
Red Dragon- Blade of Syon

*Discontinued. Will be continuing later in the year, after finishing rewriting* Krassius is the young son of a powerful warrior of mankind. Stricken by tragedy at the hands of demons and reborn through a mysterious power, he sets off on a journey of revenge. Yet, what awaits him on this journey is not what he expects, familial secrets, hidden agendas, and manipulations flow endlessly around him. Will he be consumed by the mysterious powers granted to him, can he find his true destiny, or will the truth ultimately shape him into what he cannot foresee?

Psyqon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Right Hand of Evil

Psyqon's demonic magic is the most terrifying in the history of SOL, he prides himself on his skills of manipulation and cunning. For years he toyed with demons stronger than he only to lead them to their own destruction taking their position and power for himself. It wasn't long until he stood next the the God of Demons, Kryptacide.

Revelling in the freedom granted to him by the Demon God he began conducting experiments on lesser demons, fusing their bodies he continued to create new and more fearsome demons. As the years went on his reject "specimens" flowed horribly throughout the realm of humans and it was your fathers decision that Psyqon's madness needed to be put to an end.

Gathering our most powerful warriors, I included, we headed towards the tower where Psyqon ruled. It was in that tower we learned just how perverted the mind of Psyqon truly was, the walls of that place were littered with the faces of young children screaming in agony. He had somehow used his magic to preserve their existence, molding his fortress from the youthful lives of humans he'd slaughtered.

As we marched throughout his halls we came across countless rooms filled with the most gruesome experiments; cross gendering demons, magics to prolong the pain of death, and even living sculptures of mutilated infants. Many of those who followed us into that tower lost all sanity and hope for humanity.

As we trudgingly approached the throne room where we knew Psyqon was no doubt waiting to confront his intruders, the walls of children began to cry a most sorrowful symphony of pain. The ground beneath us trembled with fear and our nostrils were filled with the smell of human blood. A massive door stood before us and no enemy or obstacle dared intrude on this moment.

Your father took a deep breath while opening the doors of hell to the madman who ruled it. Sitting their on his throne was Psyqon, his appearance betrayed his personality and cruelty, he was a beautiful man. For just a moment we stared, appalled by his magnificient features. His blackened hair was drawn back into a ponytail and his warm face was sullied only by a tribal marking over his left eye.

The man each of us had come to despise was among the most enchanting we had ever seen. Calmly standing to his feet Psyqon slowly began to clap his hands in applaud. Smiling fervently he gestured over to the nearby tanks where our eyes were tormented with the sights of young children being fused with lesser demons. The point was made clear, Psyqon the Revelation, was attempting to create a hybrid race of half-demons.

In the end we somehow managed to convince him to halt his experiments, but only at the sacrifice of two of our strongest and most faithful. That is a day neither I nor your father would ever wish to relive. Its possible that during that confrontation Psyqon could have obtained your fathers blood. If thats the case....this Myakou may in fact be the result of his dark magics.

Scyrisse...do not focus on how he wields Laison but instead on how you must overcome its strength. That purpose and the fact you are the last of Rykan's blood is why I will grant to you the most powerful sutra. So that when all seems lost and your strength should ever fail you, it will remain. For now we must rest I will begin the ritual in the morning."

Looking upon Oro's face I could see I would get no further answers from him, despite the knowledge imparted on me my goal had not changed.

I will kill Myakou and anyone who stands in my path...but perhaps now I will not need to do it alone.

Moving forward each chapter will be a minimum if 1k words.

"He who walks in darkness cannot see his own light"

Psyqoncreators' thoughts