
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 52

While Selena concentrated on her own job, the witch Lidia find the way to close to her. On the other hand, the witch Lidia must beware the warning of prince of darkness. If Lucifer found her near, she can not come to earth again. Lidia knew how dangerous it was. However, Lidia could not give up without trying. When she lost her last body, she doesn't have a place to stay. So, she was heading to the city where her friend live. The friend Noreen was being one of the witch who learn black magic. Over those years, her friend could hide the true self among the humans without hurting anyone. However, she knew that friend will help her out. When she called the other friends, they guide her to go to witch club at the central London first. So, she was taking the trip to London. As the way she took, the other witches under cover were heading towards there to meet her. She arrived London at night and find the place to stay first. She found the motel but she really dislike the environment. Lidia knew there has no choice left. Therefore, she took the room. When she went upstairs, she coincidentally meet the person at the fourth floor hallway. She could see her room at the end of the hallway. But he was blocking the way. She said, "What do you want from me?". That guy looked at her with cold green eyes and said, "I warn you young lady don't step further". She said, "I am not doing anything yet". He was grinning to her scarily and said, "You are smart". She said, "Can I go to my room now?". He was moving aside and said, "Don't go near her please nail it in your mind". She was heading to her room after having conversation with him. When she reached the room 405, she put the key on the door and look at the hallway again. The lights on the hallway were not turning green. She noticed he is not there. She turned her face to the door and open it. After that, she was taking the rest until the time come.

On the other side, the moon goddess and Kerala was planning to do something to lock Lucifer back again. Once Kerala went back to hell, she find out he is breaking the prison. Venessa and Vexana were reporting back to Queen Kerala. Then, the Queen changed the rules and retrieved all the guards and messengers to find him back. Queen Kerala was asking them little by little. And then, Kerala found someone who he never show at front. That person in long black robe told her, "I know where he is". Venessa said, "Wait, I know him". Vexana said, "Tell us where he is now". That person said, "I can only tell to the queen not the others". Venessa said, "What?". But Vexana was holding Venessa hand and take her out of the room. The Queen released everyone and wait until they all out of the room. Then, the Queen Kerala told him, "Can you tell me now?". The man in black robe was lifting the hood up to show his face and eyes. Queen Kerala looked at him carefully and gasp when his face show up. Then, the Queen said, "You are the guard of the city of dead". That man was bowing his head by saying, "Yes, Ma'am, everyone think city of dead is just the myth". Queen Kerala said, "I know about it from my father and other high gods over years ago". That man said, "You can call me Osiris, your highness". Then, Kerala told him, "Is he planning something bad?". That man said, "He is on the way to collect all the stones to get his powers back to call his army back". Queen Kerala said, "Oh, no". And then, Kerala continued ask him about the place. When he left, Kerala called Venessa and Vexana back to discuss about this. Vexana haven't heard of it before. But Venessa knew where is it. Kerala said, "How did you know?". Venessa said, "I heard from him directly because he tell me about his plan to fight back the heaven and destroy everything his father love in this world". Kerala said, "I heard about it over thousand times but he never tell me his plan". Vexana said, "It doesn't matter please tell us what should we do now". Kerala said, "Come over here". After discussion, they headed to the different directions.

The archeologist and presenter Mary and John Penvalen were finding the mysterious place by joining the team of archaeologist Julie. When they were getting near, the sand storm is bigger. At that day, the Nat Geo explorer team also joined in. The archeologist and presenter Mary took them to the shelter. They all hided at there over hours. When the storm away, they headed forward to the desert. In the desert, the moon light will show the exact place of city of dead. The red moon would light up above the sky around midnight. So, they was camping at there and wait for the moon. Selena was helping the team members and leader. And then, she headed to the tent of archeologist. Her mother Julie was sitting at the desk and reading the book. Selena made the sound to let her mother know. After she made a sound, Julie was putting down the book on the desk and tell her to come over. Selena was moving forward to there and ask, "What is it mommy?". Julie said, "Come here and have a look". Selena was standing beside her mother and look. Selena could not believe her eyes when she see the map and book. Selena was asking her mother, "What are you doing mommy?". Julie said, "Quiet, don't let anyone know". Selena said, "Why?". Julie said, "The treasure in the city of dead was unique and hard to get because they are not relating to it". At the middle of the night, Selena was following her mother Julie to find the city of dead. They headed straight to the dessert. As her mother told her, the moon shines up bright on the sky and they can see the city in front of them. Selena said, "Wait, what is it". Julie said, "Didn't I tell you?". Selena was gripping her mother's hand tight by saying, "Let's go back to call the others". Julie said, "Don't be silly because of you the city of dead appear". Selena said, "What do you mean?".

Three years later, Selena gathered her mother at the mysterious finding of King Solomon tomb. Over those years, Selena's mother found the secrets of the golden pillar of King Solomon and also trip to Oak Island to find the sources. All the sources were leading to the king Solomon's ring. The ring could solve every mystery and every riddles to find the golden pillar. On the other side, Selena went to meet the archaeologist who supervise on finding Templar knights. Selena was trying over weeks to meet the archaeologist Mrs. Buckfield. Selena often went to the university where Mrs. Buckfield work. A week later, Mrs. Buckfield came to talk to her. Selena was exciting when Mrs. Buckfiled give her time. Selena was greeting Mrs. Buckfield again. Mrs. Buckfield told her to let's go to my office". Selena followed Mrs. Buckfield after packing thing up. When she arrived, Mrs. Buckfield is turning on the projector. So, Selena went in there by knocking the door. Mrs. Buckfield told her to close the door. Selena was closing the door and head forward to the seat right behind the projector. In front of the table, she saw the documents of Mrs. Buckfield's long time research. Selena said, "Thank you for helping me". Mrs. Buckfield said, "I and your mother are friends since college and we meet again three years ago". Selena said, "You do". Mrs. Buckfield said, "Yes, your mother and I are busy at that time so we do have not time for dinner together". Selena said, "Is that time during my mother found the city of the dead?". Mrs. Buckfield said, "It has the largest secret behind". Selena's eyes were blinking up because she want to know what is it. Mrs. Buckfield took a sip of the tea and place the teacup on her desk. And then, Selena told her about their trip to the city of the dead. Mrs. Buckfiled was listening to her story and waited until the end. In the end, Mrs. Buckfiled said, "How can you get out from there?". Selena was showing the amulet that she wear on her neck. Mrs. Buckfiled said, "Is it saving your life?". Selena said, "Yes, but my mother got seriously injure and hit her head with a rock". Mrs. Buckfiled said, "Your mother is lucky because she is now fully recovering and find king Solomon's tomb with you right". Selena said, "My mother and I's relationship are not going well because I left her alone in there". Mrs. Buckfiled said, "You are not knowing it so it's not your fault". They kept on their conversation by telling about her findings.