
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

The Loop.

"Why did you drink so much with your tiny little body!?" Megumi asked Sakura as he tried to leave her on the bed, but Sakura just wouldn't let go.


"What? You want me to take you to Tsuna nee?"

"...Tsunade-sensei." Sakura nodded.

"Fine, fine! We'll go, wait a minute." Megumi said as he freed himself and rushed to Tsunade's room to bring her.

*knock* *knock*

"Megumi?" Tsunade questioned after peeking her head out a little and then opening the door.

"What happened?"

"It's Rura, she's drunk and keeps telling me to go get you."

"Oh? Drunk? Who gave her alcohol?"

"Never mind that! Come fast or I don't know what she'll do!" Megumi said as he teleported along with Tsunade to his room, cutting the words Tsunadae was about to tell him, "Don't telepor-"

"Arghhh!!! My head hurts!! Why did you teleport me!! That annoying thing makes my brain spin!!" Tsunade complained as she gripped her head in pain.

"Look at Rura!!" Megumi pushed Tsunade to stand in front of Sakura.

While healing herself using her right hand, Tsunade healed Sakura using her left hand and within moments of healing her Sakura jumped up and glared at Megumi.

"What happened? Why are you glaring at me like that?"

"...why did you teleport me while I was drunk!!! My head felt like it'd explode!!!"


"Tsunade-sensei!! I give you full permission to beat him up however you please!" Sakura exclaimed, clearly angry at Megumi.


"That's three out of five." Tsunade counted, confusing both Sakura and Megumi.

"Out of five?" Megumi asked a little cautiously from the floor where he had been buried alive.

"Seriously? You forgot?!" Tsunade looked shocked.

"What did I forge- Ah! You promised Sakura you'd hit me five times!!!"

"Seriously! What is wrong with you two? How did you forget about it in two days!?"

"...I'll tell you later. Did you see the new relief paintings on the wall!?"

"Did you two do something that I'm not aware of?" Tsunade asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Ah…well" Sharing a quick glance with Sakura, Megumi nodded his head but said, "We'll tell you later. It sort of just happened…"

Tsunade was still suspicious of Megumi since anything that happened with him was never as insignificant as he made them out to be.

"I promise! We'll tell you tomorrow evening!"


"We'll be busy in the morning! Rura will also be taking a short break from o-"

"No, I'll be going, I have work to do, Sara will handle my part as well tomorrow." Sakura interrupted.

"Sara?" Tsunade questioned the new name. "Come to think of it, Caroline was overly joyous to see me today. Did something happen?"

"Don't worry! Nothing bad, Mito-baa san will probably be really happy." Megumi reassured Tsunade as he pushed her out of the room.

Tsunade sent one lsat puzzled glance in Megumi and Sakura's direction but Megumi scared her off by saying, "Tsuna-nee, go or I'll teleport you!"


Shutting the door, Megumi finally relaxed but found another glare from Sakura waiting for him.

"What happened to you now? I thought your headache went away!" Megumi pleaded.

"What went away? You're still here! My biggest headache!"


Making a 'What did I do!?' face, Megumi slipped into the bed, "I'm sleeping, I don't want to talk to you anymore! You're a bad girl!"

"Bad girl my foot! I should be beating you with how wildly you teleport me everywhere!" Sakura scolded, slipping into the same large bed.

"...I got hit by Tsuna-nee for that…" Megumi argued back.

"And I still feel like shit even after she healed me!"


"Tell me what happened to you later. How did you meet Sara all those other times? And how are those Uzumaki and the citizens of Roran still alive?"

"...It's a rather long story."

"...I have all night."

"...fine, you remember the time the Ryumyaku vein exploded?"

"Yeah, and it created those space divisions in between everyone? You were stuck with the little Sara?"

"Yeah, from there, while you only remember it happening one time with us successfully defeating Mukade, and thanking Seramu and her family and escaping using the Ryumyaku vein, I remember it happening a few hundred times."

