
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 43

"We already have finished three yesterday by working together." Said Ye Kong still with a smile.

Hearing them Yue Yang was a little surprised.

He then looked at them and said, "Well done guys. It seems like you understood my real test for you guys. I thought it would have taken a little to understand it but it seems like the hydra egg is really alluring to you."

Ye Kong and Co smiled together hearing his praises. Ye Kong then said proudly, "Initially we really wanted to complete the quests by ourselves but it was when I saw how the Twins wanted to do it together that I thought again about what you said to us. Since you never mentioned doing it individually but only said that you wanted us to complete at least two quests with rewards that are beneficial to our beasts I thought about completing all of the quests as a group."

Hearing him Yue Yang laughed and patted his shoulder. After that, all of them spoke for a little before they went away eager to see their families after passing so many years here.

Yue Yang who saw them walk away smiled gently before entering the room where he saw the girls already awoke sitting on his couch.

"Good Morning Girls. How was your sleep?" Asked Yue Yang with a smile.

He told them to go and pack their things before leaving the inn. The packing didn't take long as all of them only brought some clothes so it was done in only ten minutes or so.

Before going he let them eat breakfast as they haven't eaten anything yet after they woke up. As for himself, he didn't eat much as he wasn't hungry after eating so much with Luo Hua at the restaurant.

After that, they all went to the teleportation circle that they used to enter the Tong Tian Tower and went back to the soaring dragon continent and used another teleportation circle which teleported to the city nearest to the Yue clan Castle.

Yue Bing and Red started asking him questions and every time Yue Yang would answer them like he was a teacher answering his student's questions passionately while Hui Tai Lang was walking leisurely.

After walking for a while they finally arrived at the place for lending coaches. Since the clan new year tournament was only in a week they weren't pressed so they decided to rent the coach for the day after and passed a day in the town and traveled the day after.

The coachmen's prices were a little higher since the clan tournament was near but it wasn't too much for Yue Yang so he paid for the coachman and the horses before leaving.

After that, they went to an inn and paid for two rooms as the rooms here weren't as huge as the ones in the Tong Tian Tower. One room was for himself and Hui Tai Lang and the other for Yue Bing and Red. After booking the rooms he let the girls explore the city.

Early morning, he cultivated for some time. When he saw the time he immediately went to the girl's room to wake them but they were already awake and were only waiting for him to go.

After some greeting, they all went to the coaches lending place where all was already prepared and the coachman was only waiting for them.

The coachman nodded his head at them and made them enter the coach before he began to guide the horses towards the Yue clan castle. Right now only Yue Yang, Yue Bing, and Hui Tai Lang were inside the coach as he had already summoned Red back in the grimoire since he didn't want the clan members to be frightened before even the tournament begins.

While in there he kept teaching Yue Bing the skills of her beast and how to use them properly during the battle.

Their journey was only tranquil until they arrived one mile away from the village near the castle.

The coachman couldn't advance anymore as he was too scared when he saw how heavily guarded the place was.

He informed his two clients trying to make them retreat but seeing how adamant they were in continuing he couldn't help but grit his teeth and continue.

He couldn't do anything else as he has already given most of the paid money to his family and if he didn't complete his job he knew that he has to repay every cent of it.

Although he chose to advance he was cursing his two clients in his mind and was at the same time frightened by the Yue clan guards.

When he was finally 100 meters away from the guarding the guards finally sent one of them to stop the coach.

"Halt! Stop moving immediately! This is the Yue clan territory and no one is permitted to enter without permission!" Said the guard arrogantly while looking at the coachman with disdain in his eyes.

The coachman who was already too frightened couldn't utter a word as he kept looking toward the room of coach and at the guard.

"So, even the Yue clan descendants can't enter without permission is that what you are saying, am I right?" Said a Yue Yang from the room.

The guard was stunned for a while before he remembered his orders he then puffed his chest arrogantly and said, "Of course, the Yue clan descendants could enter without permission."

"So why are blocking my path?" Asked Yue Yang in the coach.

The guard didn't even bat his eyes and said, "It's because I was informed that all Yue clan descendants were already in the castle, and all the others who come and declare themselves as one of them are impostors."

Yue Yang who heard him speak was already sure that even if he and Yue Bing bled blood and said that they were the clan descendants they would still be blocked so he didn't say anything else as he jumped out of the coach with YueBing.

He only tried to see if he could enter peacefully but since that wasn't possible he didn't mind making a scene bigger than the original Yue Yang.

After jumping out of the coach he threw some coins to the coachman and said, "Your job can be considered to be completed. You can go."

The coachman didn't even wait for another second as he immediately skillfully maneuvered the horses and sprinted away like the horses had wings attached to them. Seeing how cowardly he run away Yue Yang shook his before he looked at the guard who has still the same arrogant face as before.

"So you said that I can't enter the castle since I'm not a descendant right?" Said Yue Yang with a wild grin on his face that could even make demons shudder.

"Y-yes." Answered the guard with almost all his courage gone.