
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Overpowered Suit

"..." Sora sat at the dinner table, calmly eating. while everyone else at the table looked at him with widened eyes. ever since the death of his line, no one saw Sora and most of them kept their distance, it has been 8 months since then, and Sora had no choice but to make an appearance since next week was going to be his 18th birthday

"I see why you were bowling that money now, what a waste." Sora's father said with a sneer, Sora simply ignored him and forced his food. His father made it clear everyone knew who was his favorite and listed favorites,

Lomi Golden-Lion being the oldest and most like his father was considered his father favorite, in second place was Raja, the second oldest. As for him and Ember, females were not considered fighters much in the family, so Ember was only in 3rd, at least she was not last like himself.

as for his mother, she didn't show favoritism and tried to keep him in check, which worked most of the time.

"What do you plan on doing for your birthday," Sora's mother asked after throwing a glare at his father, but even she couldn't help but be disappointed, Sora spent about 150,000 Paka in the past 8 months. but Sora was more handsome and seemed like the embodiment of the word man. sadly he had no power to back up that appearance

"I was thinking of holding a party. Since I want to start building a huge company that would specialize in selling chips, phones, laptops, computers, and so on, I need to get into contact with many people." Sora said with a smile, stunning his mother slightly

"you know you're getting into a complex field right?" she asked to which Sora nodded before showing her a phone he had created. the phones of this were more high grade than those of Earth, but they had a huge flaw, their program and security weren't at the level of 10,000 years ago.

this was because Electronics was still a new thing... no electronics was the wrong word as they were not using electronics, instead, they were using QI. but people only began looking into the past and recreating cars and stuff about 70 years ago.

one should know, after the human devil's actions, it took Earth 500 years before it shall Qi. By then, the earth was a new land, and with powers, and humans spread out all over the world, Qi became a thing, and a new era of man vs beast began

the battle went on for thousands of years, humans make discoveries in Qi, form learn runes, learned how to create techniques and cultivation arts, and how to make formations that use the power of heaven and earth, and so on.

these took years to learn, and more than 8,000 years to reach a state where humans could stand on their own against the wild beast. at which point, humans had lost some land and were starting to build greater and stronger defenses,

the idea of looking at the electronics of the past appeared around here, even than knowledge of 10,000 years was held, as many humans 10,000 years ago stored many things for those of the future, which had been found.

among these were cars, phones, and other things. things that told the story of their time, not wanting to be forgotten from the river of time. the person who destroyed it and why was something which was also told,

So, with the human race tabled and no one needed to be forced to jump into the war to fight, an era where those who had no taste for the battle for knowing bloomed, many talents began trying to study what was left behind, but their world and the world of the past was too different, and what was left behind had been destroyed and left hard to read after more than 5,000 years, plus there was a language barrier

but they tried, but they were frowned upon by many for looking at work in the past, this caused progress that could have been made and in a few years to have to wait even more years, some people destroyed their progress which caused it to suffer the most blow.

But they never gave up, over 9,000 years since the age of the internet, the first model of a car was created. which was destroyed by the creator's father out of rage that his son would waste his time on something so foolish, this again caused the progress to slow down,

one should know, many parents and old people around this time grew up in battle. such people were the hardest to convince,

after many drawbacks and many conflicts, 100 years ago, the first car was introduced to the world. but it couldn't be a normal car or else the world would have looked down upon it, so this was no normal car. it was a flying car, capable of reaching speeds of March 10.

Since people were using horses, the world was introduced to something which they didn't need to feed. simply feed the car Qi, and watch it fly or drive on the road.

now, technology had caught the attention of this new era, so instead of looking down upon those from years ago, they began thinking of taking their work and improving it. so, 100 years later, you have a time that looked like a copy of the past but with Qi.

but, this creation was still young and still in development, which wasn't bad or anything, people were not more focused on the tech of the past, causing it to quickly overcome the limitations of the past. this world didn't need 10 more years or anything like that, Sora guessed that it only needed 5 years since security on this stuff reached a level where it would be annoying, thats why he needed to get into this field,

"This is... years." Sora's mother was in shock while looking at the phone, it was almost keeping up with her brain speed. the process used for this phone was years above the others, this shocked her to the point she looked at Sora in shock,

"I will find you, you tell me if you need anything," she said with a smile, to which Sora nodded slightly.

you might start to question, how is it that Sora seems to know so much. bodybuilding, the mind, hacking, and even creating stuff from seemly nothing?

for this, one would have to look at Sora's past. Sora started his life off as an almost normal kid, sure he was smarter, but it was not too over the top. at the age of the phone, Sora taught himself how to use the computer, which opened up an endless amount of knowledge for him to gain,

by 6 years old, he was hacking games. at 10 years old, he got tired of being bullied so he hacked the bully's family, leading them to lose their jobs or have false crimes pinned on them. this forced the bullies to either have to move away and if not, Sora took more extreme measures.

