
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Hunt Begins Part 4

Abruptly I could feel the rage swelling from within my sword, barely able to control the murderous intent surging throughout me I heard Dallions familiar voice. Do not be fooled, that man has been attacking you from the moment he first saw you. He's been speaking tentras in an attempt to bind my power, kill the fool before he succeeds in sealing off "your" strength.

As if sensing my aggression the sage jumped back speaking unfamiliar words, I watched as a large orb of light appeared before the staff he held outright in front of him. Quickly drawing my sword I dashed straight for the sphere of energy.

No longer concealing my anger I swung my sword with a ferocious tenacity only to have it sink through the orbs power as wind blowing through a sound forest the orbs strength did not waver. Helplessly I stood before the orb bracing myself for the pain I knew would soon engulf my senses. As my body was slowly overcome by the orbs light I felt my anger subside and a peace I could not describe washed throughout my body as if cleansing it of all impurities.

Scyrisse my strength is being sealed off from you...you must allow me to take over if you wish to live through this encounter. Dallions voice stood as the subtle cry of a mouse among the war cries of lions as I could barely make out his words.

Staggering I fell to my knees succumbing to the temptation of eternal peace that drifted throughout my body. Just as I felt the last of my strength slipping away from me I was brutally reminded of the injustices brought upon me by the demon Myakou. The pupils of my eyes sharpened, my muscles tensed, and my anger swelled deep within my soul. My mind had drifted back to that moment of profound sorrow and I once again stared deeply into the lifeless eyes of my mother.

Again I smelled her burning flesh filling my nostrils, my stomach churned with sickness....I would not give in to death! Tightly grasping my sword my body burned with the fires of hatred, standing slowly I let my rage overwhelm me destroying the orb of light and all around it, I glared at the sage.

"You will be but another victim of my vengeance. The world will know of my sorrow and of my pain. I will carve it plainly into all who cross my path!" Walking slowing towards the sage who had been blown back into a nearby wall, my body emanated with an aura of hatred that filled the area like a dense fog suffocating the calm atmosphere the sage had emitted. "Now die with regret, without repentance, and may your soul forever be lost to the gods!" Speaking these words to the sage I violently attacked the now helpless man.

Confusion took me as I watched my sword fall abruptly to the concrete...the sage was no longer beneath me. Looking around I tried desperately to grasp the situation only to find the sage behind me arm outstretched in a greeting. "I am called Oro; I am the head of the Sages of Light commonly referred to as SOL. I would ask that you allow me to accompany you on your journey of vengeance.

In return I will put you on the path to find Myakou and those who command him, but first let us head to the temple of Manzai. I can assure you that there is a sutra of great power that will surely be of use to you." Perhaps taken aback by his warm greeting I could not refuse the offer, I would allow this man to follow me.

Do not listen Scyrisse he is not to be trusted, you must remember to always only have faith in me and the power I provide!

Again Dallion's voice rang throughout my mind like the conscience of young child tempted by pleasures of sin and again it would be disgarded.

"Very well Oro let us head to this temple called Manzai."