
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Date 2

(Illya pov)

We followed Onii-chan and Rin until they went inside something that looked like a coffee shop.

Illya: "Ah-ne-ne-rbe?

Ruby: "It means heritage in German."

Illya: "Whoa! I almost forgot you were there. You were uncharacteristically quiet today."

Ruby: "Something is bothering me."

Sapphire: "Is it about 'that'."

Ruby: "So you have also noticed it."

Sapphire: "I'm more suprised that you did Nee-chan."

Ruby started fake crying to me.

Ruby: "Illyaaaa! Sapphire is bullying me.

I try to take of Ruby from my head and as I wrestle with her Chloe seems to want be back on topic.

Chloe: "Can we not change subjects as it seems important what you wanted to say."

Ruby: "Yes yes what I wanted to say is when I looked at Shirou-san today he reminds me of someone."

Illya: "And who is he reminding you of?"

Ruby: "Look at how he is interacting with Rin. Does it look familiar?"

Chloe and Miyu instantly widened their eyes as if they realised something but I'm still clueless about it.

Chloe: "You don't mean..."

Ruby: "That's exactly what was I thinking but I can't be sure. It's just my speculation and it can be wrong but it would be a big coincidence for them to behave in a similar manner."

I raised my hand for them to notice it shortly after.

Illya: "Ano, who are we talking about?"

They all looked at me in disbelief, even Ruby and Sapphire who don't have eyes.

Illya: "What?"

Chloe: "Illya, do you know what kind of man Rin had contact with that we are aware of."

I start thinking about it and the only one I could think of is Archer and then it hit me.

Illya: "You are not trying to say that Onii-chan is Archer... right?. I know that they have some similarities but they are fundamentally different."

Chloe: "But it would make sense. They both have the same hair colour and if you focus have similar voice. It would also explain why he would wear a mask... because he is someone we know. He even said it himself."

Illya: "But... but how could it explain how he knows so many things for example about you?"

Chloe: "It doesn't, just as Ruby said, it's speculation but at the moment it is the most probable answer."

For a short while we all went quite to process the new information till someone broke the silent.

Chloe: "Let's not think about right now, we can sort out the evidence later on. Today's mission is to spy on their date so focus on that."

With that mindset we went inside the shop. We were welcomed by a tall man with red eyes and blue long hair.

Cu: "Welcome, how can I help you?"

Illya: "We would like to-"

I didn't get the chance to finish the sentence because Chloe grabbed my hand and squeezed my hand hard.

Illya: "Ow..."

Chloe: "Illya, this man is dangerous. I don't know why but I feel like I couldn't win against him no matter what I would do."

I can feel her sweating while she glares at the waiter. Seeing this the waiter smiled.

Cu: "Calm down Ojou-chan, I don't bite."

Even after his words Chloe didn't stop glaring at him as if to see if he does something suspicious. To ease up the tension I step between the two.

Illya: "Exuse me, we are looking for a pair of a boy and a girl. The boy has red hair and girl's are black ties in a pair of twintails."

Cu: "Do you know Shirou?"

Illya: "You know Onii-chan?"

Cu: "Onii-chan? So you are Shirou's little sister. If I were you I wouldn't disturb him at the moment."

Illya: "We know, we are following them."

Hearing this Chloe and Miyu faced palmed but the waiter started laughing.

Cu: "Hahahaha, you are truthful one aren't Ojou-chan. They sit near the window so you won't have any hiding spot to eavesdrop on their conversation but I can show you the sits where you can see perfectly when they decide to leave."

Miyu: "You'll let us do that?"

Cu: "Why not, love is full obstacles and worries and you said that you won't interrupt them so I don't see any problem."

After that he showed us our sit and we continued to watch their date.

(Shirou's pov)

Shirou: "So, how did you like your pie?"

Rin: "I didn't know that pie could be this delicious."

Shirou: "The manager was the one who bakes them. I would want myself know their secret but the last time I asked he sent threatening aura at me."

Rin: "You said that two days ago was the first time you found this shop, right?

I nodded

Rin: "You know what, I won't question that."

It's fun to make her confused.

We left the coffee shop and after a while Rin asked me something that made all blood drain from my face.

Rin: "Hey Emiya-kun, do you remember when you talked with principal in the hallway about one month ago."

Shirou: "Wh-wh-what d-do y-y-you mean?"

I turned away my head because I couldn't look her in the eyes. She must mean the first talk I had with the principal because all the others were in his office and if I'm right I wouldn't want anyone I know to hear that conversation.

Rin started fidgeting a little and seemed to think how to construct her question.

Rin: "I mean when he asked you a-about if you have someone you like."


Shirou: "Ah, that one. I'll tell you at the end of our date."

Rin: "Just like that?"

