
Reincarnated as the Fallen Angel, Argus, in DxD

This is the story of how I was reincarnated as Argus, the Immortal Fallen Angel from the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang or MLBB for short. And Became the Strongest!

LoliConnoisseur · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 01 - How I got reincarnated as my favorite character from a game

"I wish for me to get reincarnated into Highschool DxD." I said. Even though DXD is not my favorite world to get reincarnated in due to its dangers, what's life without dangers? And since I wanted to get reincarnated as Argus, the fallen angel, it would fit the world well.

"Granted! You now have five more." She said as she raised her right hand and her index finger rose up.

"Can I get reincarnated as Argus from the game MLBB?" I asked, unsure whether it would be granted. Even if it didn't get granted, I wanted to try anyway. I felt bad for his parents. He's their son after two miscarriages, but he acts like that. I know it's to cope with his childhood friend leaving. And since I died before repaying the care my parents gave me, I want to repay it to my new family. But it was granted, so I decided to make it my third wish.

"Which one? The lore version or the playable version?"

"The lore version."

"Sure! You have four more wishes!"

"Next, I want to be reincarnated as a child of a fallen angel and a human, and leave myself in front of the Hyoudou's residence a month before Issei was born." I just thought of it. In my previous life, I wasn't the best big brother, so I want to be a good one this time around. I won't let him turn into a pervert; I'll become the best big brother!

"Okay! You have three more!"

"A system that gives me quests and a shop that sells skills and weapons." That's my fourth wish. It would be a huge help if I could have a system like that. Especially since I would use different weapons other than a sword.

"Done! Two more! You can do it!" Not gonna lie, I thought she said "Tumor" instead of "Two More."

"Can I use my one of my wish for my past family? I don't really want to burden them with financial problems even though I'm pretty sure I already did."

"Done! Last one! Go on! You can do it!"

I can't help but wonder if she's cheering me on in an eating contest rather than to fulfill my final wish. And I can't think of anything else. I feel like that's it. That's all I needed.

"What do you mean, you can't think of anything else?" She asked. Seemingly angry at me for not thinking another wish, but did she just read my mind? "Oops," she added, her angry expression was replaced by a nervous expression and she was sweating bullets.

"You can read minds?" I asked.

"I can."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked again.

"You didn't asked."

"Touché. Sorry, but I really can't think of a wish for my fifth wish."

"It can be anything you want it to be." I tried to think, but I couldn't. In the heat of the moment, I said,

"Then, can I wish for you?" Neither her nor I were surprised by what I said. She stood there motionless, but then her mouth opened and out came her laughter. She held her stomach as she laughed. My face flushed with embarrassment.

"Did that mean no?" I asked.

She continued to laugh and once she got herself together, she said, "You silly child, of course you can't."

"But you said anything?"

"Do you want to give yourself to another person just because it's a wish? You have to earn me not wish for me. As thanks for giving me a good laugh, I'll keep your wish until you make another one in the future."

"If you had done that from the very beginning, then I wouldn't have gotten so embarrassed."

"Then I won't get my laugh, will I? Well then, get ready. I'll send you now."

"Finally! Thank you, Goddess!"

"Just call me Lunete."

"Okay, Lunete."

With that, I blacked out.


When I woke up, I heard a feminine voice. The voice said, "Daddy and Mommy are sorry, okay? We're sorry for leaving you behind. Your Dad and I, our lives are being targeted. I hope you forgive us. Grow up big and strong, unlike us. Be strong so that you can protect the ones you love and not be like us. I love you, Kazumi."

As I looked at the woman who gave birth to me, it seemed as though she didn't want to be separated from me. I could feel tears dripping down and landing on my face. When I took a closer look at my mother's face, her hair was black, her eyes shining due to the tears. She looked like someone in their mid-twenties.

"Don't cry, Mitsuki," I heard a cold, masculine voice. I turned my head towards my father. His hair was silver. He looked like an ikemen. His age seemed to be in his late twenties. In his hand was an umbrella, shielding us three from the rain. My impression of him was bad because of his blank face, as if he didn't want to care.

"Azriel, don't tell me not to cry! You know yourself that between us two, you're the one who is more sensitive!" Thank goodness it was late at night, and the only light we had was from the light bulb above the door, outside of someone else's house.

Mitsuki and Azriel seem to be my birth parents' names.

"That's why I told you not to cry! You'll make me cry." He said as tears started flowing down his eyes.

"Babu!", I tried to comfort my birth parents, but it backfired, making them tear up even more.

"Mom's sorry, Kazumi!" "I'm sorry too, Kazumi!" Both my parents cried. Alarmed by the noise, they turned on the lights inside the house we were in front of. Feeling that it was time, my parents kissed me one last time and placed me in a basket with a letter and a locket with the umbrella my father held to cover us from the rain.