At 12, out of rage for something that happened, and for the first time in Sora's life, he felt a rage that eat him up from the inside out. so he began training, but his body was weak, forcing him to seek out teachers. and he saw monks, who helped him master his body and mind,

Sora spent 4 years training with the monks before he mastered all they had, after which began learning martial arts. with the mastery of his mind, his mind was sharper and allowed him to more easily learn things. in 3 years, he had learned every martial art there was and even created his own

By then he was more than capable of training, but he chose to spend another 3 years mastering other forms of combat, armed combat. be it with something like a sword or a gun, at which point Sora went on to go and get revenge,

but his target had died, something which almost made Sora kill himself just to find the bastard in hell. with these new skills in his hands, Sora joined the army where he quickly become a captain of a secret team, led by someone who would soon become his love, but she would die, which would lead Sora to commit all types of crimes in his journey to take revenge,

Sora was never the talented type... well, mentally he was. he was smart and caught on to things quicker than others. during his time to take revenge for his lover, it's than Sora got into creating stuff, as he had to create all types of weapons, and even armor for himself since he had become the world's most wanted man, due to just the shocking number of people he had killed... slaughtered

Sora was pretty much a Jake of all trades, he had to learn to do many things. it didn't help that he was in an era where A.I. was everywhere, so his hacking capability reached a level where he was fighting A.I. He was dodging bullets shot by an A.I. and so on

"leave the party to me," Sora's mother said with a smile, to which Sora nodded for a moment before speaking

"Can I work handle the part of inviting people?" Sora asked to which she nodded slightly, Sora nodded before heading off. Sora had a plan, and one of which was to be the new Samsung of the era.

back then, Samsung did everything, from phones to making tanks, Sora wanted to do something similar, but also be the new Apple of the era at the same time. there was a reason he had Lisa stay alive, and it was because he wanted someone to deal with managing this, Sora had seen her skills.

as was someone who hated asking her brother for money, so she began at a young age learning how to do things on her own. So, he had a business of her own, which had been teaching herself how to manage, and currently, she was managing Sora's businesses, under his teaching.

'well, I can't wait for Luke to come out.' Sora thought with a smile, as he went on to send invents. what was Luke's weakness you ask? Like Alexander, the thing Like loved most was his mother and his crush who he was engaged to.

Like Alexander, Luke was the type to take pleasure in others' suffering, so Sora was not going to be soft on him like he was with Alexander. he would not be so nice this time... there were 10 levels of hell in Sora's Hells... Alexander only sat at level 4, Like shall see level 6.

"Why is the boy inventing these people and their mothers." Sora's father asked while looking at the people Sora planned on inventing, but his nose couldn't help but twitch as he smelled something heavenly

"There are 3 things he wishes to show, one is the phones. he wants to get the attention of both the young and the old with the new phone he plans to show. the one he showed me was just a failed model." Sora's mother said calmly while writing on some paper

"the second is a smell that is just heavenly. As you can smell, your son can even create something like this. ever invent sent would have a hint of this smell. Sora says he can even create a way to change the smell your body gives off, he could make your sweat smell like flowers. but it's only in theory for now." She said calmly

"the 3rd is a surprise, but in the end, he shall give 3 of each to 9 lucky people who come. He isn't just targeting the rich, he planning on hooking them and having them start investing. Your son might have no talent, but he is far smarter than you could ever be." she said calmly, causing his face to turn dark.

"Snort. A mind that remains at his level would be overshadowed sooner or later," He said with a snort. those who cultivate grow stronger and faster, their mind could process countless things before the normal human could even think of a world,

"you look down on your son too much... another reason you can never be as smart as him." She said calmly causing him to glare at her for a moment before walking off. ever since Sora Lion died, the two have been fighting, the fact he the father did nothing to defend her son enraged her. meanwhile, he didn't see the worth of doing something like that

meanwhile, Sora stood before a suit, which he was covered with a layer of thin sheets of paper, while Lisa watched from the side.

