
Reincarnated as a Jedi?

This is a fan fic based on the star wars universe Before and during the Clone Wars. I do not own Star Wars, this is just a fan fic.

Axel_Kiss_5577 · Others
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18 Chs

Windu's Lesson

He jumped onto the ship and looked at the clock and saw that he had to be back by now.

He landed on the ship and ran to his temporary room, he threw himself on his bed and fell asleep. He awoke the next morning feeling rested. Shortly after he landed at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and met up with Master Windu.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

Alix sighed and said, "It was rough but I did it."

"That's good to hear, good job. You're a Jedi Padawan now, my Padawan."

Alix smiled. "Thank you Master Windu."

Alix remembered about his cyber crystal and showed it to Master Windu.

"Your lightsaber has a special ability," he said with a smile.

"What is it?" Alix asked with curiosity.

"I can sense within the force that your lightsaber has some sentience therefor it will be able to warn you when you are in danger, and with the color of your saber I am sure that you have endless potential for both good and evil.." Master Windu said.

"Thank you Master Windu."

Master Windu nodded his head. "Take some rest, you need it."

Alix said goodbye and headed towards his dormitory. He returned home and relaxed for a while before having dinner and afterwards having a long nap. He woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. He ate his breakfast and headed to the meditation chamber. He sat down on the floor and waited for Master Windu to arrive. Soon enough he did.

"Good morning Alix," Master Windu said with a smile. "How have you been training?"

"I've been training very hard," Alix replied. "My lightsaber is powerful and I am getting better at using my lightsaber."

Master Windu nodded his head. "That's good to hear. Today I want you to do something different."

Alix frowned. "Oh? What should I do?"

Master Windu smiled. "I want you to meditate."

Alix looked at him confused. "Meditation?"

Master Windu nodded his head. "Yes Alix, I want you to meditate and use the force to help you relax and focus more on yourself. I want you to use the force to calm your mind and body and allow yourself to be aware of your surroundings. If you succeed in this task I will give you a gift."

Alix looked at him suspiciously. "Is this a trick or something?"

Master Windu laughed. "No, no tricks. In fact, if you do a good job you may end up with a prize."

Alix was intrigued. "A prize?"

Master Windu nodded his head. "Yes, a prize. And don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

Alix nodded his head. "Alright, I'll try."

Master Windu smiled and said, "Okay. Here we go." Master Windu closed his eyes and started to meditate. He allowed the force to flow through him. It was calming and peaceful. He focused on his breathing and let himself go. He felt his heart beat slow down and his body become calm. It was amazing how relaxing it was. His mind became clearer and sharper than it ever had been before. He thought about his life and what he had done so far. He thought about his family and friends. He remembered when he first joined the Jedi Order. He thought about his fellow Jedi Padawans and how they had helped him on his journey. He thought about Master Windu, and his other masters. He thought about his future and what it held for him. He thought about the people he cared about and hoped that they were safe. He thought about what he would do when he grew older. He imagined himself as a Jedi Knight, protecting the innocent and keeping peace throughout the galaxy. He pictured himself becoming a master and teaching young Padawans to do the same.

(Hope you like this fan fic and hope to have all readers come by again.)