
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Origin of the World Part 2

The dragon of the earth realm was called Laison, the dragon of the demon realm was called Darlan, and the strongest dragon of the three ruler of the celestial realm was called Xeno. Upon the death of the Dragon God the three dragon brothers were sworn to maintain the balance of the planet. However, the task proved to be to menial for the brothers and so they each used their power to create an avatar bound to their strength.

Liason's avatar was called "human" and was made ruler over humanity. The people referred to their king as Rykan the King of Man. Darlan's avatar was named "demon" after the realm his master ruled over. The demon species feared and cowered before Darlan's avatar and he eventually became known as Kryptacide. Lastly, Xeno created an avatar equal in strength to himself and called him "God".

It was by Xeno's will that his avatars species be called celestials. The celestials loved and worshiped Xeno's avatar calling him the God Malcerin. For millennia the three realms were at peace, tranquility encompassed their entire existence, yet the peace could not last. It began with the Demon Lord Kryptacide who had been devouring the strongest of his subjects over the millennia. Kryptacide inevitably challenged his master, the Dragon of Darkness, Darlan.

Believing that his avatar could not stand to his might Darlan underestimated Kryptacide's resolve and power. It was because of this mistake that Kryptacide was able to seal his soul and power within a sword forged of the Dragon Gods scales. Wielding the power of his master Kryptacide crushed the veil between the Human Realm and the Demon Realms. For years he conquered and enslaved humanity intent on ruling all the realms.

It was at the very brink of defeat that Laison's avatar Rykan forged a powerful sword pleading with Laison to become his strength to be passed down to his descendants. With little choice Liason agreed under the condition that only those who are direct descendants of Rykan may wield his mighty strength.

Now strengthened by the power of the Dragon of Earth, Rykan had attained equal strength with Kryptacide. It's said the two battled for centuries until their quarrel reached the ears of the God Malcerin. Entertained by the desire for power the two displayed Malcerin calmly stepped down from Heavens gates taunting the two who he felt beneath him. Enraged Kryptacide lashed out with all his might at Malcerin, yet the attack was easily knocked away.

In utter disbelief Kryptacide could only pray that his end would not come. Malcerin appeared to be impressed by the attack, announcing that he too would join with his Dragon Master. Holding out his hand he materialized a magnificent sword while summoning the Dragon of the Heavens, Xeno. Xeno who considered Malcerin an extension of himself agreed to the sealing, however, Kryptacide had other plans.

The technique itself he knew would take intense concentration even for Malcerin. Deciding that it would be far too dangerous to let them join Kryptacide pleaded for Rykan to aide him. Hesitant Rykan agreed to give his help on the condition that when all was over Kryptacide would swear not to condemn humanity to his genocide. Somberly Kryptacide nodded his head in agreement to the terms. The two men who once stood as eternal enemies now faced down the insurmountable power of their elder brother.

The skies around them brightened as though clothed with a golden fleece laced with the intensity of the thunder that trembled throughout the atmosphere. Staring up to the God Malcerin, the two rivals gathered their strength. It was at this time the world came closest to its destruction, the golden skies above trembling with thunder, the earth itself torn apart from the powerful lightning manifested from Rykan's power over the earth, and the air saturated with Kryptacide's poisonous aura.

Both Rykan and Kryptacide gathered as much strength as they could muster, they need not destroy Malcerin only disrupt the ritual he now performed. Screaming out in unison the two attacked Malcerin hoping to put an end to the ritual. The sky broke, torn in two from the massive amount of energy unleashed upon its atmosphere and all went still. The silence within this second dug deep into the anticipation of the next, time flowed with the stillness of a bated breath.

As the thickness of the perpetual infinity solemnly lifted from the air Rykan dropped to one knee having expended most of his strength, Kryptacide stood tall above him watching to confirm if they had been successful.