"....what?" Sakura got up and looked wide eyed at Megumi.

About forty eight hours earlier.

"Aniki, I'm scared." Sara's cries brought Megumi's thoughts back to reality as he picked her up and holding his katana with one hand said, "Don't worry, your Aniki is here. He'll keep you safe no matter what."

But before either of them could move, one of the creatures initially targeting Sakura smelled Megumi's scent in the air and changed targets and instantly sliced through Megumi's back, chopping him along with Sara into thin strips of meat in the process.

Megumi felt a weird sensation envelop him as he felt a grand hand drag him out of his body and begin consuming him, but as soon as he was about to be eaten, another hand stopped him and gave away some of itself to the first hand instead.

"Aniki, I'm scared." Sara's cries brought Megumi's thoughts back to reality as he picked her up and holding his katana with one hand said, "Don't worry, your Aniki is here. He'll keep you safe no matter wh- What in the world!?"

Megumi ducked under the slash that had killed him in the previous iteration as he spotted the wild wolf-like creature that had arisen out of the ground.

Holding Sara close to himself, Megumi pushed away from the ground as he kicked the snout of the creature and stabbed using his prosthetic hidden blade.


The creature howled but Megumi gave it no time to grieve and separated its head from its body with a single slice of his katana.

Yet even then the creature still moved its limbs around as it swung its sharp claws at Megumi.

'Is the damn thing still alive?' Megumi thought, blocking its random attacks.

'No, its attacks have become lighter, I guess because its spine was not cut out, it can remain alive for a while?'

Megumi was proven right when he just stepped out of range of the fascinating creature and watched it flail around as it could no longer find him.

Ducking to avoid the fountain of blood, Sara, sticking close to Megumi watched in awe as he fought and became an instant admirer.

'All his movements are so clean. Even when he's holding me.'

Stopping as soon as the creature fell to the ground, Megumi swiped his blade clean as he looked down at Sara.

"Sara, this might be weird, but entertain me a little alright?'


"I know this will sound stupid but did we d-"

Megumi tried to speak but no words came out as he suddenly froze and looked like he'd seen a creature right out of his imagination.

"What happened, Aniki?" Sara shook Megumi awake once again but he said nothing instead his eyes kept glancing towards the thing in the sky about ten feet away and then back at little Sara.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Probably just my delusions or something." Megumi whispered the last part, but being so close to him Sara did hear exactly what Megumi was saying and felt confused as she stared at the exact same spot Megumi was looking at but found nothing there except empty air.

"Let's keep moving ahead." Megumi said with focus, looking at the hordes of animals that were staring at him and waiting for his next move.

As Megumi took a step forward, some of the creatures vanished from their places and sank into the earth while others walked around to surround him as he readied his katana.

"Come!" Megumi barked as the creatures all turned on him and tried to shred him to bits by slicing their claws or snapping their jaws shut over him, but although Megumi could beat them all easily by simply activating Raiton: lightning cloak, he didn't. Because Sara was still on his body, hanging like a koala.

Not having much experience in fighting large groups of enemies, Megumi let the animals take the initiative which they gladly did.

Two opposite creatures swung their claws as two more, one from the top and another from under the ground, *snapped* their large wide jaws shut tight on Megumi's tails from the top and bottom.

Barely dodging the first two by pushing chakra into his heels and sliding away, Megumi also dodged the last two but was eventually killed once again when a sixth head popped out from behind the creature above him.

'Damn! Why are you using such intelligent tactics like the decoys!? Aren't non-boss enemies supposed to be dumb!?'

Was one of Megumi's last thoughts before his entire head was bitten away, leaving a shocked Sara, while his last thought was, 'Glad to know I will not be needing to pay for therapy and she will forget about this all on her own.'

The same feeling of being eaten consumed him once again as the second hand came around to save him again.

"Aniki, I'm scared." Sara's cries were heard loud and clear by Megumi who still couldn't believe what had actually happened.

'It is real.'

'What the heck.'

