
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 5

I contemplate my future erotic life, with the sexuality teachers, until I remember a key point of the Taimanin.

Hachiya Karako: (I remember that Taimanin squads have four members and normally Taimanin squads are formed at the Academy.)

now with a serious and slightly nervous look, I look at the boys and girls who will try to enter Gosha Academy.

Hachiya Karako: (Unlike the world of Naruto, where Ninja squads are created with the intention of making diplomatic moves between the Clans and the Hokage.

In the Taimanin Series, squads are made up of the Taimanins themselves or in view of their future role as Taimanin hunters, combat squads, scouts, medics, or security squads in Gosha or a senator).

Leaving that aside, I turn my head slightly to the left and out of the corner of my eye, I catch the appearance of a 5-6 year old girl, with short blonde hair in two braids and blue eyes.

When I get a better look at her, I let out a breath as my muscles relax a bit and some of my nervousness disappears.

If she were any other girl with blonde hair in two braids, she wouldn't have such a big impact on me. but when I saw the pointy ears of the young woman, I could see more or less where I am in the story.

Hachiya Karako: (I reincarnated several years before the Fuuma and Igawa Revolt, I am also before the ""apocalypse"", caused by none other than Edwin Black, leaving him half dead and years later assassinated, due to his own inflicted wounds , to Shinganji Gen-an).


(at least one of several Taimanin Series semi-apocalypses, some started by Edwin Black).


Several minutes pass and then a Taimanin appears in a full body black suit with gray arms and chest, a gray mask covering his mouth, revealing his gray eyes and short gray hair.

His suit, unlike the Taimanins that escorted me or other Taimanins that I could see in the Town, covers all of his extremities, leaving nothing apart from his hair, eyes and ears uncovered, but as in the series, his suit has on the arms several gray threads in the form of a net from his hands to his shoulders.

her with a somewhat cold and indifferent voice.

¿?: "welcome children to Gosha Academy".

¿?: "I am Zabaku Shigeru, one of the teachers in charge of educating and training the next generation of Elite Taimanins."

Zabaku Shigeru: "I will call them one by one and you will enter the Academy, then you will have to pass several health exams and other things, once you are selected they will give you a paper so that tomorrow you can enter your first day of classes."

Zabaku Shigeru: "Did you understand?"

boys and girls: "yes!".

Zabaku Shigeru: "Okay, first one, XXXX."


-2 hours later-


Zabaku Shigeru: "Hachiya Karako!"

I walk to the front and enter the Academy, I look inside and there are various heart rate measuring devices, training equipment and a strange machine.

They make me do all kinds of simple exercises, after all I'm only 6 years old.

After finishing measuring my heartbeat by doing exercises and measuring my body's physical capabilities, they take me to the strange machine and place my right arm inside a hole.

A while passes and the machine starts to ring, one of the taimanin looks at the result of my... tests? then a Female Taimanin approaches me and kneels in front of me, removes her right glove and places her hand on my slightly sweaty forehead.

Female Taimanin: "she tries to imagine that you give me some order."

I follow her command and begin to imagine her lifting her arms and wrapping them around my body in a hug.

the next second she does exactly what I imagine, then she lets go of me and stands up, walking towards the Taimanin who is looking at my test results.

Female Taimanin: "her Ninja Art of hers has already awakened."

Taimanin: "Also her tests are acceptable."

the Taimanin grabs a paper and hands it to the Female Taimanin, then the Female Taimanin turns around and walks in my direction, she stands in front of me and extends her left arm, hands me a paper confirming my admission to the Academy Gosha.

I grab the paper and follow his instructions as I leave the Academy, I walk in the direction of the town and guided by my memories from a few hours ago, I walk in the direction of the Hachiya mansion.


-10 minutes later


I arrive at the gates of the Clan, the Taimanins open the door for me, I walk a little more and arrive at the door of the mansion, a Taimanin opens the door for me, I enter the mansion and an indifferent but somewhat nervous Alicia.

Seeing me, Alicia immediately leans in a little and puts her hands on her stomach, her voice is soft and somewhat anxious.

Alice: "welcome, Karako-sama."

I put on a warm smile. Hachiya Karako: "I'm back, Alice."

I walk towards the corridor followed by Alicia, I carry out my new daily activities such as having lunch, studying and talking with Alicia.

Some time later, I'm lying in my bed, next to Alicia, and then we both fall asleep.



-Gosha Town-

-Gosha Academy-


in a completely empty room, only with a curved table for 5 people and 5 chairs.

