
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Too Tired.

Leaving Sara to stand on the ground beside him, Megumi spoke in a serious tone, "Sara wait for me here alright?"

"Un." Sara nodded in a similar serious manner but her babish face left a cute impression on Megumi instead of a serious one, causing him to smile softly.

"I will be back."

Megumi pumped chakra through the soles of his sandals and rushed at the oncoming horde as he reached it in under a step.

Keeping his momentum, Megumi swung his sword and used his speed to his advantage by cutting through the necks of two unsuspecting creatures instantly.

The heads rolled onto the floor with a Thud to signify the start of a bloody battle.

Megumi ducked under the four claws that aimed for his head as he pushed further into the crowd using shunshin to stomp out stone from underneath his sandals into the air to blind his enemies.

Three bat-headed creatures opened their mouths to scream at Megumi but he shunshined right at them and drove his sword into their heads, making shish kebab out of them.

The bat's were still alive though and dangerously close to blasting Megumi right in the face with their dreadful music.

So Megumi used his sword as a lever to aim the three bat heads at the rest of the crowd to let his enemies hear the music of deafness instead.


Jumping up at the sudden and loud screech that exploded out of the bats' mouths, Megumi moved with practiced precision as he turned the heads for the entire horde encircling him to hear.

Turning it more and more caused the screeches to die down and transform into wails instead since the sword that was digging into the bat's heads was spilling their brains open.

With a short activation of his lightning blade, Megumi tore through their skulls and completely destroyed their brains in the process as the bats fell down to the ground infected with death.

The remaining thirty or so monsters had their claw-like hands covering their ears, still reeling from the shocking screech directed toward them. But Megumi moved with practiced ease as he jumped towards the crowd and began to use shunshin to move in straight lines among the horde and slice the heads of all those present.

After killing about eight or so monsters out of the thirty, Megumi was finally forced to slow down when a monster placed its claws in his path.

Ducking underneath the claws, Megumi jabbed his sword like a Rapier into the chest and used his momentum to slide along and push it into another monster behind the first one.

The two monsters he had pinned using his body, attempted to swipe their claws at Megumi but were unable to reach him because Megumi stuck so close that their claws would end up piercing their own bodies if they did. 

This was something Megumi figured out only on the seventeenth try.

The two creatures fell limp suddenly when Megumi pushed his sword deeper to slice their spines in half and passed lightning chakra into their bodies to fry them.

After having figured out that it wasn't the separation of their heads but the destruction of their spines that killed them, Megumi had switched to piercing his blade into his enemies and then cooking their spines from the inside as a less violent way to kill them.

While the hollow-faced shinigami ate the souls of the lives he had already reaped.

Megumi's speed of reaping his enemies' lives increased as he moved in a more calculated and planned manner in each attempt.

Moving through the positions of the horde he'd already memorized after the many encounters, Megumi pushed through to the end of the first ring of encircled creatures as they all dropped dead.

Each either had its head separated from its body, or its spine cooked to oblivion.

Panting at the heavy effort it took to do all this, Megumi watched the shocked look on the faces of the creatures and smirked in joy.

"Not so funny now that you're the one on the other end dying is it?"

If they had time the creatures would've all sweatdropped wondering when they'd killed Megumi but Megumi didn't give them the luxury.

Blasting another set of stones from underneath his torn sandals Megumi rocketed towards the horde, rushing at them as if nothing could stop him.

But decelerated to a stop as he noticed one of the creatures missing.

'Why are there only nineteen? Where is the twentieth?'

Before he could think however his body acted on its own, throwing a kunai filled with lightning chakra right at Sara, where before she could react a long black and slender creature appeared from the ground but unluckily for it, a kunai happened to want the same spot as its head.

The kunai pierced the head of the creature as it exploded all of a sudden into a shower of black blood that Sara was drenched in.

Although drenched in blood, Sara still had a crazed expression.

'Of course, you would go after the little girl, you pathetic constipated coward.' Megumi cursed at the limp body that was half stuck inside the ground.


"Ha! Didn't I tell you I would. So don't worry about it. You can trust me."

"LOOK OU-" Before Sara could even finish her sentence, Megumi without looking sliced behind him and caused the head of the creature that was behind him to collapse to the ground.

Turning back to his fight, Megumi began to whip up his speed as he increased the chakra he placed into his soles and dashed right back into the crowd.

'Just Eighteen left.'

'That bastard will be my next target.'

Slipping through the crowd with razor-thin gaps between him and the creature's claws, Megumi dashed in straight lines as he flickered in the vision of Sara and the creatures until he reached the one lone enemy that was standing with a commanding posture.

'Let's see what the commander is made up of.'

Rushing to the commander's position, Megumi slashed at the commander's legs to drop it to the ground so that he could kill it more easily, but the slash was instantly blocked when the commander brought its claws to the blade.

Looking down at Megumi the commander of the group smirked but couldn't believe its eyes when it saw Megumi smirking back.

