
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Creation Part 2

With a deep hell-ridden voice the demon known as Myakou spoke to me in a sickening tone. "Her blood was delicious and her screams were divine. So you see I couldn't help but play with her corpse. I'm sure she'd like the new design, as it defines all she once was. What do you think child, is it to over the top? Would you like to help me redecorate I'm positive you could do a better job."

I couldn't believe the words I was hearing from this demon, he showed no remorse and no respect, he is pure unrestrained evil. "Demon what have you done to my mother! Why would you do this to a defenseless woman? You and all your kind must die they all must die! Blood for blood right demon?!"

I spoke to him as fiercely as I could, hoping he wouldn't sense my fear. My hopes were in vain as my voice compared to his was but a murmur just as my skill. I quickly went through my options assessing the situation in hopes of finding some way to defeat this monster.

However, as Myakou responded to my outburst I knew my fate was sealed, I like my mother and father before me, would die by the hands of this demon. "You refer to me as a demon? How vicarious of you, I wonder what is it you believe yourself to be? Now then, I'm afraid your time is up..attack if you will or submit yourself to my blade of lightning." Myakou raised his sword and I saw the familiar bright blue glow that I had seen before, I was going to die, but not without a fight.

It was with this last fleeting thought that I charged at Myakou, surprising him with my aggressiveness, I dashed towards him and as I came upon the shadowed image of this fiend my legs gave out and I fell beneath him.

Looking up I could see his face and once again he grinned slightly licking his lips in hopes of a messy slaughter. It was this evil grin moving rapidly from me and the rest of my body decapitated from the head, that I watched as all around me went black, and I was swept into darkness.

Slowly opening my eyes I was blinded by a red gleam of light. "Myakou!" I screamed. "Will you haunt me in death as in life, why do you torture me so?" Awaiting an answer my vision cleared and I was baffled at the huge beast that stood towering over my spirit. It spoke to me with a voice that seemed to shake this timeless limbo where I now reside.

"I have awaited you young Krassius, it is time for you to fulfill the destiny fate has dealt you. You must become the Keeper of Syon, the Blade of the Red Dragon." Puzzled and amazed I gazed up at this magnificent beast, at this blazing red dragon. I stayed silent expecting the dragon to say something more instead its vast wings stretched out before me and I felt imbued with power.

Slowly I felt the soft existence diminish and a new feeling of wholeness take its place, confused I once again looked to the dragon in silence. "Know that you are reborn in the image of power and have been given a new body. Know that you will command a power far greater than anything in life or death. You have become Scyrisse, Keeper of the Syon, Master of Power, as you grow stronger and more accustomed to this body you will learn to harness its power and the power of the Syon blade which you must guard."

Wait what is this dragon saying? It was then I looked down upon myself, and gazed in horror at the deformed beast I had become. My hands had grown black, my muscles had bulged, and my body now covered in a mysterious green armor that felt as though it was attached to my rough skin.

I was a monster like the demon that had slain me. No longer fearing death I boldly confronted this dragon. "What have you done to me foul beast, why do you torture me with this sorry existence you call life? I don't want to be the keeper of anything I only want rest, to be reunited with those I love, who are you to deny me this!?"

The realm I stood in began to shake and a deep rumble erupted from within the dragon as its anger poured out in its words. "Torture! I have given you immortality, unlife. I have given you the power you will need to avenge your family's death or do you no longer desire revenge? I have given you what many will kill for, the sword of unlimited power and a body created by the gods in the image of creation, the image of POWER!

And yet you confront me with such vile words, do not mistake Scyrisse, I am here as your guide and nothing more, I Dallion will instruct you and protect you, warn you when danger arises until you have grown strong enough to sense it yourself. You must trust only me in your new unlife you must seek out and destroy the demon that destroyed your family, hunt him and his kind down show them no mercy.

To take the lives of the living is your purpose, until you've killed all who want your power for themselves. If you fail, the world will be thrown into darkness and evil will reign supreme. Once I release you into the living world you will be sought out by both humans and demons alike, you must slay them all. Do not think badly of yourself for killing humans, for any human that approaches you wants your power and thus cannot be trusted.

Only I will help you, only I will you trust. Now that you know your duties take this sword, it will serve as a medium for your power. Revenge will be sweet and keep you sane, focus on it and all will be well no matter who lies dead sliced to shreds beneath you. Now go Scyrisse, let the demons of the world know that they have something other than demons to fear. Go forth and slaughter them to your heart's desire, and remember TRUST NO ONE!"

With those words of wisdom I took hold of the sword, only to be attacked by green tentacles that took root to my arm and joined me with the sword, soon they dissipated leaving behind two identical emblems of a dragon and sword on my forearm and its hilt. Again came the darkness, yet this time still could I see and the darkness became me.