
Red moon love story

Selena was dreaming of the red eyes always. She didn't know why she is running away from it. She was scared and her heart throbbed and sweating in her dream. Her mother was giving the dreamcatcher for removing those bad dreams. But the dream catcher wasn't working. She felt like something come nearer. However, she didn't say anything to her mother. Her dreams were becoming more detailed over time. She wasn't seeing that guy's face. But she tried to see his face every time. She was trying to tell this bad dream to her mother. Her mother was getting busy with her project at the witches' burial site. As the archeologist professor, her mother was traveling to mystery places with her students or with other professionals. One day, she went to an antique shop with her mother. Her mother was being an archeologist and antique collector. So, she often went there for finding something attractive. There, she saw the red color ring with the crescent moon beside the stone. She was pointing and asked the seller. The seller was telling her not to buy this. However, she was saying that she will buy this anyway. Her mother knew she will cry if her mother did not buy this one. So, her mother was asking about the things they need to follow. And then, she got that ring. That night, she was wearing that ring and slept well. In the dream, the scenes are changing and she sees that man. He was speaking something to her but she can't hear. She felt his light touch around her neck then she woke up. She didn't know what happen but her neck feel pain. She dreamed about bad memory of someone else. She felt love, pain, and betrayal all at once. However, she couldn't see their faces. The black wing person was taking her away from them and she woke up.

Alexandriana11 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 51

The witch Lidia was trying to release the tie of golden string with all her strengths. One day, the person who tied her up with the golden string appear in front of her. The witch Lidia haven't seen him before. So, she asked him directly, "Who are you?". That person was moving up closer to her without saying anything. When he stood in front of her, she can not make a sound. She knew who is this. But she did not know why is he tying her up here. And then, that man with all black suit was waving his hand on the wall and crash everything down. Lidia was looking every movements he take. After that, the whole wall collapsed and the symbol of the prince of darkness appear. The whole place was covering up with the symbol of Lucifer. Lidia was bowing to him by saying, "Please take my apology, my lord". Lucifer said, "How dare you touch my girl?". Lidia said, "I don't know such a thing yet but now I know". Lucifer said, "I know what is going on between you and her". Lidia said, "you do". Lucifer said, "yes, I do because I am the one who send her to earth". Lidia said, "Pardon me, I am the one who give birth of her and take care of her in old days". Lucifer said, "You get a chance to help my work done but you fail". Lidia said, "Now, I can do everything you want". Lucifer said, "Just stay away from her". Lidia said, "I can not do that because I need her for getting my body and power back". Lucifer was raising her up above the wall and her neck reach the iron pole above the roof. Lidia said, "Alright, I will obey your order my lord". Lucifer was throwing her to the floor and said, "You should know your position". Lidia said, "It's all my faults, my lord". After having conversation, Lucifer sent her out of Selena's mind and create the temporary body for Lidia. Anyway, Lidia did not regret on what she had done at the past. The reason why Lidia awaken on earth is finding Aritia and take everything back from her. By thinking everything back then, she make a call to her witches to gather at her place. Lidia knew that she need to take care of her steps to get closer to Selena.

Selena was fighting with her migraine disease still. After taking the pill, she could concentrate well on her job. Long lasting disease never gone away. Therefore, she could not sleep well at night. Every morning she fell asleep and it's too close to wake up. Her life was going harder than she think. After the big accident, her broken legs and arms were aching sometimes. Her mother Lidia was often sending the nutrition pills and other for raising up her strength. She met her mother once at her father's funeral. Her mother Julie did not come to see her every time because her mother's popularity is growing up. The separate living between her and her mother Julie caused by their careers. Selena belonged to her teammates and colleagues most of the time. She often went to the lab for helping her professor in the project. At work, it's decision time for internship. All of her hard work over those years would give her chance to become the full time employee at there. While she was working, she heard the director is calling her name. The project director and manager were being the important people to judge on their works over those years. She rushed to close her computer at her seat and head towards the meeting room. When she reached, she see the others from the slid open door. And then, she knocked the door twice. The project director told her to come in. She opened the door and walk into the room. Then, she surprised to see the person among the project director, manager and others. She said, "Damian why are you here". The project director said, "Famous explorer Damian invite you to join in his program". She said, "What about my job?". The director said, "you can work outside but you still our permanent staff". Selena could not believe her ears. However, she felt sorry for others. The others must get out of the office without getting any offer. After having meeting, she headed back to her seat. At there, her senior Josh was waiting for her. She walked faster to there and pat his shoulder from the back. Josh didn't seem like notice her. Josh was facing towards her computer and try to open it. After she patted his shoulder, he quickly turn his face and try to lie again. Selena knew about him since they are at the professor Davies team. Josh ever lie when the team members find out his faults and mistakes. Selena was preparing her face to call his name. Josh smiled up to her and beg her for letting him join in Damian's program too. Selena said, "Is that your purpose to come here?". Josh said, "Not that all". Selena said, "Are you trying to sneak into my computer?". Josh said, "Please, send me information about the Babylonian pot pieces and others". Selena said, "Why?". Josh said, "I need it for my research document". Selena said, "For master degree". Josh said, "Yes, however I don't like the burial site I need to improve myself to survive in this career somehow". Selena said, "I can not send those to you by myself". Josh said, 'Is that so, you should talk to your supervisor or team leader and give me some documents". Selena said, "I will see what I can do". Then, Josh was leaving like the wind.

