
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with (Anime) Harem System

When given that chance of a life time, Mer Ambrosius took the choice to reincarnate into a fictional world with a smile on his face. Only one problem though... he got reincarnated into DC, but luckily he has a system unluckily(?) its a Harem System. Join Mer on his journey to find a way to get the Fuck out of DC and hope on over the DXD. But one problem remains HOW exactly will he do it.

Kill_it_with_fire · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 19 | New Mission and (Not-so-)Sweet Goodbyes.

The new mission in fact did have something to do with the upcoming invasion.



Main Missions:

[Beginning a Harem]

[Amazon's Acknowledgment] (New)

[Proof of Heroism] (New)

Side Missions: (expand)


Opening the two new missions an explanation appeared, something I could apparently do for not so obvious missions.


[Amazon's Acknowledgment]

Amazons are prideful and simple. To prove oneself to an Amazon you must display superior abilities or prowess. Save or prove your prowess to Wonder Women during the Appellation invasion.

Requirement: [Wonder Women Acknowledgment]

Rewards: [Honorary Amazonian Warrior] [Wonder Women's interest] [??? interest]...

(Note: Rewards vary depending on the method or process in which the mission is completed.)


The first mission popped up in front of me, this one being the one regarding the invasion. It was to help Wonder Women during the fight or simply gain her recognition. With it information was also inputted into my brain, including the location to where and what Wonder Women would be fighting. However, I decided to meet her in the fight against Wood King as I had no way of reaching Paradise Island and no means of affectively fighting against Mercury Monster.


[Amateur Hero]

To be a true hero, one must not only defeat the villain and save the hostage. To become a real hero they must also learn to ignite and inspire the hearts of others, especially the hearts of women... Inspire one female future hero, outside those in your [Relationships].

Requirements: [Inspire at least 1 female future hero/villain who is not already in [Relationships].]

Rewards: (to be determined)


The second mission was quite vague with it's use of the word inspire, I had assumed it required me to either increase my fame substantially or directly save the life of a future hero.

Both something I could only do or worry about after the upcoming Appellaxian invasion. My current focus was forming a plan against the Appellaxian's who'd land in America.

Clenching my fist, I started to focus on the incoming invasion and going over the information I had. Luckily with my perfect memory, I remembered where the Appellaxians would land and who'd they fight.

The Stone God would land in Colorado and fight Martian Manhunter, Golden Roc would land in Africa and fight against Green Lantern, Fire-Lord in Italy against Flash, Glass Man in the Indian Ocean against Aquaman, and Mercury Monster in Paradise Island against Wonder Woman.

Finally their was Wood King waiting in the Carolina Coast and Crystal Creature in the Artic, who'd fight Superman and Batman.

What was left for me was to decide which Appellaxian I'd fight. Glass Man was out since I couldn't breath under water, so where Golden Roc, Fire-Lord, and Mercury Monster, and Crystal Creature due to the distance being to far. What was left was only Wood King and Stone God.

But Wood King was the villain that ultimately lead to the Justice League forming so it was out, only leaving one Appellaxian, Stone God. It also gave me ample time to meet up with the other Heroes when confronting Wood King.

So it was decided, I'd be headed to Colorado in February to face Stone God with Martian Manhunter. For now I'd have to pack and find a way to let Pamela now I'd be out of reach for about a month, it wasn't like I had too but I felt I should since she's one of the only people I'm close to.


[Pamela Apartment]

Sitting in a small room on a sofa, sat Pamela, parallel to me on another sofa, we where currently in her apartment. But rather than the usually cheery and friendly mood, only a heavy silence filled the room. Pamela's face was also not the usual slightly flustered smile, instead it was one filled with distraught and stubbornness.

''What do you mean, you'll be out of reach for a month!?'' She exclaimed repeating the words I'd just spoken to her.

''Exactly as it sounds.'' I replied.

''No! You don't just casually disappear for a month! Where are you going to go!? Is it something dangerous!?'' She shouted with a worried expression hinted with slight anger. Seeing her reaction a small soft smile formed on my face.

''I'm happy your worried about me, but this is something I have to do.'' I said with a soft yet unwavering tone. Slightly embarrassed at me pointing out she was worried about me, Pamela's ears turn slightly red before shaking her head and once again glaring into my eyes.

''What do you mean it's something you have to do? Is it a a criminal? Or, is it related to your powers!?'' She asked not allowing me to leave without answers. Seeing her reaction I fell back to the story I'd made up to have her agree.

''Among my powers, I have one that allows me to see into the future.'' I said and her eyes widened, not allowing her to retort, I continued.

''In the future I saw, if I don't get involved many people will die.'' I stated and stood up, before continuing as I slowly walked to the door, opening it I spoke.

''I'm not asking you, Pam, I'm telling you. And only because your one of the only few people in Gotham I'm close to or consider precious to me.'' Using her nickname, Pam to address her, I finished and peaking over my shoulder slightly, I saw her complex expression; The surprise from being called someone close to me, The anger of feeling helpless, Even the worry of the unknown among many other emotions marred her face.

However I had made my point and wouldn't change my decision even if she was against it, leaving the room I could still however hear her from behind the door due to my enhanced hearing.


[Pamela POV]

Sitting in front of me was Mur, although usually whenever we meet up I'd feel jittery and my childish side would come out, now I felt a heavy and foreboding feeling, like I was about to lose something...

Although Mur's face was as cold and calm as ever, it felt different, instead of his curious and intrigued gaze, his eyes where filled with seriousness.

As he began to talk the sense of foreboding quickly grew and I learned why.

