
Reincarnated as Spider-Man in the MCU

A 28 Year Man, was standing in line at the theatres waiting to see 'Spider-Man Far From Home' which was premiering today when suddenly a gigantic Truck crashed through the premises and squashed the Man to death. Next thing he knows he's in a dark place... *This will be an AU where Peter Parker was born 14 years before the Chitauri Invasion [I do not own any of the characters except some OC I will create. The cover isn't mine either and I will quickly take it down if the original owner asks me to.]

KhadaFourJhin · Movies
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10 Chs


{A month ago}

"Happy birthday to you!!" x4

Claps and cheers could be heard throughout a certain and modest household. Where 5 people were seen at a dining table within the house eating slices of chocolate cake.

"Can't believe it has been 5 years already!"

"Exactly, it felt like it was yesterday when you were freaking out about me getting pregnant."

"Don't talk about that... I was just excited... and please don't speak about it in front of Peter."

"It's so funny how you want to keep the cool father persona haha. Well thankfully, we got a very very smart child so you can't even fool him."

The woman with long brown hair said while turning to face the 5-year-old boy gracefully eating his slice of cake while occasionally whipping his mouth with a cloth. Although it might look quite weird to other people, to his parents, it made them believe he was maturing quickly and learning his manners at an early age.

"I am glad to hear your fun stories but if possible, I wish to get to presents already."

The boy said with quite a mature tone, however it came off cute to everyone else as his voice is not even remotely deep.

"Peter, watch your mouth. You should not speak like that when people are talking."

The mother was about to continue her scolding and discipline when the other woman present spoke up.

"Mary, you should not be so harsh on such a young child. He's just excited to open presents."

"May, you defend this child too much. That's why he is always so witty with his comments not caring about the consequences!"

"Mother, if I could explain myself, I would like to say that I say those witty comments to produce humor in order to keep everybody entertained. As having a birthday party for a 5-year-old child with 4 other adults is quite boring and dull if you ask me. I have also never interacted with any other child, therefore I rely more on comedy and humor to start and keep a conversation. Still, I am indeed excited to open presents as I already know what they are and wish to put them to use as soon as possible."

The other 4 people present just stared at the child, some with wide-open eyes and others with disappointed ones.

"Don't worry Peter we will get to that right away but you must give time to the others for them to eat and not rush their food."

"Of course father, I understand."

The father smiled at his son while rubbing his hair.

[A/N]: I tried something new instead of the 1st person perspective that I do all the time. Hopefully, you guys don't mind and enjoy it nonetheless. I want more interactions to build relationships but not to the point of boring you guys. If you don't know then the people are Peter, His Parents (Richards & Mary), Uncle Ben and Aunt May

1st Person POV:

It has been 5 whole years since my death and rebirth. Honestly, if I learned anything through all this time, it is that people do indeed grow on you as time passes by. As when I first arrived in this world, I thought that I would try to have minimal interactions with my new family as to not be attached and have some emotional breakdown when they die. However, it led to me just caring about them more whenever they did try to interact with me no matter the circumstances.

Throughout my entire time here, I have kept a very mature, calm, and collective persona in order for my parents not to worry about me too much. But most importantly for the sake of not having to act childish and be treated like a toddler for multiple years of my life. Now, let me explain what I have been up to in these 5

I learned to fluently speak English at 6 months as my mouth had finally started listening to me, letting me talk instead of constantly saying 'googoo' 'gaagaa'. This, of course, shocked my parents as that is a really abnormal accomplishment for my age, but they just ignored it thinking it was just some miracle or I was just a bit smarter than other kids. To be honest, I don't understand how they did not think I was a prodigy from the start, since they were both literal geniuses in their own departments and from what I know, smarter than a lot of people.

After a while though, they did notice that I was tampering and eventually typing on the family computer before the age of one which they found cute before realizing I was typing full sentences and paragraphs while researching for multiple topics. Finally, after reaching the age of one they decided to brand me as a prodigy, which isn't completely incorrect, Peter Parker is one of the smartest humans throughout history, and with my extra powers and knowledge, he might be the strongest also...

With them accepting me as a prodigy, I unlocked many privileges. They started teaching me some basic subjects such as Math, English, Science, and History which honestly all bored me except for History, the reason being that it is completely different from what I knew. There are so many events caused by characters that changed history multiple times, so comparing it with my past knowledge was quite entertaining. When they noticed I was picking everything up at a fast pace they decided to hire me an official tutor which didn't last long since I learned everything she taught me. It was pretty hilarious watching the teacher apologize for not knowing what to teach next which isn't her fault since she is only at the middle school level.

For the next few years, I didn't focus on getting stronger since I was still new to this world and wanted to take things slow as to not mess up anything. It doesn't mean that I didn't try at all though. Anyways, I learned multiple languages which will be helpful in the future when I decide to travel around the world and most importantly enrolled in a local martial arts dojo after begging my parents for months.

When I reached there, I was surprised by how old some of the kids were. Their ages were as high as 17 which was unexpected since this is a beginner level but not a problem. I didn't come to compete with others but to learn how to fight, because I don't want to have to do this later on when I'm too busy creating groundbreaking technology and fighting enemies that are beyond the laws of physics.

For the rest of the years, I just did 3 things. Train martial arts (includes working out), study technology to understand them more, and of course finalizing my plans.

