
Reincarnated as Spider-Man in the MCU

A 28 Year Man, was standing in line at the theatres waiting to see 'Spider-Man Far From Home' which was premiering today when suddenly a gigantic Truck crashed through the premises and squashed the Man to death. Next thing he knows he's in a dark place... *This will be an AU where Peter Parker was born 14 years before the Chitauri Invasion [I do not own any of the characters except some OC I will create. The cover isn't mine either and I will quickly take it down if the original owner asks me to.]

KhadaFourJhin · Movies
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"Welcome to Oscorp Industries, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I am Richard Parker, I would like to gain access for my son to enter."

"Gladly, Mr. Parker."

After some confirmation and small talk, I was officially in Oscorp.

How did I get here you ask? Well, this might not be much of a surprise if you've watched the Amazing Spider-Man but for those who haven't. My parents work for Oscorp Industries. Yeah they might quit and flee to another country later on but currently, they are still working here, so I decided to take this opportunity to explore and see whether I can find anything worth finding.

I somehow convinced my father, Richar Parker, to take me with him to work. Saying how boring it is to stay at home all the time and how interesting Oscorp is. He was, of course, hesitant about bringing me to this hell hole of a place for villains but still accepted when my mother surprisingly agreed with my proposition.

[A/N: Richard doesn't know villains, it was just an exaggerated joke I used. I know there will be somebody out there asking me about it.]

When entering the facility, I saw multiple employees walking around, talking, and doing their experiments as quietly as possible. They didn't really pay us any mind as they only gave my father a small greeting and glance before focusing back on their work. Only 2 people actually stood up and came to greet my father, completely stopping their work.

"Hello, Richard! It has been so long since you came to see us."

"Indeed Richard, you have been working too much recently, you should watch your health before something detrimental occurs."

"Sorry to worry you guys haha. Anyways, today I brought my son with me. Peter, say hello to Dr. Connors and Dr. Octavius."





I have made a grave mistake. For all the planning I have done, I didn't even take into consideration that these two villains could appear together. I was expecting only one of them to be present in the story, not both at the same time...

Yes, they worked at the same company but they SHOULD be at completely different times. This is an alternate universe and I thought I understood that but I keep forgetting something as simple as this... ignorance really is indeed bliss...

[A/N: I don't know if this counts as a plot twist but yeah he didn't expect it. MC is paranoid about everything but he can still forget some stuff that might occur. When you're focusing on so much detail you tend to forget about the easy stuff. That's what happened here, a mistake made due to the MC's carelessness and arrogance.]

I decided to speak up before things get too awkward.

"Hello. It is nice to finally meet you, Dr.Conner and Dr. Octavius, I've heard a lot about you guys."

Well, it isn't that big of a flaw, I'll just have to be prepared to fight both at the same time. However, this complicates things. If they are currently co-existing with one another, what are the chances of the other villains also entering the picture? Electro, Vulture, Rhino, Venom, Goblin/s. Goddammit, Peter why do you have so many supervillains to deal with.

Even with all the unexpected interferences, I am praying that the Superior Spider-man plot point is not in this Universe at all because that would be quite bad and really hard to deal against. Sigh, I can still fix this, as long as I get stronger these guys aren't that big of a threat. Thankfully, I figured this out before anything too huge occurs that will completely throw my plans straight into the garbage.

[A/N: It's a joke, Superior Spider-man plot point isn't happening. Unless I want to piss everybody off then I won't be doing it LOL.]

While they were chattering about multiple topics, I, instead, just observed all the projects that the people were working on to see if anybody has been tasked for the Genetically Altered Spider Project yet. Sadly, I can see no one even working on Anarchids which can either mean that they haven't even started it yet, which is still plausible or the more likely situation where the experiment/project is being done secretly. While I was still looking around the room gazing at everything I see, Dr. Octavius was staring at me. I did notice at first but decided to play dumb but since he wouldn't stop, I just stared back.

"Richard, why did you bring your son into this place. Most children would not want to be here." Dr. Octavius spoke as a response to my stares and gazes.

"Well, he isn't like most children. I found out that he has developed a passion for science recently and started nagging at me to bring him here in order to learn more, so I agreed to his request as he is probably the smartest of his age." Richard stated with pride.

