
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Origin of the World Part 3

Up above Malcerin still stood sword in hand staring idly down to his betrayers, his body slowly began to become consumed by the sword along with Xeno. No longer himself, Malcerin and Xeno's minds had been melded together, yet as they were devoured by the sword they called out in rage at their brethren.

Declaring themselves Dallion the Dragon of Rage proclaiming their own return and the vengeance they'd seek, their power was completely sealed within the Blade of Syon. With the defeat of the God Malcerin Kryptacide looked down to Rykan, grimly he struck down the weakened avatar with a single mighty swing.

Finally achieving his goal to rule all the realms he reached for the mighty Laison blade, however, due to the pact made between Laison and Rykan he could not wield its power. With a grunt of displeasure he looked to the elder celestials that now left with the Syon blade, though slightly concerned he knew in the millennia to come no being could stand to his might.

This event marked the beginning of humanities enslavement by the demons and also the beginning of the Sages of Light, it is our duty to preserve the bloodline of Rykan ensuring that those of his lineage continue to wield Laison for the good of humanity, opposing demons whenever needed."

As Oro finished his endearingly long story questions filled my mind with thought. If the old man spoke the truth then I, as son of the past wielder of Laison, was in fact the great descendent of Rykan avatar to the Dragon of Earth.

Yet this realization gave me no joy, my father had been slain and the sword had fallen into the hands of evil. Remembering the horror of that night began to stur anger within me. Tears would flow from my eyes as they had once before, yet now they would not.....could not come.

Still...knowing Dallion's true origin had some benefit I now know the great potential of the power I have at my side and it will not go to waste. Drifting away from my own deepened thoughts I looked admiringly up to Oro. His knowlegde of things past and present amazes me, could I have become strong enough as a human to defeat Myakou? Perhaps succumbing to the monstrosity I've become isn't the only path set for me. It was with these uplifting thoughts I asked Oro of the one detail that continued to puzzle me.

"Laison....I watched that sword be wielded by a demon. I watched my father be sliced and burned by the great lightning it commands. I stood helpless as his body became charred and the smell of his burning flesh filled my lungs. His eyes clouded by pain and regret as his soul left this plane and moved staggeringly on to the next. You claim that a pact was formed between Rykan and Laison, that only those of Rykan's lineage may wield it yet I hold proof otherwise."

The lines of age deepened within the face of the great sage and hints of fear shrouded the calmness that embodied his entire being. When he spoke to me now his words will riddled with caution and concern.

"Long ago your father and I saw a most formidable demon rise to power under Kryptacide, he calls himself Psyqon the Revelation.

Evil is coming

Psyqoncreators' thoughts