
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Hunt Begins Part 3


With the conclusion of my first battle I proceeded to the merchant village of Korin hoping to gather information on Myakou. Upon entering the city I was greeted with whispers of hate and resentment, surely these people saw me as a monster. Steadily, I walked through the streets relying on my new found instincts to lead me to the answers I desired, I was met by three samurai.

Completely clad in armor they bore the insignia of the town patrol, yet I could sense nothing but evil from their souls. "Hey you, this isn't a place for your kind it would be wise if you just gave us that pretty sword of yours and left this town." It was strange but as this frightening looking man and his companions threatened me I was overcome with relief, I needed not waste power on trash.

Ignoring the threat I pushed passed the three men, when one grabbed me by the arm looking into my eyes he spoke as ferociously as he could. "I said this isn't a place for your kind, are you deaf DEMON!" Looking at him my blood began to boil. "You dare refer to me as a demon!" Barely holding back the urge to kill I spoke with resolute certainty. "I would kill filth as you for such a remark."

Unsure of how to reply the man let go of my arm and slowly stepped back drawing his sword with the others following suit, this scum uttered his the last words he'd ever speak. "I'd like to see you try "demon"." Without hesitation once again I released my anger moving faster than they could see I cut the filth limb by limb.

Knowing that in the untrained eyes of humans I must have appeared to be standing still, I watched as the remaining two men cried tears of fear....they stunk with urine, wetting themselves after such confidence, pathetic. "Do you want to run away, go if you like. I'll spare you." They cautiously looked at one another not sure of what to believe. Turning their backs on me they ran as hard as they could.

Sheathing my sword I laughed to myself as I heard their bodies fall to pieces in the distance, the fools were running corpses. Continuing my search I was yet again met by a man wishing to cross swords. However this man was very much different from the samurai from before, a pure aura surrounded his soul and I could sense no evil from his heart.

I stopped to examine the obstacle before me, he wore white robes of lace emanating with magical energy and a long staff with a golden dragon enclosed in a silver circlet at its end. Looking directly to my sword the man spoke in words unfamiliar with me, then smiled. "Just what is it you're smiling about if you wish to obstruct my path you will be removed." I tried to gauge his reaction looking for even an inkling of expression from his face I found only disappointment.

"Will you use the same power that you killed those innocent men before on me? Why did you kill those men in cold blood, why does such hatred live in your heart? I've never before seen a demon angry to be called a demon." Though I could not stand to be referred to as a demon this man showed no hostility so I would spare his life. Kill the foolish sage, bathe him in his own blood. He only wants your sword do not be fooled Scyrisse.

The familiar voice of Dallion echoed across my mind, an echo that would be discarded. "I am no demon, my family was killed by the demon Myakou. It is him who I hold this anger for, and those men were far from innocent surely a sage such as yourself knew that much. I am told that I am the Keeper of Syon, blade of power and it is with this power that I must purge the world of demons." Seeming to fully take in the knowledge imparted on him the sage walked closer to me looking me in the eyes.

"And who is it that told you this? Was it the sword you hold there? I can sense the presence of another near you yet I see only your sword." Stricken with amazement I decided to answer the sage. "Yes in a sorts it is my sword who told me, but I can speak of this no more. However, would you know where I can find Myakou?"

Slightly raising his eyebrow the sage again spoke words I could not comprehend, yet this time I was not the only one who heard.