
Reincarnated in the Lord of the Mysteries

The main character reincarnated to the Lord of the Mysteries with his System that grants him the ability to do anything.

ePythagoras · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

The Gathering

Audrey, Alger, Derrick, and Cattleya looked at the figure seated on the Seat of Honor, his features unreadable. 

Alger confirmed that they were dealing with an extremely dangerous existence. Gulping in anxiety, he waited for the mysterious figure to respond to their query. 

Smiling, Klein said, "Fulfilling a promise and prophecy…" 

A prophecy? The four were startled as they tried to think of the deeper meaning of his words. Is he pointing out that they were part of the 'prophecy'? 

"I- Sir, to tell you the truth, this is the first time I've truly encountered something like this. Dare I ask, how can I become a Beyonder?" Audrey asked, her voice layered with anxiety and excitement! 

Seeing that Klein wasn't answering, Alger followed up, "Are you a Loen Kingdom's citizen? If you want to become a Beyonder, then you can join the Churches of either the Evernight Goddess, Lord of the Storms, or the God of Steam and Machinery."

"The majority of us will not meet a Beyonder our entire lives. This has caused churches, and even some clergies within some of the biggest churches, to suspect the same. While this is the case, I am certain to tell you that Beyonders still exist in courts, tribunals, and execution agencies. They are still fighting against the dangers that grow in the dark, only that their numbers are much fewer as compared to before and during the early days of the Iron Age."

"Mister, I know all about what you just said; I even know more than that, including the Nighthawks, the Mandated Punisher, and the Machinery Hivemind, but I don't want to lose my freedom."

Alger gave a low-sounding laugh, and said vaguely, "You can't become a Beyonder without sacrifices. If you don't consider joining churches and accepting their given challenges, you can only seek the royal families and the few nobles with family histories of more than a thousand years. If not, you can rely on your luck to search for clandestine evil organizations."

Audrey puffed her cheeks subconsciously and looked around in a fluster. After confirming that both the "mysterious man" and Audrey did not notice her tic, she pressed, "Are there no other solutions?"

Alger sank into silence. About half a minute later, he turned around to look at the "mysterious man" who was watching the two of them in silence.

Realizing that Klein had no plans to make any comment, he looked back at Audrey and said with deliberation, "I have two sets of Sequence 9 Potion formulas."

"Really? Which two sets?" Audrey clearly knew what the Sequence 9 Potion formulas meant.

Alger leaned back slightly, and replied unhurriedly, "As you know, humanity can only depend on potions to become real Beyonders, while the names of potions come from the 'Blasphemy Slate.' After constant translations into Jotun, Elvish, ancient and modern Hermes, and ancient Feysac, they have undergone changes to match the day and age of that era. The essence is not in their names, but whether they portray the 'core characteristics' of the potions.

"I have a Sequence 9 Potion named 'Sailor.' It enables you to have excellent balancing capabilities. Even if you were on a boat in a rainstorm, you will be able to walk about freely as though you were on land. You will also gain immense strength and illusory scales under your skin. They will enable you to swim like a fish and be difficult to catch. You will move agilely underwater just like marine animals. Even without any equipment, you will be able to easily submerge underwater for at least ten minutes."

"Sounds great… the 'Keepers of the Seas' from the Lord of Storms?"

"It was called by that name in the past." Alger did not pause and continued. "The second set of Sequence 9 Potions is called 'Spectator,' although I am not sure what it was called in the past. This set of potions enables you to have an exceptionally sharp mind with acute observational abilities. I believe you can understand what 'spectator' means from watching operas and plays. Just like an audience, spectators judge the 'actors' in the secular world, catching a glimpse of the real thoughts of them through their emotions, conduct, and mantras."

At this point, Alger emphasized, "You must remember, regardless of whether you are at an extravagant banquet or a crowded street, spectators can only be spectators forever."

Audrey's eyes shone as she listened, and spoke after a long while, "Why? Alright, this is a follow-up question. I-I think I have fallen in love with this feeling—of being a 'spectator.' How can I get this potion's formula? What can I use to trade with you for it?"

Alger looked like he was already prepared as he said in a deep voice, "The blood of Ghost Sharks, at least 100 milliliters of it."

Audrey nodded her head excitedly, but subsequently asked worriedly, "If I can get it—and I'm saying if—how do I hand it to you? How can you promise me that you can give the potion's formula to me in return for the Ghost Shark's blood, as well as the authenticity of the formula?"

