
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

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*10 minutes earlier*

(Luvia's pov)

I was finished with my shopping and I sent August to drive all shopping bags to my mansion.

I was walking around thinking about the 8th card and Archer. The plan for capturing this card is ready and the only thing to do is to put it in motion which I'll do today after my return. Archer on the other hand is more difficult matter of the two. He said to look up king Arthur's legend but did he even say truth?

I shaked my head.

I shouldn't think like that. He is never telling the whole truth but he didn't lie to us a single time as far as we know.

King Arthur is the best known for his sword Excalibur and the knights of the round table. He was also acquaintanced with Merlin which would explain how he was able me and Rin but he did use some kind of sheath and Merlin is known for his wisdom and not the strength.

Let's return to Arthur. What is important about him besides Excalibur it would be a sheath but it isn't a lot that I(August) could find about it. It is enchanted but that's it. The most logical answer would be that this scabbard is Excalibur's but it could be also something related to one of the knights of the round table.


It's so frustrating. The next time I see Archer I'll squeeze the answer from him.

But even though he is annoying at times, he helped us a lot in the end and that leads to another question, why?

I know that he said it's for insurance for the servant that could break I to our world but it still doesn't make sense. He didn't need to fight all these servants for that. He could stay at the side and interfere only when situation would start get out of hand.

One could make argument that he didn't want to risk a dangerous situation but it doesn't explain why he would fight Bazett. Does it have anything with his identity?

While I was in my thoughts I noticed Miyu, Chloe and Illya. I walked up to them and tapped Miyu's shoulder startling her. She didn't make any noise though.

Luvia: "What are you doing here?"

Illya: "Eeeh? How did you recognize us?"

Is she for real? Anyone who knows them would be able to do it. I looked at Miyu hoping she would be the one to explain situation to me but she looked me in confusion, probably thinking the same thing as Illya.

Luvia: "Nevermind that, what are you doing here?"

Illya: "Well, Onii-cha-"

Chloe covered her mouth stopping Illya from speaking any further. Very suspicious.

Luvia: "What about Shero?"

Before they could answer me I noticed Shero talking with Rin. Did they meet accidentally because I can't imagine either of them inviting the other one on a date.

Wait, Illya's, Chloe's and Miyu's birthdays are approaching so maybe he asked her for advise... but why wasn't it me!!?

I took out my handkerchief and started biting it in frustration.

Neither of us could her what they were talking about but Shero was unusually serious.

They talked for a bit and then Shero got closer to Rin and... kissed her!!!!?

Luvia: "WHA-"

Chloe placed her hand on my mouth to stop any more sound from escaping but I still tried to break free but Illya joined in and hold my body. Miyu not knowing what to do in this situation joined in with Illya and Chloe to stop me from doing anything.

They stopped me long enough for Shero to go somewhere but Rin was still standing there motionless.

I finally was able to escape from the grasp of three little girls.

With heavy breathing I asked them.

Luvia: "Why did you stop me?"

It seemed that Illya would be the one to answer me but Chloe beat her to it.

Chloe: Because Onii-chan looks happier than ever."

Luvia: "But Shero is always smiling, I don't think I ever saw him sad."

Chloe: "True, Onii-chan is always smiling but on today's date with Rin he was happy."

Luvia: "Are you implying that Shero is hiding his pain from everyone?"

Chloe: "I'm not implying, I know it. Illya does it too and most likely even mom. Onii-chan probably didn't want to worry anyone and hide it under his gentle smile so I'll stop anyone that try to stop his happiness."

Chloe released dangerous aura at me. Before things escalated Illya stepped between us.

Illya: "It's not time for fighting, it's been ten minutes and Rin-san is still standing there without moving and I'm starting to worry."

I looked at Rin and as Illya stated Rin is still standing there absent minded.

Illya: "Maybe we should check if she is alright."

We all agreed but Chloe continued to look host at me but as a good future sister-in-law I ignored her gaze and forgave her almost immediately.

When we walked up to Rin and she was muttering something.

Illya: "Sooo... what should we do?"

Chloe: "I don't know it was your idea to begin with."

Ruby: "I have an idea."

We all looked at Ruby.

Luvia: "What is it?"

Ruby: "Secret device #34"

Illya: "And what does it do?"

Ruby: "I call it 'the awaker'."

Luvia: "What are you waiting for, use it so we can tort- I mean take care of Rin if there are some problems."

All the girls looked at me weirdly but I didn't pay them any attention.

Ruby: "You can't speed up the art."

Ruby then proceeded to have long transformation sequence to end up looking like a taser.

Luvia: "Is that it?"

Ruby: "Aha."

Luvia: "How should I use it?"

Ruby: "Touch Rin with yellow part of me and press the button."

She doesn't just look like taser but is one.

Luvia: "As a dear friend of Rin I will be the who'll wake her up from her miserable state. Ohohoho, Rin Tohsaka, you should be grateful for such wonderful friend."

I took Ruby in her new form, pressed her against Rin and pressed the button as I was instructed. I probably held the button longer than I should but I just wanted to sure that she would wake up and only that.

Rin: "What was that for!!!?"

Luvia: "Bevermind that, can you explain what you were doing here?"

Rin: "What was I doing here?"

She supported her chin with her hand and started thinking.

It annoyed me.

Luvia: "Quit your games Rin, I'm asking about the kiss!"

Rin: "The... kiss?"

I could almost see hears inside her head starting turning and with each passing second her face was redder and redder.

Rin: "N-n-no it wasn't real. I-I just had a happy dream with Emiya-kun. It isn't possible for him to confess to me."

Luvia: "HE DID WHAT!!!?"

Rin Tohsaka, you have a lot things to tell us.

I grabbed her by the shoulder but she kicked me and started running away.

Luvia: "Rin just you wait till you come to work tomorrow."

As I was thinking about what to do with Rin i didn't notice the dangerous look in Chloe's eyes.

(A/N Iet Luvia's fans starve long enough so bon appetit, entire chapter from Luvia's perspective. Originally I wanted to make it only 300 words but it just kept getting longer and longer so I think it turned alright I the end.

Hope you like it.)