The two then disappeared like a bubble, but I could still feel their presence near me. I felt at ease and protected by their presence. While invisible, they started to move and my eyes followed their movements. They seemed quite surprised because my eyes followed their movements. To the world, it seemed as if they had disappeared, but for me, I could see their silhouettes clearly, like my shadow when the sun was at its peak.

As they moved away, tears suddenly welled up in my eyes. My mother, wanting to go and hug me, was stopped by my father. The door suddenly opened, revealing a middle-aged man with brown hair and brown eyes wearing glasses. After hearing the cries of a baby, he quickly looked down and saw me in a basket. He then called out to someone. Then he picked me up in his arms.

"Okaa-san! A baby is on our doorstep!" A few minutes later, a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail and hazel eyes appeared, carrying her swollen belly.

"Otou-san? Where's the baby?"

"Here, Okaa-san." He passed me towards the woman.

"How could someone just leave their child here?" The woman said as she looked at me. When she said that, my parents flinched. The man picked up a note, a locket and a necklace.

"Okaa-san, there's a note here."

"What does it say, Otou-san?"

" 'By the time you're reading this, we've already left, so don't bother looking for us.' " They already left, but they're still right there! The woman held me tighter than before, seemingly pissed off at my parents.

"Why would we look for you if you don't want your child? We'd be more than happy to take care of your child!"

" 'You may think we're being irresponsible by leaving our child on your doorstep, but there's a reason why.' If it's a bad reason, then even if you come back in the future, I'll make sure you never see your child again." With his other hand balled into a fist, he said. He then continued to read.

" 'Our lives are being targeted. Until we settle these matters, we would be more than happy to leave our firstborn son, Kazumi, in your care.' Don't worry, I'll take care of your child just as if it were my own."

"That's your name, Kazumi; it's a nice name." The woman said.

When I looked at my birth parents, who were still hidden from view, I could sense that they were smiling. My mother waved her hand goodbye, and I waved back in their direction. Their reaction was still quite amusing to me.

"He looks like he likes you, Otou-san." It seems as if I've been adopted. I can now call them my mom and dad. Though it looked like my adoptive parents mistook me waving at my birth parents for liking my adoptive father.

"Oh, then I'll teach him how to fish when he grows up! For now, let's get inside, Okaa-san." My dad said.

"Okay." Then my mom, who was holding me, came inside the house with my dad.


It's been a week since I was adopted. My new family has been treating me with care. They've been quite protective of me. I also don't cry as much like newborn babies, even though I'm a newborn myself. If I need something, I'll just make a noise.

My adoptive parents were confused because I didn't cry often; they had heard from other parents that babies cry a lot, which is why they are often tired after taking care of one.

When it came to breastfeeding, my mom would put her nipple near my mouth and I will instinctively suck it. I just suck it like a normal baby. I was disgusted by how Rudy acted when he was just born, but then I remembered that he's a shut-in NEET.

Fun Fact: In the first episode of Mushoku Tensei or Jobless Reincarnation, the thing that Rudy was watching was actually his niece taking a bath. He had placed a camera inside the bathroom. That's why the guy who beat him up was disgusted by him. Not so fun now, huh?

When I slept, I was in between my parents on the bed. Since I didn't cry much, they were able to have a good night's sleep. I also sleep in the afternoon. I slept at two o'clock and woke up by four o'clock.

Something I noticed was that by five o'clock, my father would leave and return by quarter to seven. Seeing me looking at my father who had gone out, my mother explained to me that he was going to a shrine and praying for a safe childbirth. I guess this one's for my little sibling who's about to be born.


Four weeks had passed since my adoption. I was sleeping soundly when I was suddenly awakened by my father. I was carried by my father out of the house and into an ambulance.

"Shh, Kazumi. It's going to be okay." Dad comforted me. I could hear Mom grunting in pain. I could also hear nurses calming her down with my father's hand holding hers. I felt my eyes closing and drifted back to sleep.


When I woke up, the nurse was holding me. As soon as the nurse saw me awake, she comforted me and told me that my mother was giving birth to my sibling, and my father was by her side.

Hours passed, and my father soon emerged. The nurse handed me to my father. My father and I went to the room where my mom was recovering. He placed me on the side of my mother on the bed and held her hand. My mother smiled at me and him.

Minutes later, a nurse carrying a baby entered the room. The protagonist had been safely delivered. The nurse handed the baby to my mother, who then handed it to my father, smiling.

Otou-san, what name do you think would suit her?" my mother asked. Wait, her? Not him? Aren't the protagonist of Highschool DXD male? Why is 'he' female?

"Since she was born at five o'clock in the morning and today's Monday, you should name her Itsuki, Okaa-san." My father says, "Itsuki?" Shouldn't it be Issei? What's happening? Why is it different?

"That's a good name, Otou-san. Your name now is Itsuki, Itsuki Hyoudou. And Kazumi, be a good big brother, okay?" My mother said to me while patting my head. After that, she fell asleep.

Soon, my eyelids grew heavy and I drifted into sleep.


Author's Words

2103 words.

Another chap! Next chap on the weekends. Still working on the 6th chapter.