"I don't only use a sword you fool!"

The creature looked perplexed but soon heard a loud Crackle above its head.

Before it could dodge though, the kunai clad in lightning chakra crashed onto the commander's round cat head as it exploded, eyes first, into a flurry of guts and gore.

With the death of their commander, the rest of the group became unnerved but kept up against their individual will to flee and adhered to their collective identity.

As such they chose to dash toward Megumi and encircle him once again.

'Huh? Only fifteen? Where are the remaining two?'

Looking in Sara's direction again, Megumi spotted two creatures running towards her.

'Lol. Don't these fools learn anything?'

Megumi wanted to attack the two creatures but knew it would be difficult so he did the opposite.

Stumbling while blocking an attack, Megumi created an opening that the creatures could use to attack him.

But before the attack could reach Megumi he had created an explosive burst of chakra that sent rubble flying into the faces of all the enemies present as they were forced to block their faces to avoid their eyes from being ruptured.

Instead of running toward the creatures, Megumi threw two kunai with explosive seals, at their heads.

Following that Megumi stuck explosive seals onto the heads of the stunned creatures around himself and finally escaped from the circle using Shunshin.


With the chain of explosions blending into one another, Megumi moved towards Sara and decided he would fight from her side instead of trying to protect her from a distance.

"Sara doesn't need protection~!! Sara is a big girl!" Sara exclaimed but Megumi just smiled and laughed.

"And who said, 'Aniki I'm scared!' earlier? Huh?"

"That was old Sara, this is new Sara."

"Ha! Alright, your big bro will fight exactly as you want him to. Do you want to help me!?"

"I can!!!?" Sara nodded overjoyed.

"Sure, why not?" Megumi said as he picked up Sara and let her climb onto his back.

"Then firssssttttt, I want you to take down that one over there!" Sara said pointing at a rather mean-looking mantis-headed creature.


Megumi dashed at full speed, scaring Sara a little when he stopped right in front of the mantis's arms.

Before the mantis could attack however, its arms were chopped down by Megumi and his sword penetrated its pincered mouth as it came out the back of its chitin head.

The mantis was still alive and well, but before it could do anything other than *screech* for help, Megumi fried its alive using lightning chakra.

Soon, Sara was pointing at different creatures while Megumi took them down.

Sara's orders initially were just to take it down or butcher its head. But they soon grew into more complex and colorful forms of art with, 'Stab it through its eyes.' or 'Use its hands to stab another head!' or 'Electrocute that one from its a**hole!'

Of course, Megumi didn't stuff Caroline into an a**hole, he used the large claw of the creature he had previously killed to make a makeshift chakra blade and electrocuted the creature using that.

After killing about seven more, Sara asked, "Will this be all Aniki?"

"No, more will come."


"Yes, soon."

As the number of creatures climbed down the board, more hordes of creatures poured into the corridor from further ahead in an attempt to sandwich Megumi with their numbers once more.

But Megumi was smart this time.

Having known that the other hordes would pour into the corridor once this one was finished, Megumi broke the encirclement, of the nearly eight remaining creatures, and forced them all to one side by lashing at them in a rough and forcing way whenever they tried to encircle him.

The bodies of their dead comrades lying around were being used as foothold blockades so that they couldn't easily rush through and attack Megumi.

Ducking underneath the sharp claws that sliced in, Megumi struck back by sticking his sword into the roof of the creature's mouth and electrocuting its brainstem.

That was not the end however as he was then forced to throw out four lightning-charged kunai at the outliers of the horde that were trying to sidestep the boundary using the headhunter jutsu.


Megumi danced around as he kept killing one enemy after another, using their bodies to block more and more creatures from breaking the choke point he had created.

But finally, when part of the wall collapsed due to a body shifting around because of the creatures constantly bumping into them, he lost control.

An immediate flow of monsters followed as Megumi struggled to manage everything.

'Will this be another death?'

Megumi looked ahead with hollow eyes as he watched the horde grow larger and larger and then suddenly double for a second before flashing back.

'Ha!? I'm that tired?'

'Well, I guess anyone would be.'

Almost about to give up, Megumi spent all his energy and chakra on one last lightning swing that took down sixteen creatures at once.

He could hear the incessant shouts of Sara who wanted him to keep going, but he was too tired to care, and so he collapsed.

'I guess I will save more stamina next time.'

Sara got down from his back as she summoned her own handkerchief from a storage seal to wipe down the sweat that had formed on the collapsed Megumi's brows.

"Don't worry Aniki! Sara won't leave you and go anywhere!"

Wanting to applaud the little girl's courage, Megumi smiled a little but couldn't even form proper words.

"Stay-" *cough*

"Stay back-" *cough* *cough*

"Stay back a little." Megumi finally managed to whisper as the horde of creatures gathered again after sixteen of them had suddenly died.

Pulling out ten kunai with explosive seals stuck to them, Megumi ignited them as he hugged Sara closer and threw them into the enemy lines.



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