
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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95 Chs


[Argent House Basement - Third Person POV]

"We've got quite the haul this time, didn't we, brother?" said a woman with dark blonde hair and blue eyes.

She looked at the three people bound by chains with disdain. It had taken them two nights to capture all of them. It was surprising to them, finding three targets so soon, it made the man fear and the woman excited.

"Where did you find the boy, Kate?" asked the woman's brother.

"Near that beautiful burned house, of course. He looked like the perfect template for a vampire. And I was right; hearing this woman scream, he ran at supernatural speed. He is a bloodsucker," she spat with venom in her voice.

She had not seen him perform magic, instead she had knocked him down with a silver blunt arrow laced with poison, it was surprising to the man she hadn't killed the boy in woods.

"What were you doing there? You know we don't go there! Have you forgotten the code?" said the man with anger.

"And you know I don't listen to you, Chris, or the code. Things like the code won't save us from these creatures Chris, it is a weakness and you know how much I dislike them. And about the Hale, only the last pup is remaining anyway; it won't be long before he meets his family too. What a touching reunion it would be," she said with a smirk.

The man sighed. "All right, he looks like that other boy," he said, pointing at the unconscious Edward Cullen. "They must be brothers. Let's end them tonight," he suggested. He doesn't want any more trouble, he was a little scared of his sister, she had chosen a path which he is repulsive to. But she is his sister, and he will assist her if any problem arises, that is the reason he suggested to get done with these creatures.

The woman's face morphed, and a cruel smile graced her lips. "No, we don't, brother. That's what you lack-patience. We wait. I've got a feeling more will come to find them, and it will be more enjoyable when we burn twenty of them together. It would be a sight to behold."

Hearing his sister, the man sighed again. 'At this point, I don't know who is the monster. I will have to keep Allison away from her,' thought the man, looking at her face.

[POV end]


[Drakul manor - Agustus POV]

It was a beautiful morning. I had been enjoying my time with my family; it was so lively in the house. When I first came here, it was just me and my trusted butler Alfred.

Walking outside the mansion, I saw little Emily and her big sister Luna on the head of an ancient Basilisk, laughing and patting its head while Skadi was snowing on top of them.

I chuckled, looking at scene. Pandora had dropped her here, which was surprising. I thought she would spend all her time with her daughter, but apparently not. I guess she was with her husband, maybe enjoying a vacation? Who knows. In two weeks, Emily had opened up a lot to everyone. She clung to Luna like a koala, and Luna enjoyed spoiling her too.

"Hey, little boy, come here to big sister Alice! I'll make you feel good," screamed a cheerful girl from the sunlight.

She was wearing a white sundress, blowing me kisses. She'd looked beautiful of not for the funny face she was making.

"Big sister? Who? I see no one up here," I said animatedly, looking around to find someone.

A blur crashed into me. I didn't move and held her in my arms.

"Mou, I'm going to hit you," she said, pinching my cheeks.

"Hahaha," I laughed, looking at the embarrassed girl. She's way older than us but act like this, and I love it.

"Hmmm," she grumbled.

I picked her up off the ground. She wrapped her legs around me. "Okay, I'll take you to the sunlight."

I lay down in the green grass while she put her head on my chest. I had adjusted the temperature with wards, it was around 17 degrees. Alice loved to spend her time out in the sun, but it was summer and I didn't wanted her to suffer the heat, this temprature was perfect.

"I really love you, Agustus. I feel it in my soul," she said.

"I love you too, Alice. You are the chaos I missed in my life," I said, hugging her.

I really felt bad. If I hadn't met her, she would have likely died in a month or two. If that had happened, I would have never forgiven myself. Yes, I could have revived her, but imagining your loved one dying because of missing you is just too painful, even for me.

As we were enjoying our time, I heard someone walking in our direction. Moving my head up, I saw Dora looking at us with a letter in hand. We both got up as she looked serious.

Dora was spending most of her time with Bella, she wanted to participate in the World Duelling torneamentum, it was an exciting event hosted by MACUSA, she wanted to win the trophy. Nagini too wanted to participate but she would need to be a student or graduate from a magic school. I could make Dumbledore do some illegal things again.

"It's Cho Chang's letter. Cedric went missing in America. It's been a week since she last received a letter from him," she said, handing me the letter.

Right, I forgot they started dating, it happened due to Fread and George, they set him up, of he hadn't confessed to Cho, many inappropriate pictures of him would have released.

Reading the letter, I frowned. Beacon Hills. I've heard the name before, but I couldn't remember where.

Cedric had his wand, so it had to be something that could threaten a wizard. But I was not too worried about him; he had a bracelet I'd given him last year on his birthday. It would protect him from anything.

Well, I'll be going to America. I always wanted to, but I would have to avoid telling Nagini and Bella about this.

Nagini would just go to burn a circus creating chaos and I don't want her to be branded as a terrorist so soon, while Bella would run away to steal nukes and guns, I thought sweating.

[POV End]


[Voldemort POV]

"Incompetent fools! Throw him in the rat dungeon!" I roared at my slaves.

They had one job: to find the Black Manor, but they couldn't do it.

I have to say it I had underestimated mudbloods, they are pretty good at creating punishments, magic had become bland right now, using unforgivables would give quick death, while true despair comes slowly.

In the scripture of Herpo, he had written many such tortures and praised Nomajs/ mudbloods for their creativity. I was also hatching few Basilisks with the help of his notes, they would be valuable addition.

Now, I would have to wait until the boy wandered around Diagon Alley, or cancel my plan, which would be unacceptable. Peter Stubbe had arrived with the dogs. I would have to do something about him too. Being an Alpha had made him too arrogant; I had to put a collar on him as well.

Just wait. I would burn everything they hold dear.

I had also sent some people to eastern countries, there were several tribes there that could work for me, the dark wizards hired by Malfoy were useless, they couldn't even breach the wards of Greengrass manor and died. It's a pity that they didn't return, the rats would have loved to have their company.

[POV end]


Sorry for not uploading regularly, I'll upload daily after 27.
