

Malika gets over a heartbreak and tries to reach self fulfillment

mariam_spongebob · Urban
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9 Chs


Do we really ever have free will for once in our lives? I'm that annoying person that asks you questions that you don't have answers to.

I think we don't, not even once. Something higher controls us, for me, it's our souls, not our consciousness or something else. There's also something higher that's for sure. My soul chose the devil and I didn't have a say. Not when he charmed me, or domesticated me.

There's so much in a name and so much more in you. The name or nickname someone chooses to call you tells you exactly everything. I went from Malika to babe to woman and back to babe when I was needed. See, that was my cue and I felt it was wrong. But my soul had made her choice and I played along. I played this role till my mask couldn't stay on my face any longer.

I defined myself as he treated me. I was "his little wife". I lost the status of girlfriend or homegirl months after we started dating. I also lost his affection and my self respect.

You have to love and respect yourself before even thinking of giving yourself to someone. That was my second mistake. Not anymore .