
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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95 Chs

Serious Trial ll

The trial of Sirius Black was about to begin as the Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore, addressed the people sitting in the court.

"Welcome, respected Lords and Ladies, to the court of the British Ministry of Magic," he said in a clear voice. "Today, you were summoned here for the trial of Sirius Black, who was captured after the downfall of Voldemort."

Some people shuddered hearing his name, but Dumbledore didn't pay any mind and continued.

"However, during those times, the trial was not given to Sirius, as the world was still recovering from the war. Therefore, we have to provide a fair trial for him now."

Many people didn't know the subject of the trial and were surprised to hear the name of Sirius Black.

Now they understood why Lord Black, who rarely left his house, was present for the meeting. He looked young and healthy, and they assumed that he had been healed by someone.

The same was true for Narcissa Malfoy, who was sitting with Heir Peverell. She looked younger and more expressive, as she was smiling. Nobody had seen her smile before. The Lords and Ladies had so many questions about their mysterious condition.

As Dumbledore paused, Lord Avery stood up and said, "But he's a Death Eater who killed Muggles. He doesn't need a trial. A hero like Pettigrew lost his life against him. Lock him back in Azkaban and save everyone's time."

Many people agreed with him, as the light families hated him for his betrayal and the dark families wanted the Black family gone.

Lord black who hearing Avery looked at him with a expressionless face, he had heard of Heir Peverell's philosophy from Narcissa and adopted it, Avery would surely get his due.

Dumbledore looked at Avery and said, "Now, Lord Avery, I believe everyone should get a trial, no matter what the crime is. I mean, you would have been locked in Azkaban as a Death Eater if it weren't for a trial. Maybe we should have trials again for all accused Death Eaters, last time we didn't go much in deapth maybe some dark wizards are still wandering around."

Hearing him, Avery went a little pale and sat down instantly. He wasn't expecting a direct threat from Dumbledore of all people. The passive old man had turned aggressive against him.

The dark families were now silent, and Dumbledore was sure that they wouldn't speak a word in this trial. He could see Lucius, who looked a little troubled, gesturing to the dark families. Lucius looked a little thin. Dumbledore wondered why.

As Avery settled, Lady Longbottom stood up and said, "Peter lost his life against this traitor, so did James and Lily, and you want a just trial for him. You disgust me, Dumbledore."

Now Lord black was not surprised, he had known that lady Longbottom would be against this trial, and he couldn't blame her for that, she had lost her son and daughter-in-law.

No one was surprised by this, as she was the only one who spoke openly about Dumbledore's hypocrisy in the past. But what surprised everyone was the emotions she was displaying. The old woman had always been a strong and cold witch, but right now she was angry and wanted to strangle the Chief Warlock.

Dumbledore smiled and took out a rat from his robes, making everyone surprise. He said, "That is the thing, Lady Longbottom. Peter Pettigrew is still alive." He waved his wand and turned the rat into a disheveled man who looked like he hadn't bathed for 13 years. People were astonished to see the war hero who had supposedly sacrificed his life, alive. Lord Black had blood in his eyes and wanted to kill Pettigrew right there, knowing the culprit, but he restrained himself as a lord of a ancient noble family should.

Narcissa glanced at Augustus, who smiled at her. She kissed him on the cheek in the court, Agustus enjoyed her bold actions, but no one saw them, except for the Minister Millicent Bagnold, who was glaring at Narcissa.

"No, no, no, no, keep Sirius away from me, Headmaster. You know me, I was protecting little Harry, the child of James and Lily, from the shadows."

Dumbledore used Silencio to stop Pettigrew from spouting nonsense. Pettigrew had tears in his eyes and looked at everyone with pleading eyes.

Lady Longbottom looked at Pettigrew and silently nodded at Dumbledore, then sat down. Now, finally, the trial was beginning, as Aurors went to bring Sirius Black in front of the court.

The Aurors came back with a man with black hair, who had once been a handsome man, but now looked haggard. He was chained and he looked at everyone in the court, and saw his grandfather, who he thought was dead.

He was brought to the centre of the court. Sirius, who didn't understand what was going on, looked around and saw Pettigrew, who was standing around 15 feet away from him, shivering.

Sirius's eyes widened and tears fell from them, and he suddenly started to run towards Peter, shouting, "Traitor! You bastard rat, you killed them! You killed them! WE TRUSTED YOU WITH EVERYTHING WE TREATED YOU AS A BROTHER AND YOU BETRAYED US!"

The Aurors grabbed Sirius, who was out of control. Dumbledore used a restraining hex on Sirius, who was now sitting on a chair, chained and with his mouth taped. Sirius still struggled to get out, and he was still looking at Peter.

People didn't know how to react to all of this, lord's whispered to eachother talking discreetly.

<Pettigrew POV>

I looked at Sirius, or should I say Padfoot, as he was growling at me, sitting chained.

I knew he would attack me, after all, it was because of me that James and Lily died.

Everything was going well until yesterday. I was resting with my master Ron, who had kissed me goodnight and fallen asleep.

I usually ate something then, but yesterday those two devils came to the Gryffindor common room and restrained me. How did they know? I wondered.

They had made my life hell as a rat. A normal rat would have died a hundred times enduring their experiments. My master couldn't say anything to them, as they bribed him with something to torture me.

I had to beg everyone to cancel this trial. That was the only way. If they saw my hand with dark mark, I would be locked in Azkaban and wouldn't be able to get out, as they knew now that I was an Animagus.

<Agustus POV>

I looked at both the rat and the dog who had caused this mess in front of me.

I had liked the character of Sirius in my past life. He was a dumb idiot, but he had died protecting his godson, and you couldn't take that away from him.

Narcissa was happy, and I could already tell that I wasn't going to sleep in the Hogwarts room tonight.

The reveal of Pettigrew was something I had been looking forward to. The surprised look on Millie and Narcissa's eyes was priceless.

The whole courtroom was in chaos, staring at both of them.

Dumbledore brought everyone's attention to himself after calming down Sirius and said, "Now, Sirius was sentenced to Azkaban, accused of murdering Pettigrew and the Muggles, and of serving Voldemort. He was promptly thrown in prison by Barty Crouch, Sr. without receiving a trial. Do you have anything to say, Barty?"

Now this was getting more and more fun. I looked around to see the reactions of people and saw Millie. Why is she glaring at me?


Sup, next chapter on 20 or 21.