
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Premature Shunshin

Megumi's heart and words got caught up in his throat as he watched Sara say, "Aniki! I'm scared." with watery eyes.

Stabbing the neck of the wolf-like humanoid creature behind him and slicing it in two, Megumi hugged Sara closer as he spoke with ferocity in his tone.

"Aniki will keep you safe. I promise."

Tearing her shocked eyes away from the wolf humanoid Megumi had just killed, "Un." Sara nodded as she set her eyes on the horde of humanoid monsters that were approaching them quickly.

Based on his experience from the last rounds Megumi knew he couldn't expend too much chakra to lose the horde of creatures because of the monsters beyond them.

Remembering the routes he had seen along the maze-like structure Megumi assumed he would have to figure out a way to use chakra efficiently and escape through the horde without fighting.

'I don't know if the monsters can use jutsu attacks yet, if they can't I'll be done when I finally need chakra to fight.'

Stepping back to wind up his charge, Megumi shot forward by repelling the ground using excessive bursts of chakra, causing stone fragments to explode out of the floor and fly out just as he did.

Within moments, Megumi crossed the thirty-foot gap between the horde of monsters and himself and landed right in its center.

Two monsters tried to slice Megumi and Sara but Megumi ducked his head underneath them. He then stomped his foot after filling it with chakra for another blast to further his speed.

The shards of stone that were created when Megumi stomped onto the stone road, flew into the surrounding creatures, hitting some eyes as Megumi successfully crossed the horde in two steps.

'*Phew* That saved me a lot of chakra. Except my legs hurt now, and I don't think my shoes can take more blasts without disintegrating completely.' Megumi thought as he felt the holes in the soles of his sandals that allowed bits of stone to pierce his foot.


The monsters roared in pain as soon as Megumi crossed them since he'd brandished his sword onto them at the end and sliced away a few limbs.

'Even if they can still heal, it should be good enough to cause them pain and slow them down if they want to follow me.'

"We did it Aniki!" Sara shouted once again, but this time Megumi was ready.

The long finger-like claws of a creature with a bird head appeared from inside the walls of the narrow corridor Megumi was in as he immediately slashed through the creature's head and brought it to a silent shocked death.

'Alright. The creatures cannot see the future, I think.'

Megumi thought using the small break he had created for himself.

"WAAAA!!!! How did you know it was there, Aniki!?"

"Ha! Aren't I great!?" Megumi said, holding Sara closer. 'This is going to be hard.' he thought.

Running using chakra bursts once again Megumi thought something strange, 'Aren't I just using an inefficient shunshin at this point?'

Looking down at his feet for a few seconds, Megumi carried on, 'At least I have something to work with.'

Looking down from the top of the world, Hagoromo stroked his beard looking a little confused.

'Huh. Did fate really have to find such a complicated way to kill him? Why couldn't it just kill him normally?'

'Why give him a handicap in the form of the girl? Won't he just let her die to save himself if he is going to die?'

'And why does it look like he knows exactly where the creatures are coming from? Is he a sensor? Still, his information is too accurate when the creatures can't even use chakra.'

'Is that some peculiar jutsu of his as well? Something that gives him the ability to sense everything in all directions?'

'I hope he teleports, that would make my life a lot more easier. Because if he doesn't that would mean he knows how to use domains.'

'Well I'm sure he'll die eventually, I can just watch him dying later. I've got work to do.'

Meanwhile, Megumi arrived near the frozen statue of a person who he recognized was the guard to their room. Turning around the corner he found himself inside his room, but the bed was currently occupied by an angry-looking camel-headed monster.

The monster jumped at Megumi as soon as he arrived.


Megumi dodged the blow almost instinctively as he pulled behind and ducked underneath the surprising second set of claws that dropped at him from the ceiling of the room.

'What the heck!!'

A new monster that looked like it had the head of a black bear fell onto the floor and growled at Megumi, while its companion let its loose and long matt black slender arms dangle around from the shoulder.

The claws on both the monsters produced sparks as they rubbed against the floor.

While Megumi wondered what he could do to avoid the fight and leave through the windows which were connected to a new pathway beyond.

'I don't want to get sandwiched by creatures from all directions.

But it was not Megumi's lucky day today.


Loud growls sounded from all around Megumi as monsters began popping out of the earth. Each looked at Megumi with an intense hunger burning in their eyes like moths dying to a flame, it consumed them entirely.

Before anyone could even move, or Caroline could react, Megumi stabbed his chest with the blade and twisted it for his heart to rupture and explode.

The familiar sensation of being drawn out of his body remained as he was suddenly thrust back into reality.

"Aniki, I'm scared."


"What happened, Aniki?" Sara asked in a worried tone that caused Megumi to sigh.

Calmly cutting away the monster behind him. Megumi spoke in a neutral tone. "I'll keep you safe, so don't worry."

Looking at the horde of Monsters before him, Megumi decided what he was going to do.

"Sara, wait a second for me here." Megumi said as he helped Sara to the ground and took a step forward.

Sara was confused since she'd just been picked up but watched without fear nonetheless.

Megumi's sword began to *crackle* as he poured lightning nature chakra into it.