Shirou: "Just like that."

Rin: "Aren't you embarrassed?"

Shirou: "Why should I be embarrassed about my feelings."

Rin stopped talking as if thinking about something but we didn't stop walking towards our next destination which was batting center.

We spent a good amount of time there and we had a lot of fun. As we were strolling outside I made a suggestion.

Shirou: "Hey Tohsaka, how about we it something before we conclude our date?"

Rin: "Sure, have you anything in mind?"

Shirou: "How about... that."

I pointed at a ramen shop with a sign that says Ramen Asa.

Shirou: "It seems like a decent place."

Rin: "Sure, let's check it out."

We went inside and were welcome by a tall man with black hair covered by a blue bandana. He wore black t-shirt which showed his muscular body. His back was turned on is so we couldn't see his face but I could see that he wore an apron in the same colour of a bandana.

???: "Welcome young couple, how can I help you."

Shirou: "We would like to eat something."

Kirei: "And what do you order?"

He turned his face towards and I immediately recognize him as Kirei Kotomine. But before I could do anything Rin answered the question.

Rin: "It's our first time here so how about we leave the decision to you."

Rin I like you but you doomed us both.

As I was thinking about writing testament Kirei's mood skyrocketed. He spread his arms.

Kirei: "Rejoice young boy, young girl as you'll eat the best food in your entire life."

We sat at tables waiting for our meal (execution).

Rin: "Are you feeling alright, you look pale."

Shirou: "It's nothing, just a little nervous."

Rin: "About?"

As I wanted to answer Kirei brought us two big bowls full of mapo tofu. The red of said soup was red and looked as if it came from hell. You know what, I'm pretty sure that's where Kirei gets his ingredients for this monstrosity.

Rin and I looked at each other agreeing that we shouldn't it eat this no matter what but the shop owner with a butcher knife had other plans.

Kirei: "And remember, no leftovers."

Can't do anything with tha, I looked death in the eyes ones and I can do it again.

I brought the spoon full of the red soup closer to my mouth with a shaking motion and took a bite.

As soon as the soup went inside it felt as if something exploded. My whole face went red and I almost fainted but I hold my ground. I managed to fight Saber, Berserker and Bazett. I wont be defeated by a food.

I started to to move the spoon from bowl to mouth faster and faster and halfway through I took off my shirt without stopping eating.

Rin looked at me as if become crazy but also blushed a little seeing my bare chest. She isn't entirely wrong, this food makes you crazy.

Shortly after Rin also started to eat and just like myself she did it progressively faster. The only downside was that she didn't take off her clothes.

As we finished Kirei checked the bowls and approved our 'fight'. He then walked in the backroom but before that he said.

Kirei: "Exuse me for a moment, I need to make a delivery."

In the backroom we saw a blue light but it quickly disappeared. After that he went back towards us.

Wait a minute, did he just... Is he responsible for every mapo tofu I got. How... how can someone be so inhumane, to destroy dreams of young and not so young boys. Because of that i started crying a little. I wasted so many quartz just to not get the character I want. Instead I got mapo tofu and black keys which could be his fault as well.

Rin: "Emiya-kun, are you alright. Why are crying?"

It's nice that she worries about me.

Shirou: "It's just, I never thought that someone could be so inhumane."

Rin: "I know, making this food could be considered a war crime. I'm surprised that its isn't."

Kirei walked up to us.

Kirei: "I wanted to bill you but seeing that my food brought you to tears so this time is on the house."

We quickly walked out before he could change his opinion. In hurry I almost forgot my shirt. We also agreed to never talk about this event ever again.

Our date is starts coming to an end and we found ourselves at the place where we begun, at the Fuyuki station.

Shirou: "As I promised I will explain about what I talked with principal."

Rin nodded with a little hesitation.

Shirou: "As I said to him I have a girl I like and you probably wonder why I invite you on a date despite that."

She nodded once again.

Shirou: "Well, it's quite simple because the girl I like... is you."

Rin lagged before she spoke.

Rin: "Can you repeat that, I think I misheard you."

I rolled my eyes.

Not this again. Not wanting to repeat myself I leaned towards Rin and kissed her. She widened her eyes and stiffened for a bit but didn't reject me. I think I also heard someone scream but I was too busy to care. We had our lips connected for a few seconds before I withdrew my head.

Shirou: "I hope that it does make my feelings clear."

Rin: "I... I... I... you... you... we..."

I think I broke her, better leave her for a day or two for her to process what happened.

Shirou: "Well... it was a nice date. See you in school."

I started walking home before remembering that I wanted to go to one shop before I return.

(A/N The date is finished but there will be Luvia's pov before we move on. I would include it in this chapter but I sacrificed too much sleep already.

Thanks as always and enjoy.)