''I'm going to do something important and I'll be out of reach for a month.'' He said in a serious tone and unlike his usual gentle and cool voice now it was sharp and cold, almost bone chilling. However right now none of that mattered, what was important was why he'd just dismissively stated he'd be out of reach for an entire month.

''What do you mean, you'll be out of reach for a month!?'' I asked trying to stay calm, but my emotions burst out. I was hoping I had just misheard him but I was sadly mistaken.

''Exactly as it sounds.'' he casually replied and my heart dropped, the heavy and foreboding feeling quickly turning into dread. Unable to hold back my emotions spewed out with my words.

''No! You don't just casually disappear for a month! Where are you going to go!? Is it something dangerous!?'' I screamed and even if I looked ugly while saying it, but I didn't care, currently I was filled with worry and anger because Mur would just disappear for an entire month, most likely doing something dangerous.

The worry from wondering what he'd do or how hurt he could get and the anger at him refusing to tell me anything, I could understand I had only known him for less than a year, but he had come into my life and become such an important part of it all at once.

I knew of his little super hero career and some of his powers, if he'd disappear for that long it had something to due with that and that only furthered my worries. I considered him a brother to me but the thought of him getting hurt or suddenly going missing, ate at me from the inside.

''I'm happy your worried about me, but this is something I have to do.'' He said with a small smile and I momentarily froze at his words. His gentle smile and the words he spoke confused me, I could feel my emotions getting more and more jumbled with in every passing second.

Was this what worrying about someone normally feels like? I briefly asked my self, but could this suffocating feeling be attributed to just being worried? before my throats wondered any longer I shook my head. That's not important right now.

I couldn't tell apart my feelings right now, but what really hurt me was the fact he wasn't telling me anything about it... was I so helpless?

''What do you mean it's something you have to do? Is it a a criminal? Or, is it related to your powers!?'' I yelled in anger at both myself and him. The anger from being so helpless and not understanding anything and the anger from Mur not trusting me enough to answer my questions.

Perhaps sensing my darkening throats, Mur began to explain a little and I felt my emotions calm down slightly, however just slightly.

''Among my powers, I have one that allows me to see into the future.'' He said, once again making me freeze.

Future sight, prophecy, clairvoyance, fate it had different names but I couldn't fathom that such a thing actually existed. I wanted to retort, but he cut me off before I could.

''In the future I saw, if I don't get involved many people will die.'' He said with a heavy face and serious tone, silencing any words trying to come out of my throat. Simultaneously he got up and started to walk to the door, cause of this I tried to get up but my body was slightly delayed due to trying to process everything.

''I'm not asking you, Pam, I'm telling you. And only because your one of the only few people in Gotham I'm close to or consider precious to me.'' He said standing at the door sill, I couldn't retort, my voice stuck in my throat, with a swift motion he closed the door. My chest tightened with complex emotions, the way he called me someone precious still reverberating in my head.

I wanted to scream at him tell him I could help, but I couldn't. Afterall, he has powers and I don't, I'm just a normal human being. It wasn't the fact that he wasn't telling me everything that hurt so much now, it was the fact that, even if I knew everything, I wouldn't be of help.

My knees gave out, my chest filling with anxiety, anger, worry, helplessness, and most of all self loathing while I stared at the solitary and intimidating looking shut door in front of me. I knew I wasn't able to help and I should have been happy that he was even telling me all this. Afterall, I had only known him for less than a year, I should be glad he even considered me someone precious to him.

As I thought that tears filled my eyes, it wasn't just that I wanted to be their with him it was...

''Even if- someone has to s-sacrifice thems-self... w-why does it have to be you...'' I said as I started breaking down into tears and sniffled my nose.

I understood someone had to do, but why is him, why can't I take his place or at least stand by his side! Not just a damn damsel who can't even save herself from a few thugs!! My hands tightening as I punched the ground, a hint of anger towards the world and society mixed into the helplessness and despair I felt.

After that I cried...

...until I couldn't anymore

...until I passed out from exhaustion 

...until I woke up and realized he was already gone

Even so the world still moved forward, not caring about my feelings. The clock still turning, People still living, criminals still committing crime, the police turning a blind eye, even nature slowly dying.

Soon I felt a void in my chest, looking around I saw how ugly people really are, I had given up on humanity, everyone except him. Everyone except Mur.

The next day, Mur wouldn't pick up his phone.


[Albert POV] [Right after talk with Pam]

Standing outside the closed door, I walked a few steps before feeling a heavy burden and leaning my back against the wall a few meters from the door.

Even now I can hear inside with my enhanced senses. Closing my eyes I could hear Pam on the ground, her breathing started to hitch, and  her nose sniffling.

Through her slowly teetering voice I heard the words she didn't tell me at the door. Although it wasn't perfectly coherent I could understand perfectly.

'Even if someone has to sacrifice themself, why does it have to be you.'

Her words echoing through my ears as she slowly sobs on behind the door.

Listening to this I grit my teeth and closed my eyes, the feeling of guilt ripping apart my chest. Bending my head down I took a deep breath and in a voice so quite, even I couldn't fully hear I said...

''i'm sorry...''

Sadly, no one would hear my apology neither the persona it was directed to nor anyone else.

''I have to do this... to survive.'' I whispered to myself more than anyone else as I steeled my resolve.

If I was going to live in this world I'd need to commit to it and gain allies. If I did so, I could protect both myself and those around me.

For anyone confused on why Ivy called him like a brother is due to the fact she's in [Denial] and is covering her feelings and worries up as sibling care/love.

Also Ivy has had a pretty shity life, Albert being one of the few people who carred for her, caused her to be extremly dependent on him, especially after being saved from being raped or killed.

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts