Amane"

purple-eyed girl: "my name is Igawa Senshu"

she then points to the three children in the back of the classroom.

one has short, dark gray hair and yellow eyes.

another has blue, short hair and blue eyes.

the last one has blue, short hair and red eyes.

yellow-eyed boy: "I'm Igawa Kageomi"

blue-eyed boy: "Saku Anton"

red-eyed boy: "Yatsu Ermac"

After the last of the children introduced themselves, the teacher moved towards the pad, stood next to the pad and activated a few buttons, the green pad changed to a transparent holographic one.

Katou Hitomi: "since we introduce ourselves, it's time to start class"

Katou Hitomi: "I am your teacher of mathematics, geography, languages, law and social"

Katou Hitomi: "I will teach you all kinds of numbers and equations, various countries and their geography as a territory, various languages including Roman, Greek, and Demonic, all kinds of laws that you must respect in different countries or in the Dark World, including the different types of behaviors that you have to have in certain countries or important places, either to carry out missions of infiltration, sabotage, assassination or whatever, without being discovered"

Katou Hitomi: "Am I clear?"

boys and girls: "yes, teacher"

Katou Hitomi: "Well, the one who will teach you combat classes with or without weapons, projectile throwing class such as shurikens or senbons, resistance classes to torture and interrogation will be Zabaku Shigeru"

Katou Hitomi: "The sexuality teacher hasn't been appointed yet, because who wants to teach her and have sex with children?"

Katou Hitomi: "When you spend 8 of the 10 years in the Academy, the teacher and maybe if someone changes their mind, the sexuality teacher will be appointed and start her classes"

Katou Hitomi: "Today I will only teach about mathematics"

then he turns around and starts fiddling with the buttons, seconds later various numbers and formulas appear which almost gives me an anxiety attack going back to school/studio hell.

He then proceeds to teach us about numbers and equations.

-8 hours later-

He taught us all kinds of numbers and equations, then the class ended and we left the classroom, I left the Academy and immediately kept walking non-stop, towards the Hachiya mansion, although just before leaving the Academy door Ishizuka appeared, then I followed my goal to return to the mansion and Ishizuka escorted me just as he said before entering the hell of the Academy.

I arrived at the mansion, greeted Alicia and after finishing my daily activities, I went into my room and lay on the bed, Alicia lay next to me and Ishizuka fell asleep in the empty room next to mine.



Author: "there will be no male sexuality teacher, only female teacher"