
Reincarnated as a Jedi?

This is a fan fic based on the star wars universe Before and during the Clone Wars. I do not own Star Wars, this is just a fan fic.

Axel_Kiss_5577 · Others
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18 Chs


He felt the force flow through him and was overwhelmed with joy. He wondered what would happen next and felt that he would have the chance to find out soon enough. He sighed and opened his eyes.

He looked at Alix who was staring at him with wide eyes. "Well?" he asked.

Alix looked at him and said, "Master Windu, I feel refreshed and full of energy. The force flows through me and I am filled with determination and strength."

Master Windu smiled. "See? That wasn't too hard was it?"

Alix shook his head. "No it wasn't. I wonder what else Master Windu wants me to do?"

Master Windu smiled and said, "Now I want you to meditate again. I want you to try to reach your maximum power."

Alix frowned. "What does that mean?"

Master Windu sighed. "I want you to try to reach your full potential. I want you to push yourself as far as you can and keep going. I want you to meditate until you're exhausted. I want you to reach your limits and beyond them."

Alix looked at him with doubt. "That sounds dangerous."

Master Windu nodded his head. "I know, but I want you to try. If you succeed you will receive a gift from me."

Alix looked at him suspiciously. "What sort of gift?"

Master Windu smiled. "I'll tell you later."

Alix nodded his head. "Alright."

Master Windu smiled and said, "This time I want you to think about a certain person. Think about someone you love or care for. Focus on them as hard as you can."

Alix nodded his head. "Alright."

Master Windu smiled. "Let's begin."

Alix closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He used the force to calm down and clear his mind. He let himself go and tried to reach his full potential. He kept pushing himself and feeling stronger and stronger. He didn't think about anything; he just pushed himself as far as he could. He felt so strong and powerful that he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He felt like he was floating and that everything was moving around him. He felt so light that nothing could bring him down no matter what it tried. He could see everything on the Jedi Temple if he wanted, he could stretch out his prescense. He was strong yet peaceful. But he could not get himself to think of someone. Suddenly he felt hungry and poof he was gone from the meditation room and became one with the force and then entered it and teleported to the cantina.

(What will happen in the cantina? Will Alix be yelled at or praised? Find out in the next episode.)