Two years ago, Selena met Mrs. Taylor again as professor. Her roommates were not choosing the same major like her. Among the various types of archaeology subject, they chose the hieroglyph major and other major. Only she chose the forensic anthropology. Mrs. Taylor was guiding her the way to achieve her goal. Selena had the goal to become the great explorer and archaeologist to present the ancient world to modern world. Firstly, Selena thought she need mother's help. Later, she could do everything on her own. The day before the final exam Mrs. Taylor invited her to come and join the dinner. Selena was leaving the job early at that day and take the bus to go to Mrs. Taylor's home. When she reached, Mr. Jayden Taylor come out from the house. Selena was greeting to Mr. Jayden. At that time, Selena saw her professor behind Mr. Jayden. Mr. Jayden was being the busy police officer so he must go back to office now. Mr. Jayden was greeting her back then he leave. After ward, Mrs. Taylor let her in. At that day, Mrs. Taylor was telling strange and acting weird. Selena thought something is not right. And then, the other person joined in. Selena wanted to know what is their reason to tell her those words. The second person was taking out something she familiar. But Selena looked at Mrs. Taylor and ask "what is going on?". Mrs. Taylor said, "It's not my real name Aritia". Selena did not understand why are they calling that name. Selena quickly stood up from the chair and push the table away. The second person was smiling up to her and told her to sit down. Selena said, "I don't want to listen that anymore". The second person was raising hands up and then the light are off. Selena said, "Does it happen often?". Mrs. Taylor was not saying anything. However, Selena could not believe her eyes. They both changed the clothes in front of her just wave the hand. Selena gasped and said, "What is going on professor Taylor?". Second person in sky blue dress asked her, "Can you believe us now Aritia?". Selena was hiding behind the chair by saying, "Don't come closer and call me that name again". Mrs. Taylor said, "We decide to tell you everything about your past life and why we are here". Suddenly, Selena's head was seriously start aching. And then, Selena fainted on the floor.

Selena did not know what happen at that day. When she woke up, she is lying on bed in her apartment. Bella and Hujin lived at the same apartment with her. After she woke up, the door opened and Bella appear. Selena tried to get up from bed but she is feeling dizzy. Bella was holding a food tray and put the tray on the tiny table near her bed and carry it towards her bed. Selena asked, "Belle, where is everyone". Bella said, "You are drunk yesterday and come back home by professor's car around 2 am remember". Selena said, "I am sorry Belle". Bella placed the table with food tray on her bed and help her get up by saying "Hujin and new roommate Nim was getting angry on you because you say something bad to them at the early morning". Selena was scratching her hair and notice something stuck inside her hair near the scalp. Bella was holding her hand and said, "Stop scratching or it will bleed right now". Selena said, "Did I scratch too much?". Bella said, "Look at your hands and neck in mirror". After saying that, Bella was taking the mirror from the dressing table and handed it over to Selena. Selena looked at her hands and also take a look at her neck in the mirror. Bella said, "What happened to you last night?". Selena said, "I don't remember but my head is still hurt". Bella said, "You might drink much at professor's place". Selena said, "I must apologize to professor tomorrow". Bella said, "You should take a rest after having your breakfast and take some pill".