
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Date 1

*Same day*

(Rin's pov)

What should I do, what should I do, what should I do.

I accepted Emiya-kun's invitation on a d-d-date but I'm not mentally prepared for it. No, let's not think that way. I'm just helping him choose presents for his sisters, that's all, nothing more nothing less but it's still leaves me with one problem. What should wear.

(Luvia's pov)

Today Rin doesn't have work on my mansion and I have nothing to do so maybe I'll just roam around the city.

Luvia: "*Clap clap* August, ready the car."

August immediately appeared before me.

August: "As you wish Ojou-sama."

(Shirou's pov)

Rin and I decided to meet near Fuyuki station. The plan is to go from there to Verde which is the biggest shopping centre in town. Afterwards we will take a break and later on have some fun somewhere. Our whole day date will be in Shinto district. This area is relatively new compared to the rest of Fuyuki city.

I came fifteen minutes before our planned time. Surprisingly Rin was already there waiting for me.

She was wearing her classic outfit which consist of a red long sleeved shirt with a white cross over her chest. She had black miniskirt and black stockings.

Shirou: "Sorry for making you wait."

Seeing me she startled a little before getting back her composure.

Rin: "It's nothing, I just got here myself."

I have certain suspicion that is not entirely true.

Rin: "So did you make any plans?"

She doesn't stutter anymore so that's progress.

Shirou: "I actually did. First we'll go to the mall and choose present for the girls. After that I found great coffee shop where we can take a break. Later we can have some fun somewhere and at the end we'll find place to eat."

Rin: "You... you really thought it through."

Shirou: "Of course, it's our first date afterall."

Rin: "Wh-what are you saying, I'm just helping you choose presents for the birthday party."

She tries to hide her embarrassment by punching me but I dodge her every attack effortlessly. If I didn't have such good reflex I would probably hate tsunderes such as Rin but as she doesn't pose any threat to me it's really fun to mess with her.

Shirou: "Yes yes, you are just helping me so let's not waste our time here. By the way, you look cute in these clothes, they really suits you."

And once again Rin tries to hit me while I'm laughing at her attempts while going in the direction of the mall.

(Illya's pov)

*10 minutes earlier*

I, Chloe and Miyu are following Onii-chan from the safe distance so he wouldn't notice us. We all were disguised. We had sunglasses and masks to hide our faces. I wanted to wear fake beards and moustaches but Chloe said it was stupid idea. We also change our school uniforms to clothes that Onii-chan never saw us wearing because he can be quite perceptive about small details.

He went in the direction of Fuyuki station. We'll be finally able to see the girl Onii-chan will go on a date with. I say finally but we found out about it thirty minutes ago.

When we closed in to the station we all noticed Rin waiting there.

Illya: "Is that Rin standing there? What do you think she doing there?"

Miyu: "I think she Onii-chan's date."

Illya: "Don't be silly. Rin-san would never agree on a date."

Miyu: "That's true but he is walks towards her."

Illya: "T-that could be a coincidence."

Miyu: "They started talking."

Illya: "WHA-"

Miyu and Chloe quickly covered my mouth with their hands making me quite. I was thankful to them as thanks to them we weren't discovered but in panic they also cover my nose making me unable breath. I tapped their hands desperately for them to remove them after their realisation.

Chloe: "Soorry Illya but you almost blew our cover."

Miyu: "Are you okay?"

Illya: "I'm better but more importantly let's follow Onii-chan and Rin-san or we'll lose them."

We all nodded in agreement and continued to spy their date.

(Shirou's pov)

We went to the mall and Rin's advise really helped me out. While I could do it alone it speed up the process significantly. I saw that Rin was looking repeatedly at one necklace so I bought it secret after we went out of the store telling her that I needed to go to the toilet. Of course before that I bought three braclets for Illya, Chloe and Miyu.

We fulfilled our purpose at the store so we started walking to the coffee shop that I discovered.

(Chloe's pov)

Onii-chan and Rin were walking together towards the mall. While watching them interact it was as if I was looking at someone I don't know.

Onii-chan was more proactive than I ever saw him. Even his smile was more real than I ever saw before. Every time he smiles at me and Illya it was a gentle smile but his eyes showed sadness or being lost. It's hard to tell but it was never happiness.

These last two days were the happiest I ever saw him and it makes me down hearted that it was someone else that made him smile like that... but that doesn't help my situation at all. Just by feeling dejected doesn't make me give up Onii-chan. My affection towards Onii-chan isn't that weak to be wavered by something like this. While he is happy at the moment it doesn't mean that it will last and the next time I will be the reason for that smile.

I put my finger on my lips after I licked it thinking about our future.

(Shirou's pov)

Rin: "So what is that mystery coffee shop that we'll be going to?"

Shirou: "I don't keep it a secret you just didn't ask about it. The name is Ahnenerbe and they great deserts there."

Rin: "Ho~ I'm looking forward to it then."

Shortly after our departure from the accessory shop we arrived at Ahnenerbe. We went inside and we were welcomed by a loud voice.

???: "Welcome!."

