
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Hunt Begins Part 1


"Master, I have failed. I was unable to...I did not retrieve the blade". My cold chilling voice seemed to be but a whisper from the mouth of an infant before this man. I knelt before him surrounded by walls laced with the corpses of children; rotting odorously I could hear their screams pulsing throughout my mind, their everlasting pain feverishly clawing away at my soul.

Terrified of his reaction to my failure, I feared I too would join the corpses that perverted this putrid tower devoid of humanity and compassion. "Failed? Fools are such simple-minded creatures. Leave me!"

"But...the blade it was not retrieved as you wished Lord Psyqon, I instead triggered its release by killing him, it has found its "owner".

Though I spoke against him I kept my eyes to the floor to look upon him would ensure my death, a slow tantalizing death that would last centuries.

"Tell me Myakou does your heart suffer from the atrocities you've committed, do you yearn for a life without death." He looked at me with such a calm and caring expression most would not realize how sinister this monsters mind could be. What seemed to be but a question of philosophy was in reality a game, one to test my loyalty, failing to answer correctly would mean my demise.

"I regret only that the world cannot experience death more consistently, so that life will in affect have more meaning, my lord." He paused for a moment deciding whether the questioning would continue. "Owner? The fool believes the sword has found its owner, perhaps there is no hope for fools after all.

Return to Demon Requiem, send your men after him, and Myakou....do be careful, it is you who is the focus of his wrath, not I, and that will make your own purpose that much more difficult." With those words of warning I rose to take my leave. "I shall strive to be as cunning as you my lord."

A smile of satisfaction appeared on his grim face as he spoke, "humph, a hopeless endeavor that none could hope to achieve but perhaps fools are not such a lost cause after all."


Light burned at my eyelids begging them to open to the luminescence of the new life given to me. Slowing opening my eyes I immediately recognized the place in which I lay, though its surroundings were not as I remembered, I was sure this had been the place where I lost everything.

Rising to my feet I was overwhelmed by the smell of rotting flesh, the entire village had been completely enveloped in darkness. Somehow I could feel the presence of demons nearby, gripping the dragon blade at my side emotionlessly crushing the corpses of my parents; I left what had once been my home.

Something stirred within me; I no longer felt the world around me as I had before, things that should cause sorrow and heartache only succeeded in surmounting insatiable bloodlust. "Have I become a monster?" It was a thought that swiftly echoed throughout my mind as I emerged from the place of my rebirth. Looking out into the village corpses and blood lay splattered everywhere not a single life had survived the onslaught.

This is the work of demon hounds. Drawing my blade I focused my senses expecting someone to emerge from the thickness of death that embodied the village...but no one came. You ready your blade as if to slay what cannot be slain. Did I not tell you I would accompany you on your search for revenge? "Dallion!" Ahh....so you do remember. As I was saying you must be weary demon hounds are extremely territorial they will likely attack you soon.

Before I could reply I suddenly realized I was completely surrounded by the demon hounds Dallion spoke of. Such monstrous creatures their eyes solid white with fangs down to their jaw, I could hear them breathing heavily all around me, but more than that I could sense their muscles tense, their heart beat with the anticipation of a new meal, and yet almost instinctually I knew their weakness would lie in their leader.

Loosing the grip on my sword I reached out with all my senses and focused solely on the movements of their leader, I awaited his signal for them to attack. The next few moments lasted mere seconds as the first two of the hounds charged at me baring there fangs. I reacted instantaneous to their movements ducking under the first hounds lounge tearing through his intestines I calmly guided my sword to the neck of the hound on my flank.

I watched in satisfaction as their bodies tumbled to the ground, only three remained. Well done Scyrisse, how does it feel to have this power? Do you crave the blood of demons?

Again came the voice from within the sword, Dallion.