The *crackle* slowly spread and formed a lightning cloak around Megumi's body.

"Raiton: Lightning Cloak."

Before any of the monsters even realized what happened, Megumi had reached them and separated their heads from their bodies.


The barrage of heads fell onto the ground producing repeated heavy *thud*s as skulls collided with the ground.

The bodies of all the creatures stood straight for a minute before collapsing similarly on their own.

Some fell forward while others fell sideways, crushing their own heads under their mighty weight.

"WWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Aniki!!! You're so strong!!!!!!!"

"Haha~ yes I am! Aren't I?" Megumi beat his own drum while picking up Sara after deactivating the lightning cloak.

"Umu. Umu." Sara nodded but then said, "But you're still not as strong as Erza!"

"Don't worry, I'll teach you a move that is even more powerful"

 "Waaaaa!!! Thank you!!!" Sara looked excitedly at Megumi, admiring her luck for having such a great big brother.

'She should be able to use the Ultimate Lightning Cloak more easily than me because of her Uzumaki healing properties. I should ask Seramu just to be sure. If I can leave here alive that is.'

'I have two-thirds of my chakra left.'

With the horde of thirty or so monsters dead, Megumi ran normally towards his next destination inside the maze, his room.

Megumi left Sara a little away from the room, as readied his lightning cloak jutsu and slipped into the room.

Spotting the camel-headed monster Megumi dashed towards it as he sliced its neck and separated the head from the body.

Turning around Megumi was about to dash toward the Bear on the ceiling but found it missing.

Feeling something wrong Megumi looked towards Sara who was shouting something that was inaudible to Megumi over the *crackle* of the jutsu he was using.

Suddenly out of instinct, Megumi jumped to his side as three long deep gashes in the form of claw marks spread on the surface where he was just standing.

Turning around Megumi spotted the bear-like creature standing proud on its hind legs, looking down on Megumi's adult body trying to intimidate him.

Trying not to give the bear any time, Megumi dashed towards it and swung his sword upwards. A slash that preceded him flew out but the bear simply swatted it away with its 'bare' hands.

'The heck! How can people swat away slashes!?'

Megumi thrust his sword forward like a rapier and expected it to puncture the bear's heart but the bear dodged the shot by ducking on all four limbs.

In an attempt to retaliate the bear swung its claws to nab Megumi but he blocked it by chopping off the exposed furry paw, sending it flying due to momentum.

Ignoring the paw as it slammed into the wall and hung loosely after its claws pierced the walls, Megumi pushed forth and tried to gain purchase by turning off the lightning on the blade and aiming right at the bear's jugular to slice it open.

A fountain of blood gushed out as the bear groaned in pain and collapsed onto the floor when its left side went limp due to loss of blood.

The bear's body bubbled to rapidly heal the wound but Megumi was already on its neck and sliced it to separate the body from the head, ending the bear's 'unbearable' misery.

Seeing the death of the final creature in the room, Megumi turned off his lightning cloak to save chakra, but that turned out to be a mistake when he immediately spotted several other frankenstein'ed creatures horde into the room from the open windows.

The creatures and Megumi started each other for mere moments before Megumi surprised everyone by taking his own life once again.

"Aniki, I'm scared." Sara said, snuggling closer to Megumi while he looked down at her and hugged her tight to comfort her.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." Megumi said as he killed the creature behind him.

Sara as usual stared at him with admiration while he did so.

'Do I need to learn Shunshin? To fight everything here?'

'But wouldn't it still be slower than the lightning cloak jutsu?'

'No, Shisui was fast enough to produce afterimages using Shunshin. But he still had the Sharingan to help him control the speed, how will I do this?'


Megumi looked on at the horde of monsters that was getting closer as he shifted Sara to his back and told her, "Hold on tight."

Sara held on by wrapping her arms, from under Megumi's arms, around his chest and pulling herself closer.

Megumi rocketed towards the horde of creatures using his premature shunshin as he dashed at them with his blade to slice their necks.

Meeting the first creature, Megumi sliced at its neck and felt the blade make contact but failed to fully cleave through since the spinal cord was harder than the force Megumi could exert.

Filling his katana with lightning nature chakra Megumi drove the sword to the other side and separated the head from the body. 

Although one creature was down, Megumi had to fall back since other creatures had already begun attacking the spot where he was standing.

He did not want to take too many risks because Sara was on his back.

'Ok. I think I'm getting there.'

But before Megumi could make a new move, the ground underneath him sifted as the hands of a creature appeared out of it and dragged him into it.


'Shit! I forgot they can use the headhunter jutsu!!'

Before Megumi could even try to free himself a sharp claw pierced the center of his head, while Sara was buried alive among the stones that he had just stepped on.

"Aniki, I'm scared!" Sara cried again and this time, Megumi slowly patted her head as he ducked low to dodge the claws of the monster behind him.

"Don't worry! Aniki will take care of you!!" Megumi stood up and rammed his prosthetic knife into the skull of the monster behind dragging it down and pinned it to the ground.

Megumi looked into the pitiful eyes of the monster before slashing its neck and separating its head from its body, killing it instantly.

'Damn monsters! Just you wait! Just you wait until I figure out what is going on!'


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