The owner of said voice was a tall man about 185cm. He wore a waiter uniform consisted of white shirt with a black tie, black jeans, black shoes and black apron on top of it. He also wore earrings. His hair long and blue were tied in a low ponytail. His eyes were red.

(A/N I seriously don't know how his type of pants are called so I went with the most obvious choice.)

???: "Oh, if it isn't Shirou. I see you weren't lying about having a date and it's fine lass indeed."

Shirou: "You didn't believe me Cu-san, it breaks my heart."

I grabbed my left side of chest where a heart is showing that I'm hurt by his statement, jokingly of course.

Cu: "Hahaha, don't be such a drama queen."

Rin: "Do you know each other?"

Shirou: "Yes, we met two days ago when I looked our good spots for today I found this shop and met Cu-san that day and we found out that we have a lot in common."

*two days ago*

I walked in the Ahnenerbe and was welcomed by a loud voice and I was shocked by who I saw.

???: "Welcom-... Is that you kid?"

Shirou: "Is that you Cu Chulainn?"

Cu: "The one and only."

You don't know how wrong you are.

Cu: "But more importantly what happened to you?"

Shirou: "What do you mean and how do you know me?"

Cu: "What do you mean how do I know you? Wait did we shift again? It's like the fourth time this week. I told manager that he shouldn't put these stuff on shelf for everyone to see it and look what's happening. I thought that we finally came back but it seems no such luck."

Shirou: "So you are from different timeline?"

Cu: "Are you going to accept it just like that?"

Shirou: "Trust me, I'm the last person who should be surprised by this but let's not change the subject, what did you mean by 'what happened to me'?"

Cu: "You look like you died."

Shirou: "WHAT!? I thought I healed perfectl and I'm more happy than ever."

Cu: "That's not what I meant, let me rephrase it. You look like you experienced death. I have my own share of encounters with death so I can see if someone have experience it as well."

I widened my eyes slightly but quickly recovered my composure. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to rant about it to someone.

Shirou: "...It was a truck."

Cu: "Are we talking normal truck or Truck-chan?"

Shirou: "Don't tell me..."

Cu: "*Sigh* So you are her next victim."

Shirou: "So you are also one."

Cu: "She never killed me personally but she was behind few of my deaths. She is also regularly at our shop."

My tears started flowing from my eyes.

Cu: "Wh-what is it? Do you feel alright?"

I wipe out the tears with my forearm.

Shirou: "It's nothing, it's just... I thought I was the only one and I didn't expect to meet a fellow victim."

Cu: "Yes yes, you can cry on my shoulder if you want. Let me hear your story."

I told him everything beside my meeting with ROB and wishes. I told him about my amnesia, my experiences and my plans. It felt like I could tell him almost anything.

After the end of my story Cu nodded his head in understanding.

Cu: "You had it rough kid but I still can't understand your hatred towards Truck-chan. I mean yeah she killed you and all but she gave you a second chance."

Shirou: "It's not about me being killed or even her harassing me but it's about my memories. I don't know who I was and I need to act like someone who I'm not!

I slammed the table overwhelmed by my emotion. Cu just listened to me without even flinching at my outburst.

Cu: "Let me tell you something. I never met anyone who would be able to act like someone for three years without breaking his character even once. What defines us as people is not our always our past, it's important yes but isn't the core of a person. It's the experience what's matter. And before you start how they are the same then yes, for most people but not for you. For you the past is events before the amnesia but after three years of living I bet you have at least few unique experiences. So before you start how you don't know who you are, you are yourself, nothing more nothing less."

His words truly hit me. 'You are yourself, nothing more nothing less' huh. I never thought about it like this. This whole time I was focusing on strengthening that I forgot to enjoy myself but who could blame me, it's fate for God's sake.

Cu: "And one more thing. You blame Truck-chan for putting you in danger but you could leave deafiting the servants to the assigned people and your life would be normal."

...He is right, why did I jump into danger on the first occasion. I knew that everything would sort out perfectly fine. Did I by getting my power somehow concluded that I need to be part of the plot or was it something entirely different.

No use thinking about it right now. Thanks to Cu I got to understand some things. I may even forgive Truck-chan in the near future and maybe even overcome my fears of trucks.

Shirou: "Thanks for everything Cu-san."

With these words I left the store.

*present day*

Shirou: "He also helped me sort out a few things but that's not important. What is important is what kind of desert do you want. While blueberry pie is this shop speciality, the strawberry pie is called unmatched by many."

Cu: "Do you want to take my job kid."

Cu joked while chuckling a little.

Shirou: "You know how it is Cu-san, with beautiful girl at your side you just want to show off."

Cu: "If that aren't a truth,hahaha."

While I was joking together with Cu I saw with the corner of my eyes red blush spreading across Rin's face.

(A/N This is the longest chapter I ever written to this day. I planned for a date to conclude in one chapter but it seems that I underestimated my own power.

Fun fact I thought that this date was my original idea but by double checking the manga, Shirou there also asked Rin for help with choosing the presents so I don't know how to feel about it :/

Thanks again for your support.)