Making a plan might sound easy but when it is in the span of 10+ years where every little detail matters since this is an entirely different timeline, and taking multiple variables into account. You just can't help but be paranoid when you just got placed into a whole different universe by god knows who. I've tried my very best to tighten the plan and put backup plans in them too, however, I still am not finished. Sadly, the plan got much more complicated when I found out I am not in the MCU but the MCEU. Meaning there are more variables to take into consideration.... some examples being DareDevil, X-men, and other movies.

I found this important piece of information when I was researching multiple important characters, which led me to find a lot of people that I did not want in this Universe. The most prominent one being Charles Xavier, although he isn't a mean guy, his powers are the most difficult to deal with. Unless I have some sort of blocking for his telepathy, then my mind is open for him to read, meaning he can find out I'm not from this Universe and how this world is literally just fiction. Luckily he isn't famous for his school as it hasn't been made yet but it is in the plans as he has started constructing the premises for the school.

[A/N: My knowledge of X-men is pretty weak so I just made some stuff up. This isn't that important, X-men will only be important for like one arc and the finale battle so don't think too much about it]

I found this out through hacking into the government files and checking his background information. Yes, I can do that. Remember the Technomancy theory I told you about? It has proven to be true. I have complete control over any technology that I can breach the security of, which is pretty much almost every piece of them since technology is pretty shit in these times.

This power allows me to connect with technology. Currently, my furthest distance for a connection is about 15 meters (50 feet), which isn't bad as I've noted that it increases as I get stronger. Keep in mind, I have not explicitly trained it which was quite stupid of me but in my defense, I didn't know the extent to the powers nor did I really try since I was caught up with other things. So, to make up for my missing time, from today on, I shall start seriously training it.

Back to the plans, after finding out this is the MCEU I had to be a lot more careful about the new characters since they might interfere, interrupt or just change the story completely. Well, I can't really do anything about it since it is only 2002 and nothing really important happens until 2009 when Tony Stark will get kidnapped and reveal he is iron-man which causes a revolution. Also, in 2010 when Hulk vs abomination fight it out while a blond god visits earth...

Now considering my options right now, I think I will just continue what I am doing. Which is gaining more knowledge and more strength.

[A/N: Sorry if you guys are getting bored but I must explain his thoughts and powers in order to not pull some bullshit from my ass later in the story when he does something he's not supposed to do]

{Summary Finished}

Once everybody was finished eating their food we moved to the living room where all the presents were placed. I quickly walked towards the largest package and started opening it. When I finished unboxing the package, a large PC with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse was right in front of me.

Now I know what you're thinking. Peter, why are you so excited over a PC??? Well, let me tell you something. A PC is so much more useful than a phone. Not only can I now start a project I've been wanting to do for so long, but it also allows me to finally gain an upgrade. To explain, my phone is a cheap Nokia that can barely handle Tetris and my family PC is outdated as hell since my parents never use it anymore. Well, that is without my powers.

You see, my powers are quite unique. If I drive my technomancy powers into the technology they get a huge boost from its former and original self. A phone that can barely handle tetris can end up similar to an iPhone X if I put enough power into. The amount of strength and how advanced the technology is does actually affect my strength. When I am connected to technology, it gives me a stat boost or something similar to that. So, while connecting to every piece of technology in my range, I can get about 3 times as strong as I usually was, and the boost doesn't go away until 24 hours away from it. Meaning I will always be 3 times stronger as long as visit my house once a day, and even if I don't, there is technology everywhere which I can connect and power up through. This power can be very useful when fighting some evil bad guy because, with preparation, I can almost 100% defeat them.

[A/N: Sorry guys I seriously don't know how to use the Technomancy to the fullest right now. So I made this up and I don't know if it is good enough. I am down to change it so just comment your thoughts]

Back to the project. It is to create an AI! Not something as pitiful as my Earth's Siri or Alexa but something that is at least in the same or few leagues behind Jarvis. This is a very high goal but it is indeed what I am aiming for. Even if I don't make something as good as Jarvis, I can just use my powers to boost it up there. Now here comes the questions. Do I need an AI? Not really. Do I want an AI? Hell yeah. Gaining an AI will save me so much more time since I don't have to do everything manually.

I have other projects I wish to do but this is a good start. I can't rush everything or else something is bound to fail, and failure is not an option. One of the side projects I'm working on is of course webshooters. They are mandatory for any Spider-Man and from what I know. I'm pretty sure this isn't the Original Spider-man where I can just shoot webs from my wrists, that is just... impossible and illogical from a biological standpoint.

I would also like to get my suit done, and I already have some designs... but I'm still 5. I haven't grown to even 5 foot yet and if I wear a costume people will just think I'm some dumb kid dressing up for Halloween. I also haven't gotten my spider powers which are very important for my growth as they give me a massive boost in pretty much everything.

{Back to the Present Day}

... And that brings me here.

"Welcome to Oscorp Industries, how may I help you?"





Not including Author's Note:

2326 Words (A really long one for yah)

Sorry for the info dump chapters but as I've already stated this is for making the story logical and not filled with plot holes. I'm really trying my best lol. The story WILL pick up in the following chapters.

This chapter took a lot out of me bruh. I was mostly stuck on how to use his powers as I'm not that creative so please give me some tips, I read all comments so anything will do.

I did most of the chapter during 1 AM so if the grammar isn't as good then I apologize. Once again Thank you very much for reading and if you do enjoy then please do comment and review my story.

Gwen- 8 votes

Mary Jane- 1 and a half lmfao

Felicia- 15 votes

Natasha- 16 Votes

I only read the ones from the poll since I don't wanna get confused so please go comment there! Oh and I will introduce all 4 characters but only use 2 of them and let Peter just be friends with the other 2.

KhadaFourJhincreators' thoughts