
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 42

Before going the waitress served them some wine. It didn't take long before their first dish arrived.

It was a type of beast meat that he hasn't tasted yet so, Yue Yang eagerly began eating but he still restrained himself a little not wanting to be embarrassed in front of Luo Hua.

Luo Hua, on the other hand, was eating calmly and sometimes she would look at him and then return eating again.

Every time a dish was finished, another one would be served to them. Yue Yang was all smiles as he continued to eat and tease Luo Hua.

The dinner passed very calmly as the two of them only spoke from time to time while eating.

Actually, only Yue Yang was eating all the time. Luo Hua only ate a little bit of everything dish brought to them while Yue Yang continued to eat until he couldn't stuff the food in his mouth anymore.

After he finally finished the last dish he paid for food. When Luo Hua asked him, he just replied that he was her pursuer so how could he let her pay on their first date. Even though he didn't have too much money but he didn't really care about it.

After that, they talked about trivial things for a while before they left the restaurant. It was already late night when they left the restaurant.

Yue Yang wanted to escort her to her home but she refused. She said that he didn't have to worry about her and that he could go. Seeing how she refused Yue Yang nodded his head then said his goodbyes before walking away.

Luo Hua, on the other hand, was looking at his back with a pissed face. She only refused because she didn't want him to think bad of her if she accepted immediately. She wanted to see him insist for a while before she accepted but that guy didn't even ask a second time and went away like he didn't care about her at all!

She snorted in a low voice but before she could turn away, he turned his head and said, "What are you waiting for? Lead the way, I don't know the directions to your home."

She was dumbfounded by his statement and asked, "Aren't you leaving, why are you asking the direction of my house? And why do you come back?"

He smiled and teased, "How can I let my girlfriend go alone at night? It's my job as your boyfriend to escort you safely to your home before leaving. Right?"

Her eyes widen by hearing his statement and she asked, "When do I become your girlfriend?" She said this on the surface but inside she was happy by the care he was showing for her.

She threw a little tantrum first before leading the way. Yue Yang teased her a little more before they arrived at her place.

Before she could say anything, He told her to take care and wished her 'Good Night' before walking away. He had already teased her enough today and didn't want to embarrass her.

She looked at his back and smiled before she went inside her house. She really enjoyed her dinner with him. She slept while thinking about him.


Yue Yang who was unaware of what his actions caused continued to walk and yawn at some point. He felt really tired and sleepy at the same time.

The only thing in his mind right now was to arrive at his inn and lie on that not-so-comfortable couch hoping to see the mature sword goddess and the adolescent one on his dreams.

Although it was so late the teleportation circle was still working so he paid the guard and then he was teleported to the first floor.

When he walked away from the adventurer guild he couldn't spot a single person on the street and it was also very quiet.

Fortunately for him, he had the night vision gained from Empress Fen Wen Li, or else he couldn't see more than a meter away from himself.

After a long walk, he finally arrived at the inn. The guards who were paid to protect the entrance were already sleeping like logs. Seeing them Yue Yang only shook his head before he passed them.

Although the receptionist was sleepy she greeted him with a smile on her face. Yue Yang nodded his head at her before he took the stairs to his room.

After he arrived at the door of his room he took out his keys and slowly opened the door.

The next thing he did was to locate his couch before he laid on it closing his eyes immediately too tired to do anything else.


Time passed quickly and in no time it was already morning.

When Yue Yang finally opened his eyes, he lazily stood up from the couch and went to the bathroom. Last night Xiu'er didn't appear in his dream, it looked like she knew he was very tired and didn't want to disturb him.

He then went to the room where the girls were sleeping to wake them up. When he gently put his hand on the door to knock it slightly opened by itself.

Seeing this he curiously opened the door a little more and then put his head in and began peeping at the sleeping girls.

Although there was a voice in his head telling him to not do that, his curiosity in the end won.

The scene he saw was really something beautiful in his eyes. The two girls were hugging each other while still sleeping with a serene smile on their faces. Although the scene looked innocent he couldn't help but imagine things in his perverted mind.

Seeing how peaceful they were sleeping, unaware of the beast who was observing them he smiled before closing the door as he didn't want another voice to appear in his head telling him to jump in between them.

After leaving the girls' room he sat on the couch waiting for them to wake up. While he was waiting for them he began planning about the clan new year tournament and about how to teach all of them a lesson.

Still, in his thoughts, he heard a knock on the door. He was a little surprised after hearing the knock as he didn't order something but he still stood up and went to open the door.

The one who knocked was Ye Kong and Co. When he opened the door they all greeted him before they began speaking in low voices as if they knew that the girls were sleeping.

"Good Morning. We all came here to say goodbye to you since we are leaving today to return to our families." Said Ye Kong as the representative of the group.

"You too are leaving today? It seems like we wouldn't see each other for a while now." Said, Yue Yang.

"By the way, how many quests have you finished yesterday?" Asked Yue Yang.