
Reincarnated in the Lord of the Mysteries

The main character reincarnated to the Lord of the Mysteries with his System that grants him the ability to do anything.

ePythagoras · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Divine Artifact

Most of the men stood, while Dunn Smith sat across Klein in the cramped living room. But no one spoke. 

"Please explain what happened to them." Klein clenched his fists, a heavy atmosphere covering him. 

"We suspect that robbers forced their way into his house, killing them in the process, possibly because the two victims saw their faces…" 

The fat man among them spoke the findings of the police, Dunn Smith simply staring at Klein. 

"We also have witnesses that before the time of their death, you were the last person to meet them, Klein Moretti."

Klein silently listened to them, acknowledging the legitimacy of the information.

"Do you have something to say?" Dunn Smith finally spoke, his calm voice affecting Klein's emotional fluctuation, forcing it to fine line. 

Klein looked like he was hesitant, before he muttered, "You gentlemen might not believe it but I don't recall anything on that day. It's as if my memories were erased."

"What- That's impossible!" The fat police officer looked at Klein in hostility, conveying his belief that Klein was lying. 

Dunn Smith waved his hands, ordering him to stop making a ruckus, before he slowly stood up. 

"We have nothing to ask you anymore." 

Without waiting for Klein's reply, they had already left the room, leaving Klein in a daze. 

Klein's emotion still looked pained before it finally calmed down. His mourning for Welch's and Naya's death is true. That's precisely why he felt like he ought to not just protect his family but Tingen as well. 

He might not be born from this place, but this is reality, every person here is living, they have lives. 

Sighing, Klein spoke to himself, "Is this what they call 'the greater your power is, the greater your responsibility will be'... To think that I will experience it myself…"

He calmly sensed the Nighthawks leave, concluding that they will go back in midnight to enter my dream and verify the authenticity of his answers.

Klein relaxed on the seat, his Spirit Body entering the Sefirah Castle. Just in case, he did not teleport over to prevent certain accidents. 


Sitting on the Seat of Honor, Klein looked at Ace whose hands were forward, as if sacrificing an offering to a deity. 

On his hands were the Quill of Alzuhod, still trembling in excitement and awe, surprising Klein for a moment before he understood the crux of matter. 

Waving his hand, the quill slowly floated over to him, before staying midair. A small thread of spirituality covering itself, before it spoke in a young man's voice, "The mighty ruler above the Spirit World… Are you sir the Lord of the Mysteries?" 

Hearing this question, even Ace can't help but raise his brows. This quill is too disrespectful! 

"I am not the Lord of the Mysteries." Klein calmly denied its guess, sensing the disappointment in the quill. 

The Quill of Alzuhod stopped trembling, regaining its luster, aura of dominance and disobedience leaking out of it. 

It was as if it was saying, since you're not the Lord of the Mysteries, then I will not obey you!

A smile floating over his face, the golden hue on his face transformed and stopped blocking the part over his eyes. 

"You're just a quill…" Klein calmly declared, his eyes flashing in golden lights, an overbearing aura converging on the space around the quill, cracks slowly appearing on the quill. 

Ace looked at the quill silently, musing that it deserved such punishment 

"What do you think I am, Ace?" Klein suddenly cast his gaze at Ace, throwing an unexpected question. 

"I dare not guess, Your Excellency." Bowing in respect, Ace humbly confirmed his own place. 

Klein smiled, liking the answer of his Attendant, "It is impossible for you to feel nothing because I bestowed a sliver of my power and authority to you." 

Pointing at Ace's forehead, "Perhaps, you are one of the things closest to me…"

The golden-silvery lines on Ace's forehead responded, slithering. This was the imprint Klein left on Ace to cut the connection in his Beyonder Characteristics to the Oldest One! 

Ace's heart trembled, gathering his courage, he said, "When Your Excellency summoned me from the Fog of History, I'm supposed to be just a projection, but I can feel a will belonging to me, my Lord. This is still something anyone strong can achieve with the usage of the right methods, but materializing my Beyonder Characteristics from nothing and removing the madness in my Beyonder Characteristics is beyond my comprehension. I'm only sure that not even The Fool can do it."

"True, not even The Fool can do it nor… the Lord of the Mysteries." Klein smiled, switching his focus on the quill.

Ace continued to bow, his mind in chaos, although he already had some guesses, hearing the confirmation itself was very different. 

'Not even the Lord of the Mysteries…' Ace thought to himself, his awe and respect for Klein increasing even further. 

Perhaps its ears were plugged open from the start, the Quill of Alzuhod had already begun to tremble in fear, realizing that it had just shown its arrogance to an existence possibly equal to the Oldest One! 

Klein did not feel any pity for this demonic Sealed Artifact, willing his Irregularity to remove the negative effects of the quill. 

"Let's call such items 'Divine Artifacts' in the future." Muttering to himself, Klein grabbed the quill and felt its changes.

The living characteristics in the quill had already vanished, turning it to a real Divine Artifact without consequences, only to be limited by the holder's own power.

Klein willed the power of Sefirah Castle, creating a holder for the quill on the long mottled table. 

Rapping the edge of the table, Klein thought of the one thing he hasn't done yet, involuntarily smiling. 

He willed the Sefirah Castle to connect itself to the items related to the former Lord of the Mysteries, forming four blinking crimson stars. 

Waving his hands, Klein blocked Ace's features with the grayish white fog, ordering him to stand behind him. 

Spreading his spirituality over the four crimson stars, Klein saw four figures each holding bizarre items. He touched those crimson stars and pulled these figures to the Sefirah Castle. 


Loen Kingdom, Backlund. Inside a luxurious villa in the royal district, there stood a young lady before a dresser. A cracked bronze mirror with antiquated patterns was on its surface. 

Audrey Hall looked at the mirror with confusion, pouting in disappointment, "Father told me this mirror was a treasure of the Roman Empire's Dark Emperor but it's not magical at all…"

While she was speaking, she saw a crimson light cover her vision, devouring her like a tidal wave. 


On the undulating sea sailed a sailboat, on it stood a man in robes embroidered with lightning patterns.

Alger Wilson looked at the sea covered by dark clouds, on his hands a quirky-shaped glass bottle. 

Before he noticed, spots of crimson light had already turned into a sea that submerged him. 


On the land of eternal darkness, there was a tiny house with three people, but two were struggling to breath. A teenager sat beside them with a pained expression.

Derrick Berg gritted his teeth, pulling a crystal orb from a hidden compartment in their house. His parents told him while he was young that it belonged to a mysterious existence before. 

Placing candles and ritual ingredients, he set up an altar, preparing to pray to that mysterious existence, hoping to receive his help in saving his parents. 

But before he even began praying, he saw a crimson light cover everything from heavens and earth, before it devoured him. 


On a ship was a young lady in warlock robes, a globe hanging on her waist, she was looking sternly at the notes in her table. 

Cattleya was attempting to decipher the contents of the notes that Emperor Roselle left behind, in hopes of helping her guardian. 

Startled, she saw her vision being covered with crimson light, she tried to inspect her surroundings, before her vision suddenly warped. 


Sitting on the high back chairs, the four figures reckoned the situation in horror and confusion, before noticing others doing the same. 

Immediately after, they noticed the figure shrouded in golden hue seating on the Seat of Honor, a person covered in grayish white fog standing behind him like a servant. 

"Sir, where is this?" Audrey hurriedly asked before Cattleya said, "Sir, what are you planning to do?"