
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Origin of the World Part 1


Making our way out of the village of Korin, Oro and I followed the barren path in total silence. Heading west towards the Forest of Shadows I could feel the morning air dampen with a seeping thickness as we approached its entrance.

Before me Oro suddenly stopped in place, as always it was near impossible to grasp the emotions that lay beyond his hardened face. Speaking calmly and with exact precision he spoke his warning. "Young Scyrisse from here on out we travel the length of the day. Our destination will be the Shrine hidden deep within the center of the forest, be sure to keep pace and stay focused." A flinting spark of anger arose within me while listening to Oro's words.

He dared imagine I would lose focus of my goal. That I myself would jeopardize my own vengeance. Giving the old man a simple nod as response we pushed on into the thickened branches and vines of the forest. With each step the air became constantly clouded with a moistened aroma filling our nostrils, draining us of our life's breath. I had expected to be led upon a path through such a dense and expectedly dangerous forest, yet there was none.

Keeping a close eye on the back of Oro I barely managed to follow his swift pace. The branches and vines seemed to avoid his very presence, seemingly moving around him as though avoiding a dangerous beast. I couldn't help but be awed by his tranquility it appeared all life respected this feeble man. As thoughts of admiration coursed throughout my mind Oro began to speak.

"There is power in peace and compassion. The anger and rage that you command gives you great strength, but is it your anger that you command? Does that anger command you? Will that rage cease to exist when your goal is completed? All men feel anger and any man can let that anger rule him, it is the chosen few who conquer their anger. Yet still I will not ask you to forgive Myakou or let loose of the anger that drives you....it may be all you believe you have left in this world. However, allow me to give you some advice, anger may indeed be your greatest ally but know that it is a narrow path, one whose view is limited to only what is before you. There may be some who seek to use your anger or any singular emotion in order to blind you from a truth you refuse to accept."

Unable to respond I simply followed half listening to the sages words, though wise I would never need them. My purpose was simple, to destroy all demons and any human who dared obstruct my path. Once again we pressed on in complete silence, leaving only the ferocious cries of wild beasts to offset the distilled tension between us. After hours of trudging through the forest we approached a clearing.

The dense and suffocating air lessened leaving a cool chilling mist in its place. We had finally arrived at the Shrine of Shadows. Following Oro to the entrance of the massive foreboding temple, I took note of the unfamiliar runes carved along its walls. The structure itself was magnificent, standing no more than two stories its haunting majesty could be felt deep within ones soul. Walking into the main hall of the temple I watched as Oro began to set up camp and preparing food for the night. Unusually I did not feel the need for food and so instead decided to find out more about this sage now accompanying me.

"Oro....what led you to the conclusion that my sword was not of this world? How were you so prepared to face its power?" Watching carefully to note any and all emotions that may pass over his face I awaited his response.

"Do you know the story of creation? Allow me to share it with you. Before the time of man when the world was still young the Dragon God bore three children into the world, three mighty dragons who would rule over the realms."