
Reincarnated in the Lord of the Mysteries

The main character reincarnated to the Lord of the Mysteries with his System that grants him the ability to do anything.

ePythagoras · Book&Literature
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14 Chs


As Ince Zangwill was trying to break free from the invisible chains that seemed to bind his body from moving, the 0-08 was beginning to act oddly. 

Ace noticed the Quill of Alzuhod's behavior from the very beginning, feeling quite amused by its actions. 

"How about it, Ince Zangwill? Can't you feel it as well? The quill in your hand wants to leave with me."

Hearing those words, Ince Zangwill finally noticed the excitement of the quill in his hands. He had never seen it act this way. 

A thread of spirituality leaked out of the quill, a voice belonging to that of a young man echoed in the room. 

"Take me away! Let me meet His Excellency! I want to serve him!" 

Despite being prepared, Ace still felt shocked by the quill's behavior, still he recovered immediately compared to Ince Zangwill who looked like he saw a ghost. 


Klein stood up, finished with his review of the newly obtained information and experiences from the System. 

Freshened by the actual history, Klein could now summon everything that existed from the Earth Era to the current times in the Fog of History. 

'If I wanted to, I could replicate the eight King of Angels that served a Lord just like the ancient sun god…' Klein shook his head, musing it involuntary. 

But he wasn't tempted, deeming it unnecessary. As he was already strong enough to not need so many of them, a few King of Angels or so should be enough. 

After eating lunch, Klein keenly sensed Ace's arrival in the Sefirah Castle with the quill. Ignoring them, Klein went outside of the condominium. 

Unnoticeably changing his appearance to that of a middle aged man, dressed in luxurious clothes, he arrived at the Blackthorn Security Company. 

Entering the building, he saw a brown-haired lady approach him with a smile, "What can I do for you, sir?" 

Klein smiled amiably before he asked, "Can I hire you guys to investigate someone for me?" 

The brown-haired lady looked at the man in his thirties with sharp grey eyes and after receiving a nod from him, she gestured to Klein to sit in the lounge. 

"Of course, sir. May I ask what you are commissioning to us?"

"I want you guys to investigate someone for me. His name is Lavenus, a scammer who duped me of thousands of pounds."

As he was speaking, Klein pulled out a portrait from his vest pocket and placed it on the table, he also told them other information about the man. 

"I am willing to pay 250 gold pounds in advance and pay another 250 gold pounds once the job is done." Klein sternly added, a briefcase appearing out of nowhere but the people around him noticed nothing amiss. 

He pushed the briefcase to the man sitting beside the lady. Emphasizing the importance of his commission. 

"Then, sir, please find Rozanne after a week." The man looked at the lady beside her before introducing himself, "I am Dunn Smith and we are going to accept this commission."

Getting a contract and having Klein sign on it, Dunn Smith asked, "Sir, may I ask who recommended you to us?" 

Klein had already prepared an answer, "I did not hire your company alone. I passed by this building a while ago and thought of having it commissioned to you guys as well."

Dunn Smith nodded in deep thought before he stood up, pushing his hand to Klein. Klein smiled and clasped his hand. 

"I'm awaiting your good results." Klein buttoned his vest, leaving the door with Rozanne escorting him. 

"...It must have been really important if he was willing to commission more than one group to investigate the target for him."

Rozanne lifted her chin, speaking to Dunn Smith who nodded in acknowledgement. 

Bringing out his pocket watch, Dunn Smith confirmed the time, another group of people arriving by his side. 

"Let's go and meet the target tonight." Dunn Smith nodded, while the others agreed with heavy gazes. 

Klein who was watching everything from an unknown place let out a knowing smile. 

'It looks like it's time for me and the Nighthawks to meet.' he thought before vanishing, arriving in his room. 

Knock! Knock! 

Klein looked at the door, standing up, before he opened it and scanned the five people outside their two bedroom apartment. 

"What can I do for you, gentlemen?" 

One of the men was Dunn Smith who he met with a while ago using a disguise. Though, he recognized each one of them easily and even knew everyone's names. 

"Do you know Welch and Naya?" One of them asked with a tone of caution, trying to bring out an atmosphere of interrogation.

"If you are talking about Welch and Naya who just graduated from Tingen University of History Department, then they are my friends. Why?" 

Klein looked uneasy, asking with suspicion on his face. His skills as The Fool aid his act so masterfully that not even true deities can easily see through it, much less a bunch of Low Sequence Beyonders. 

"We are sorry to inform you. They died two days ago. It was only last night that their deaths were discovered."

"...What?!" Eyes dilating in shock, Klein looked at the five men with disbelief, even his voice was trembling, showing how intense his emotions must have been. 

'I already knew but I just reincarnated at that time. It was too late before I could do anything to save them…' Klein sighed inwardly, feeling the pain of losing his only two friends. 

He looked at the group in front of him, seeing them provide him with legitimate identification as police men, he let them in the room. 

"Can you please explain what happened to them?" Klein muttered weakly, his voice cracking in disbelief and hopelessness.