Alger said calmly, "I'll give you an address. I'll mail the formula to you, or tell you directly here, once I receive the blood of the Ghost Shark."

"As for promises, I think that both you and I can feel rest assured under the witness of the mysterious sir."

As he said this, he swept his eyes towards Klein who was sitting up straight at the Seat of Honor.

"Sir, the fact that you brought us here shows that you have tremendous strength unimaginable to us. Neither one of us would dare violate a promise with you as witness."

"That's right!" Audrey's eyes sparkled and agreed with excitement.

From her perspective, the mysterious gentleman who had unimaginable abilities was definitely an "authoritative" witness.

"Sir, please be the witness of our trade."

At that moment, she then realized that she was all too impolite, having forgotten all along to ask a particular question. She asked hurriedly, "Sir, how should we address you?"

Alger nodded slightly, and echoed the same question in a serious manner, "Sir, how should we address you?"

Cattleya who has been watching silently also kept her ears perked up, as well as Derrick who has been hesitant to say something. 

Klein rapped the edge of the long mottled table, immediately deciding to keep using the prior title he's all familiar with. 

He leaned back, withdrew his right hand, and crossed his ten fingers, placing them below his chin. He gave the four a faint smile. "You can address me as… The Fool."

As he said those words, a peculiar aura erupted out of his body, it's full of majesty and mystifying concepts, impossible to be understood. 

Ace lowered his head in respect, his sixteen golden angel wings unfolded, as he muttered, "Praise to Your Excellency."

Audrey, Alger, Derrick and Cattleya looked on blankly, as they focused on the fairy-like scene in front of them, before they involuntarily lowered their heads in awe. 

After a few minutes of stupor, they finally regained their bearings, as the four of them looked at the two mysterious figures in shock. Those were definitely wings of an angel! And that holy figure... Is Mr. Fool a true god?

'The Sefirah Castle sure likes showing off, Ace as well participated in it…' Klein lampooned, confused as to whether to laugh or cry that he didn't need to do anything. There was already someone volunteering to help him appear as a bigshot. 

Klein waved his hand, signaling Ace to hide his angel wings, prompting the latter to immediately follow. 

After a few seconds of silence, Audrey stood up, held up her skirt slightly and bent her knees, curtseying to Klein. 

"Honorable Mr. Fool, would you please permit me to take the liberty of requesting you to be the witness of our trade?"

"It's nothing." Klein calmly agreed.

"It's our honor, Mr. Fool." Alger stood up as well. He bent his back slightly with his right palm over his chest.

Klein lowered his right palm and smiled.

"Continue, the both of you."

Alger nodded and sat back down before looking at Audrey.

"If you can obtain the Ghost Shark's blood, get someone to send it to the Warrior & Sea Bar at Pelican Street, in the White Rose Borough of Pritz Harbor. Tell the boss, Williams, that it's what the 'Captain' wants.

"Once I acknowledge receipt, will you be giving me an address to mail the potion formula to or do you want me to tell it to you here directly?"

Audrey thought for a moment before saying with a smile, "I will choose the more secure method. Let's do it here, although it's a test of my memory."

Since Mr. Fool had agreed to bear witness for the trade, it also represented that there would be a similar 'Gathering' the next time.

After confirming the following details about their trade, they fell silent and observed the other two who never spoke since the start. 

"Uh… Mr. Fool…" Derrick stood up from his seat, his voice stammering nervously. 

"P-please help the City of Silver!" He afterwards bowed, his head almost touching the table. 

Klein did not react, his thoughts unknown. However, Audrey, Alger and Cattleya asked themselves. What is this City of Silver? Why have I never heard of it… 

"P-please, Mr. Fool. I can't bear to watch my parents die and kill them myself to prevent the curse from occurring. I-I just… Please, Mr. Fool!"

Derrick continued bowing, as Audrey can't help but turn her gaze away. It was just too sad to watch. Alger and Cattleya also looked on with pity, sensing the desperation on Derrick's voice. 

Klein calmly answered, "I can move everyone from the City of Silver out of the Forsaken Land of Gods, but I won't."

"B-but Mr. Fool…" Derrick choked with emotion. His eyes tearing up in despair.

"Because that is not my job, but yours." Klein added with a smile on his face, Derrick slowly lifted his head and looked at the mysterious figure obscured by golden hue. 

"I-I, but what can I do?" Derrick muttered to himself, his voice slowly regaining hope. 

