
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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95 Chs

Harry's Back

[Agustus's POV]

"What did you do to him?" asked Narcissa as she snuggled up to me, pressing her face against mine and hugging me tightly. I could feel her warmth and the softness of her body against my chest. We were lying on a sofa, and her actions caused Dora and Bella to glare at us, while Aunty just sighed tiredly.

"Nothing actually. I just left him with people who would love him dearly," I replied, making her fall silent while the other three looked at me suspiciously.

"Anyway, so Voldemort is back?" asked Bella, changing the topic.

"Yup. I beat the crap out of him but let him run away. I want to torture him, torment him, but Potter would be the one to kill him," I explained. I knew Voldemort was scum and might go on a killing spree, but I made sure innocent people wouldn't suffer because of him. How? Well, Hela is Death, and I'm her master. But the question is, would that be fair to the victims? Nope, but honestly, when has life ever been fair?

My statement made Aunty frown. "You should've just finished him. That man is dangerous. I know you're powerful, but still, I don't want anything bad to happen to our family and friends."

Dora nodded in agreement, and I could feel Narcissa silently concurring in my arms. Sigh, they worry too much, and they underestimate me too much. The necklace they are wearing can protect them from anything and anyone, even Luna has one of them.

"Hm, it's good. I want to fight him too. I will take revenge myself this time," Bella declared. She really wanted to torture Snape herself, but I didn't let her do that. However, seeing her getting excited to face Voldemort, I looked forward to that day.

"I too want to fight him," said the excited wannabe Auror Dora. She wanted to be a knight who fights dark wizards. She could beet him too, as we've been practicing duelling since first year, she's grown stronger as I had removed her limiter.

Aunty glared at her daughter, but Dora just ignored her, giving her a smug smile. I chuckled, looking at both of them.

"Agustus, we should go. It's getting late," said Dora, though I didn't really want to leave. I glanced at the lovely woman in my arms, but seeing her threatening stare, I reluctantly got up. Narcissa reluctantly let me go, and I shared her feelings. I already missed her warmth. She threw an accusatory glare at Dora, who just gave her a smug smile.

[End of POV]

[Sirius Black POV]

Seeing Dumbledore disappear without giving us a clear answer, but after hearing his statement, I already guessed who he is talking about.

Alice and Professor McGonagall were clueless, and I don't blame them. They wouldn't believe Dumbledore would go to a 4th-year student for help. I was terrified about Harry's whereabouts; I hoped Peverell could find him in time.

After some time, the whole Hogsmeade village was cleared by Aurors. There were around 40 werewolves that attacked the village; around 20 were alive, the rest of them were dead, killed by Aurors and other wizards in the village as they tried to protect themselves. 30 innocent people died in this attack, 70 were sent to St. Mungo's Hospital, as they were either bitten by a werewolf or a vampire.

We helped clear the scene; it took us around an hour. Minister Millicent Bagnold also arrived at the scene, and she was surprised to see us here. As she looked around, I saw her nodding as she looked at the dead body of Greyback; I remember her fiancée was killed in a confrontation with him.

We all left the village; Frank didn't come with us, obviously; he is going to be busy for quite a while.

As we entered the Great Hall, I saw Harry sitting at the Ravenclaw table, while Dumbledore stood beside him, asking him questions! The old fool should have taken him to Madam Pomfrey, but here he was questioning the poor boy.

Alice and I ran towards them, while Professor McGonagall followed us.

"Harry," he looked bad; he had mud all over his clothes, he was sweating, but I couldn't find a visible injury on him.

"Sirius!" He exclaimed and ran towards me. I spread my arms, only to see Alice getting forward and hugging the boy.

"Are you hurt? Where were you? No, let's go to Madam Pomfrey's office!?" She said as she hugged the boy.

"I am fine, Alice, I am not hurt at all," he said, breaking the hug.

"Pup!" I said, reminding him. He again ran and hugged me.

I let him go.

After making sure he was not hurt anywhere by Alice and me, "Where did that elf take you?" I asked as I patted his head affectionately.

He struggled a bit, but he didn't let fear hold him down. James would be proud of him.

"He took me to a graveyard, where Voldemort was in his baby form. He took my blood, and he got his powers back. He's back, Sirius. Voldemort is back," shit, what should I do now!

I looked around and saw horrified Alice and Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore looked solemn.

"How did you come back here?" asked Alice as she came out of fear.

"It was Agustus Peverell; he healed me and sent me back here," she looked astonished but soon nodded her head understandingly.

Professor McGonagall too looked amazed. I guess she didn't know the boy's exploits. He's Slytherin; maybe the reason she didn't really pay him any attention.

"Sirius, he said you owe his House," said Dumbledore in a serious tone.

"I do. I'll talk to Grandfather about it. Honestly, it's been like this since I came out of Azkaban. The boy knows to keep House Black and Potter in debt," I said with frustration. I have mixed feelings towards the boy. I admire him and despise him at the same time.

"House Longbottom is under his debt too. Harry is my godson, and I'll payback as he's my responsibility too," said Alice in a no-nonsense tone. Fine by me.

"But where is he? He didn't fight Voldemort, did he?" said Alice, worried about the boy.

He definitely fought him and won. How do I know? Well, after knowing him for some time, I don't think he would lose to anyone. The nature of his magic is terrifying to say the least.

"He's fine. He retired for the night, but did you see Professor Snape anywhere? I was unable to find him."

Snivellus? He ran away from Hogwarts! He must've gone to greet his master; he's a Death Eater after all.

Hearing his name, Alice frowned and said, "He did follow us out of Hogwarts but disappeared; he wasn't in Hogsmeade," to which I and Professor McGonagall nodded.

"I will look into it. It's late; you should go back, and you should return to your dorms," he said, looking at Harry.

Dumbledore looked sad and depressed. I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't. I didn't like this man because of him; I lost many friends in the last war. I can't forgive him.

But unlike me, Professor McGonagall looked at him with pity. I was sure she would not leave without questioning him about his condition today.

Me and Alice left through Floo. I have to talk to Grandfather about Voldemort's return.

[POV end]


Short chapter, I was busy today. I'll make the next one longer.

Seeya tomorrow. I'm uploading daily gimme stones. I want the power.