
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Hunt Begins Part 2

"Quiet beast the only blood I crave is that of Myakou all others are merely distractions!" As I spoke aloud to Dallion I felt a familiar thought again echo throughout my mind, "Have I become a monster". Do not lose focus Scyrisse the battle has only just begun, from here on out your powers will be truly tested.

Confused by Dallion's words I looked to the large demon hound as it brutally devoured the remaining hounds. I could feel its power grow tremendously as its body was molded into a more humanoid form. The massive beast now stood a solid ten feet tall; his eyes shined bright green through the heavy mist that had befallen the village.

Breathing deeply I again focused myself careful not to miss a single movement of his body. He charged at me with such blinding speed that the ground crumbled beneath him. In an instant I found his large hand around my head crushing my skull. Would my journey end before I could avenge my family? I was overcome with doubt hoping to feign death with the chance of merely surviving when the beast spoke.

"He he, it would seem Myakou was wrong to think you'd be a threat to him. You're nothing more than average level demon with a cheap sword not even worth our time." Fading in and out of consciousness I heard only a single word the brute had said, MYAKOU! "Mya...kou."

Though the words were but a whisper I could feel a strange power growing inside me raging to be set free. Do it Let your HATRED LIVE! No longer content with death; seething with hatred for the demon that stole away my life, I released my hatred. The monster yelled in agony as I sliced through his arm, falling to the ground I licked the slick orange blood from my blade.

Satisfied in its taste I looked up staring at the living corpse before me, my eyes burned red and the green armor I wore emanated with a poisonous aura. "What are you...how did you possibly break free? We could feel your life slipping away HOW...DID YOU DO THAT!" I smiled at the confusion of the beast; no explanation was needed for soon he would meet his end. "Don't think you can win just because you got lucky, you're still no mat...."

The beasts speech was more of a yell cut off as I swiftly severed him in two, I watched as his body reverted to its original form. Though I had won the fight I felt uneasy about the hatred that I seemed to have concealed within me. And again the fleeting thought echoed throughout my mind, "I am a Monster".


"Lord Myakou I bring news from Xhar." I watched as the kreelik demon walked rushed through the halls of my castle. Unlike Lord Psyqon I disliked things with such a foreboding look of agony, and preferred a mere simple marble texture. As the kreelik approached I glared at him with disdain. A repulsive race of demons, bones with no muscle, skin blackened at birth there face but a skull in leather, fangs too small to be affective in battle they utilize their agile bodies for reconnaissance.

"What news do you bring kreelik?" Looking down from my throne I watched as the weak demon shook in fear, for he knew the failure of another rested solely upon the messenger. "Volken was....defeated...sir but I also bring good news the demon that killed him is headed to the city of Korin my lord." I couldn't help but laugh to myself as the kreelik knelt before me, his entire face pressed against the ground shaking with fear.

Calmly I rose from my throne and motioned him over to me. "You have done well kreelik, so I shall reward you for your hard work and loyalty." Lightly touching him on his shoulder I was amazed at the lack of tension in his body from just those words. Without warning I crushed his collar beneath my hand tearing it and his arm from his frail body. The kreelik let out a shrill scream of agony grasping his wound he fell to the ground pleading for forgiveness.

"Do not sully yourself by begging for mercy, I told you that I'd reward your effort. Go now and inform Sid and Ark to make preparations for battle, it's likely he will seek them out hoping to find me."

Sitting back down on my throne I remembered the words Lord Psyqon spoke to me, "It is you who is the focus of his wrath, not I", truly these words seemed to be true.