Klein did not speak but instead looked at Audrey and Alger with a knowing smile on his face, as if asking them both what they think. 

Audrey looked on blankly, unable to think for a moment, as it was too unexpected for Mr. Fool to ask her! 

Alger, however, instantly deciphered the meaning behind Klein's smile, his heart beating in anticipation. 

"Mr. Fool, don't you find such 'Gatherings' interesting? Although your powers exceed our imaginations, there has to be certain domains that you don't understand or excel in. The person across me is obviously a young lady of lofty stature. I also have my unique set of experiences, insights, mediums, and resources. Perhaps there will come a day when both of us can help you complete something trivial that might be inconvenient for you."

From his point of view, the fact that he had been pulled into this space without any warning or any means to resist meant that the mysterious Mr. Fool was in control. Participating in the 'Gatherings' was not necessarily something he could refuse. Therefore, it was better to reap the benefits of this encounter as much as he could to make up for his passive and disadvantaged state.

Audrey stared blankly, mouth slightly agape, but she soon jolted back to her senses and nodded her head without any hesitation.

"Mr. Fool, I think it's a very good suggestion. As long as this Gathering becomes regular, you can totally leave certain things that are inconvenient for you to us. Of course, it has to be something within our capacities."

Klein smiled at the anticipative and perturbed gazes of the trio.

"I'm a person who likes a fair and equal exchange."

"Your help will not go unrewarded." 

"I will convene this gathering every Monday at three in the afternoon."

This was a form of agreement to Alger's and Audrey's suggestions. 

Cattleya thought to herself, recalling Mr. Fool's first words when 'He' answered their questions. A prophecy… Is something going to happen in the near future? 

In excitement, Audrey concluding that she was part of the founding of this 'Gathering', she hurriedly suggested, "Then, shall we give ourselves call signs? After all, we can't use our real names for conversation."

"Good idea," answered Klein in a simple and relaxed manner.

Audrey's mind immediately began whirring as she aired her thoughts as they came to her.

"You are Mr. Fool which is derived from tarot cards. Then, as a fixed, long-term, and secretive 'Gathering,' we should be uniform in our designations. Yes, I'll also choose one from the tarot cards."

Her tone slowly turned joyous.

"I've decided. My designation shall be 'Justice!'"

It was one of the twenty-two Major Arcana tarot cards.

"What about you, Mister?" Audrey cheekily smiled at her 'partner' sitting across her.

Alger frowned slightly before relaxing it immediately.

"The Hanged Man."

It was another Major Arcana card.

Derrick sensed Audrey's gaze as he looked on blankly, "What are tarot cards?" 

Audrey and Alger fell silent, but before they could explain, they saw twenty-two cards appear in front of Derrick. 

Derrick looked surprised before he bowed towards Klein, picking 'The Sun' card in the process. 

Cattleya knew that Mr. Fool did not show any ill intent towards them, but it is still too early to conclude. Still, she didn't hesitate to join this 'Gathering' to monitor the proceedings, "The Hermit."

"Alright, then we can be considered as the founding members of the Tarot Club!" Audrey was the first to blurt it out happily, only to look fearfully at the fog-concealed Klein. "Will that be alright, Mr. Fool?"

Shaking his head, Klein said, "You can decide on such trivial matters by yourselves."

"Thank you!" Audrey was clearly thrilled.

Klein looked at the four seated on the long mottled table, before his gaze landed on Derrick, "Three hours before the 'night' in the City of Silver descends."

Derrick knew what Mr. Fool was pointing out, as Derrick already knew that they were all from different places. As to where specifically they are, he could only say that they are from the world outside the City of Silver! 

'Forsaken Land of Gods…' Derrick can't help but say inwardly with a hint of despair before he determinedly chose to believe in Mr. Fool! 

This gathering must be the opportunity Mr. Fool was hinting! Derrick said to himself in excitement. 

"Alright, that will be all for today's gathering," Klein said in a deep voice. 

"By your will." Alger bowed his head respectfully.

"By your will." Audrey, Derrick and Cattleya mimicked The Hanged Man.

Audrey still had many questions and thoughts; thus, she was unwilling to have it end so soon.

As Klein severed the connection, he said with a smile, "Let us look forward to the next gathering."

The 'stars' brightened once more as the crimson light receded like water. Just as Audrey and Alger heard Mr. Fool's words, their figures turned into a blur as they phased away.

In a second, the 'projection' shattered as the grayish white fog restored its silence.