'I should've died.'


'And that damn thing, it keeps following me for some reason.' Megumi cursed looking at the Shinigami that was staring at him from behind its scary hollow wooden mask.

Megumi was tense but this time even without looking back he ducked under the Wolf like creature that had ambushed him earlier and stabbed his katana through its chest and into its beating heart.

Megumi felt the creature try and put up a final struggle to eat him away, but failed when Megumi pushed the katana deeper and twisted it until the Creature whimpered in pain and gave up. Allowing Megumi to send it into death's grace by slicing its head open from the inside.

The Shinigami behind Megumi held what Megumi presumed was the creature's soul and swallowed it up, right under his shocked gaze.

'Ignore things that you do not understand seems like a great mantra to live by right about now. '

Not wanting to face the horde of animals once again, Megumi selected the wiser choice of the two options.

Either he could reveal his capabilities to Hagoromo or he could stand and fight the horde with what little knowledge about group combat he had.

Megumi chose the third way, to tuck his tail and rush past them using his speed while sliding along the walls.

'Its not running away but a tactical retreat.'

Sticking his feet to one of the walls Megumi looked at the monster horde that was already close to him and shot out in full speed by whispering to Sara, "Hold on. This is going to be quick."

Buzzing through the wall, wind harrowed through his ears as Megumi weaved through the hordes of monsters that all tried their best to reach out to him, until Megumi could no longer stop due to his speed and was met with new claws that emerged from the wall itself and shredded him before he could even think.

The second hand saved Megumi yet again as, "Aniki, I'm scared." Sara cried while Megumi just looked down at her with a hollow expression.

"*sigh* don't worry, we'll get there soon." Megumi nodded and looked out at the horde of monsters that were all waiting for him to become their meat for the fourth time that day.

Megumi pulled a fast one this time as he killed the wolf headed creature and turned backwards and began climbing the walls and moving at a fast pace.

Except that he couldn't step more than three steps in the reverse direction as a transparent wall stopped him in place.

'Damn it. Why does Hagoromo have mastery over space!?'

Megumi cursed as he faced the horde of monsters once again.

Three monsters dove at him this time as Megumi jumped atop the head of one of the monsters and pierced its brain with the hidden knife in his prosthetic leg, only to find to his absolute horror that nothing happened to the monster as it simply used its claws to swipe at him and Sara and cut them into four slices of meat with barely any *squelching* of the fresh meaty flesh.

Even this time Megumi didn't manage to kill any of the creatures that were keeping him trapped in an enclosure.

"Aniki, I'm scared." Sara cried.

'This is getting boring real quick.'

Megumi first killed the wolf headed creature by slicing its neck and separating its head from its body.

Attempting to communicate with Sakura for a solution, Megumi was about to open his mental connection to her but froze as he felt a deathly gaze land on him that sent shivers down his spine.

The Shinigami with the scary hollow look on its face gazed at Megumi as its eyes met Megumi's glossy black ones. They looked at each other until he was forced to stop attempting to communicate with Sakura.

'What the hell is its problem if I communicated with Rura?'

Choosing to fly by the horde of monsters once again, Megumi decided it was time to break the loop.

'Alright this time!'

"Hold tight." He said to Sara and started to build up momentum by going in circles on the walls of the large gothic houses that formed the deadly maze around him.

Megumi kept a close eye on the horde that was moving closer each passing second and as soon as his eyes spotted an opening, Megumi shot through.

Wind swept past Sara's hair, blowing some of it into his eyes as Megumi thought that even if he didn't manage to live this time, he would have to tie up Sara's hair the next time around.

The claws of several monster's tried to graze Megumi's body or even Sara but they couldn't do anything when Megumi's katana started to fill with lightning nature chakra and glowed like a lightsaber as it sliced through them all.

"We did it Aniki!!!" Sara exclaimed as Megumi came to a slow stop and sighed in relief until a sharp claw made its way through Sara's head and pierced his heart along with her.

'Oh! Not again.'


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