Yeah, that's some bullshit. Even though I want to learn about Biology and maybe Chemistry, I don't need to learn it. I just said that I loved science so he doesn't question my reasons for coming here. I won't purposely search every nook and cranny for information when I have it in the palm of my hand. What do I mean, you ask? Well, that's because I can hack into the entire system of Oscorp with the snap of my fingers. The moment I walked into this building I had been running my power through everything around me to the point of getting access to every single room for the floors I've explored. The only place in this world I probably can't hack into, unless I force my way in, is Stark Industries as Tony is a pain in the ass.

Although Dr. Octavius didn't look shocked by my father's statement, he was still slightly smirking when he heard I love science. While Dr. Connors was blatantly smiling at the fact his friend's son is following in their footsteps.

Before they could kidnap me and force me to learn everything about science, I told them that I needed to use the bathroom desperately. After asking them for directions, I left the facility and went to the opposite side of the actual restroom. Why you may ask, well it is because... it's time to turn into Spider-Man.

While walking towards the designated room, I had turned off all security cameras that were pointed at me, to not let anybody know about my identity nor location. It was quite easy as there weren't many people to hide from since not many even knew about this room and project.

Finally reaching a room labeled 'DO NOT ENTER'. I did what any logical person would do... enter. Jokes aside, to describe the room, it was similar to the Amazing Spider-Mans portrayal of it. Dark blue lighting all around the room with web lining through all the different pillars. With the state of the art technology moving around and holding the webs for the spiders.

I had just entered the room, closing the door behind me. I then pressed one of my hands on the wall gently. Suddenly, the entire room is filled with white lightning for a few moments before dying down. What I did just now was what I call 'Control Freak'. It is an ability where I can manually gain control of any piece of technology and be able to move, use and obviously control it to my will. I had filled this entire room with that ability, meaning everything that is even slightly technological is now fully in my control.

This way, nobody, no matter who it is. Whether it be Tony Stark, Norman Osborn, or even Shield themselves, can't see what I am doing here for the next hour. Even though I won't need that long to get my powers, it is better safe than sorry. In the case, I get caught? I can just make some dumb excuse about me getting lost. What're they gonna do, put a 5-year-old in prison?

After making sure I have overridden everything and disclosed all footage or trace of me, I walked towards the spiders. Now, I am not 100% sure that they are ready for me to get the powers as it is years prior to their final stage, BUT I am 100% sure nothing harmful will happen to me. That is solely because, in the past 5 years of this life, I have discovered a few more of my powers...

Let me clarify more. In theory, I have an adaptability ability that allows me to adapt to any situation that will cause harm or injure me in any way. Pretty much, it is a shit version of Darwin's (Comics) ability from X-men.

[A/N: They butchered the shit out of him in the movies lol. People say it is because he is black but I just think it's because the movie writers don't have the capability to write such a broken character so they just threw him away.]

I found this out a few months ago when I was testing my Technomancy power, I had accidentally placed too much into the microwave which ended up exploding right in my face. I was, of course, wearing equipment to protect myself but my body would've still gotten harmed quite harshly, however, even though I didn't come out Scott-free, my injuries were to the minimum. What gave it away was that my skin was hardened afterwards to the point where kitchen knives won't even scratch me. I did experiments afterward to confirm it but I cannot know nor understand the extent of this ability as I have and do not wish to be in a life-threatening situation just to test its capability.

[A/N: I got this idea from the same dude that gave the Technomancy Powers. Although I did nerf it so it isn't too OP, I don't want the fights to have 0 tensions, because if I do the story will be boring. Don't worry MC will still be powerful, remember this is the MCU not the comics, this type of ability is really broken even if it isn't as good as the source material.]

When approaching the spiders, I was wondering which one would get the honors of biting me. Although I don't want to mutate and turn into an abomination by letting all of them bite me, 2 or 3 shouldn't hurt. I approached the biggest one, which was completely different from the others. While the other ones varied in sizes they all had the same color scheme, Red and Blue. Yet the one in front of me is Red, White and Black, maybe it is the mother of the other spiders, might as well start with it.

Leaning my hand forward for the spider to see, I was lying if I said I wasn't nervous. This was finally the time to get my spider powers and if this fails then I'll have to wait years until I can get them, and I've already waited enough years. Once the big spider saw my arm, it walked over quickly and took a bite.

'Hm? There isn't any pai----GAAAAAAHHHHH'

Yes, it was quite painful. Although it lasted for less than a minute thanks to my adaptability, I still felt the pain throughout that single minute. Maybe it is because we got bitten by different spiders but Peter didn't look like he felt any excessive pain at all... lucky bastard.