Several people can be seen sitting on those chairs, each with their Clan name written on the wall behind them.

Opposite the curved table is a table with a chair, with the name of his Clan written on the wall.

the people on the chairs talk to each other until someone opens the door and walks into the room, walks past the 5 people at the curved table and sits on the chair with a table facing the curved table, behind the chair is written Fuuma, on the wall.

Fuuma?: "Let's end this meeting once and for all."

Hearing those words, one of the 5 people, specifically the one with the surname Yatsu, written on the wall.

with a somewhat old voice and an irritated tone.

Yatsu?: "Shut up, Danjo!".

another of the people, with the surname Igawa, with an irritated tone.

Igawa?: "You are the cause of this meeting!".

Igawa ¿?: "Your damn objective of separating the Taimanin from Japan, they put us in a complicated situation with the Government!".

Yatsu ¿?: "How do you plan to fix the relationship that was built and maintained for more than 2,000 years with the Shogunate of Japan, the Japanese Empire and the Republican Government of Japan."

Fuuma Danjo changing his annoyed mood to one of utter rage, with an irritated-hysterical tone.


Fuuma Danjo: "Fix?"

Fuuma Danjo: "What relationship do you want to fix!".

Fuuma Danjo: "with a group of extremely ungrateful and fragile humans, even though Japan was kept as it is by the Taimanin, the Shogunate was kept for over 1,000 years by the Taimanin, the Japanese Empire only maintained its power and overthrew the The Samurai, all thanks to the Taimanin, the Republican Government of Japan only came to power by overthrowing the Japanese Empire because the Empire deemed the Taimanin unsuitable for Japan and dismissed us as mere criminals!"

Fuuma Danjo: "Since the Shogunate, until now Taimanins were used as disposable chess pieces, easy to replace like all the others, despite everything the Taimanin have done for Japan, the government doesn't care, we're just assassins Or criminals with some use in their rotten old eyes!"

the room was silent.

another of the 5 people, one with the last name Zabaku.

with a deep voice and a serene tone.

Zabaku ¿?: "even if your words make sense and I would certainly support you, that doesn't change your actions."

Zabaku?: "You ordered your Taimanins to kill several civilians, Japanese policemen, Japanese soldiers, demons, foreigners, and some senators, including the Taimanins assigned to protect them, from Amidahara and other cities."

Zabaku ¿?: "Your actions could cause a war with other countries or an open conflict with some lord of the Dark World."

another of the 5 people, one named Kuai.

with a somewhat thick voice and a cold tone.

Kuai ¿?: "I would like to add the sighting of several Fuuma Clan Taimanins in the surroundings of my Clan and other Clans, especially in the Hachiya Clan."

Fuuma Danjo: "..."

Fuuma Danjo, a bit flustered but more irritated, gets up from his chair and slams the table in front of him with both hands.


Fuuma Danjo: "it is clear that they are not my Taimanins"

He raises his right arm, extends his hand and with one finger points to one of the people sitting in front of him, specifically the one with Ginryu written behind him.

Fuuma Danjo: "That damn bitch Mitsue, she's been conspiring against me, in her mansion, why do you think she doesn't come out? And there are hardly any Taimanins from the Ginryu Clan doing missions or in Gosha Town"

Ginryu Mitsue, with an steric tone, gets up from her chair and holds the hilt of a double-bladed axe.

Ginryu Mitsue: "Shut up you fucking pig!"

Ginryu Mitsue: "you know perfectly well that I am not interested in disputes between Clans or anything else apart from the luxuries of my Mansion"

then he turns his head, looks at the Zabaku and with an irritated tone.

Ginryu Mitsue: "you should know better than anyone, Kenzo the madman of intrigues"

Ginryu Mitsue: "I know perfectly well that you placed several spies among my servants and I don't doubt that you did the same with the rest of the Clans"

Zabaku Kenzo: "..."

Fuuma Danjo, Kuai?, Igawa?, Yatsu? and Ginryu Mitsue: "..."

Ginryu Mitsue: "Did you really do it?"

Zabaku Kenzo: "..."

Ginryu Mitsue: "you know what, I don't want to know, let's end this meeting now, I want to sleep"

With Ginryu Mitsue's words, the meeting ends and the 6 Clan leaders leave.





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Author: "END"


Author: "sorry for the delay in uploading the chapter, I didn't have much time"

Author: "from now on I will upload chapters every 2 days or at least 2 chapters per week"