After letting the large spider bite me, I was still hesitant on whether to let the others do so. Luckily, I didn't pussy out and allowed two other spiders to bite me. I am pretty sure this won't change anything but better safe than sorry.

Once they were done biting, I decided to kill the rest of the spiders. Sadly, I cannot allow even more variables into the story. I already have so much to deal with and having an evil Spider-Man or more specifically woman (Silk lol jk) isn't very fun. A sidekick won't be needed either so Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, and or any other type will be completely erased from the story, just in case they do indeed exist.

I then began to retreat and head back to my father before he gets too skeptical of where I have been for the past 15 minutes.

Entering the facility once again, I looked for my father, who was drinking coffee while still speaking with the other two doctors. I then noticed something, although I didn't feel this at first, I do certainly have a headache. This is most likely a side effect caused by the spider bite but it is so minuscule that I didn't even notice until it got more painful. But like any other of my pain, it stopped a couple of minutes after starting.

The first to notice my return was Dr. Connors who came up to me and started speaking.

"Peter, you're back. I wanted to show you something I've been working on recently since your father said you were interested in the works of geneticists"

I looked at him and noted that I don't have any need to worry about this version of him, he's a nice guy when he isn't a reptile.

"Sure. I saw your research on the replication of the regrowth of missing limbs from certain reptiles and must say I am interested to see how far you've come and the theories you've created."

[A/N: I know he is 5 and this is cringe, but he is supposed to be a complete prodigy so that is why he talks like this. He will be in his teens soon so it won't be as weird. I just wanted to hurry the early years so I don't bore the shit out of you guys]

He looked at me with wide eyes, but not even a second later those eyes became normal and his lips formed a gigantic smile. For the rest of the day, he showed me his research, although it was the basics as he obviously won't show me everything, it was more than what he'd show to the lower employees of the facility.

Once my father's shift was over he picked up his coat and wore it, before grabbing his belongings and walk towards the exit of the facility where Dr. Connors and I were standing.

"Alright Peter, It is time to leave now say goodbye to Dr. Connors."

"Goodbye, Dr.Connors it was really nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too little buddy. Richard, you sure got one smart kid."

"Haha of course I do, it is me after all."

We both looked at him with disappointed and embarrassed faces.

After the jokes got out of the way, we went home. Without even saying a word, I quickly ate dinner and went to bed. It is in order for the spider powers to fully assimilate inside me. If you cannot tell, I am very very excited for some odd reason.

{The following day}


I exclaimed in my mind while crawling on the ceiling. I have officially received my spider powers, but not without my own little twist. It looks like I received Miles Morales' powers, the bio-electrokinesis ability which allows me to do simple stuff like shock others, stunning them, or turning invisible for a short amount of time.

Now, I just have another power to train. Sigh. Well, I guess this is for the best, the more powers I get, the stronger I become. I've been rambling about gaining strength every single day of this life... so now, I should seriously try to actually get stronger. Things will be a looooot more difficult from now on...

Turning to the TV that my mother was watching I paid full attention to the news.

"There you have it, folks! Dr. Octavius and Dr. Connors have finally announced their prototype projects on the new highly advanced mechanical arms and the replication of regrowing limbs for humans, respectively. Oscorp Industries is changing the world right now!"

Lot harder.

{6 and a half years later}





Not including Author's Note:

2823 Words (Longest Chapter I've written. Do enjoy)

The next chapter will be the finale info dump chapter and we will get to action for the following 15 chapters. I will start putting timestamps as to not get confused about the timeline and if you wish to check the timeline yourself, I will be posting a link to the picture in the comments.

This chapter was much easier as I had this planned out from the beginning but the powers and abilities come from you guys as I'm not good with that stuff.

I got the Technomany and Adaptability (Nerfed) from @JOKER_JAY

And the Miles Morales Ability from @Redhair_Shankss

Thanks for all the support, if you even slightly enjoy my story then please do drop a review we are almost reaching the legendary 10 where I can proudly say I wrote a semi-successful FF. Comment and give me your stones before Thanos steals them. That is all, I might post a 3rd chapter today so keep a lookout. I don't make any promises however as I have a massive headache so if I do post another chapter it is because I forced myself to push it out haha.

Gwen-11 Votes

Mary Jane- Still 1 and a half lmao

Felicia Hardy-19 Votes

Natasha Romanoff-23 Votes

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