"so this super Graphene you created, why just sell it?" Lisa asked softly, thats right, the thing Sora was adding to his suit was something he called Super Graphene. it was like normal Graphene, but more flexible, more durable, and could absorb energy and spread it all over itself.

Sora created it, with the help of Qi, and his already understanding of Graphene from his past life, Sora was able to combine many chemicals, to create Super Graphene, something millions of times more powerful than graphene,

"thats because thats too dangerous, there is the strongest thing on earth, in the wrong hands you know the damage it could cause?" Sora asked calmly, the creation of this thing was a pain in the ass since Sora couldn't break it, Sora had to create it part by part, and slowly create the suit with it.

This was extremely expensive to make, costing Sora over 10 million Paka. One should know that a normal 1sqm of graphene, would weigh a small 0.7 milligram, yet be able to support the weight of 4 kilograms, while at the same time being almost completely invisible,

Super Graphene of 1sqm was far heavier than normal grapheme, being 1,000 milligrams. but it was far stronger, capable of supporting the weight of 5.5 million kilograms. thats was more than enough to withstand the weight of a Space Shuttle.

Sora had them layered, so much so that they were no longer invisible. that was millions of layers put together, and they were made into a suit, these were months well spent.

"ok... why make it look like a metal bat?" Lisa asked calmly while watching Sora close up the suit before he got the paint.

"... many use to say I'm a real-life Batman," Sora said with a slight laugh, confusing Lisa, but Sora didn't explain. Sora thought long and hard about what he would make this thing look like, and Batman who brought fear into his enemies seemed like the best fit.

"Alright, shoot it," Sora said while stepping back, Lisa pulled out a laser ray gun, which channeled her Qi and compressed it to the extreme before shooting it out at speeds nearing the speed of light.


the suit was sent flying, but not far as it fell to the ground an inch away. Sora walked up to the suit and saw that the pant he put on was destroyed, but the suit was unharmed. he touched the suit and felt how the heat from the laser was quickly disappearing, leaving the suit as cold as before.

"to think the hardest part would be finding paint," Sora said while having the puppet which had the suit get back up, while Lisa's eyes were horrified at the scene. this was a laser gun, due to the way it shot Qi at its target, even those at levels above her would be unguarded against those with a gun like this.

this is because of how it compresses Qi to the extreme and shoots it out. even a drop of water can break and destroy a diamond if the pressure was high enough, much less this which is shooting at near-light speed.

Guns like this were why humans could stand on their own with a wild beast, it's just that they used up a huge amount of Qi to fire, and they get got super fast. so, Sora's suit was not affected by such an attack, and was only sent backward, and it was not by far, only the pant was.

Sora removed the suit and saw that within the suit the puppet was alright, Sora thought for a moment, before going out to get some eggs, which he placed within the suit, and closing it up. it was not some metal suit or anything of the kind, it still looked like clothes, although thicker like a coat.

"Alright, this time have the gun go into overdrive," Sora said calmly, the gun Lisa had was one he bought, but he made some changes to it. the law had it so that such guns have these limiters to protect the persons firing them. Of course, Sora didn't want to die, so the overdrive was to unleash a huge amount of power toward a target, killing the gun with it.

one should know, guns never died out. people learned to make bullets, and guns to protect themselves. be it against greedy humans, or the zombies-like things that walked around, those who couldn't learn had to use other weapons, bats, spears, and so on

"alright," Lisa said before pushing a button on the gun and began to fill it with her Qi, the gun began to glow before it unleashed a huge beam. the first beam, it fired was about the size of a hair, which showed just how weak Lisa Qi was, but this was now 10 times as big


The suit was sent shooting backing 5 inches before it hit the ground, and with smoke raising from it. Sora walked over and looked at the suit, and saw that more of the paint was gone, picking up the puppet, he opened the suit and saw that the eggs within were, okay.

"Good... maybe I should work on nano bolts. maybe I can infuse something like this into my bones," Sora said with a smile, thinking of all types of ways he could increase his strength, he might be the least talented thing in this world, but he had his mind and knowledge of the past he wanted to test out.

Could he shrink things? Could he make Iron Man armor? Let's not forget Sora is only touching upon the stuff possible with just Qi alone, what about runes, formations, and the many other stuff the world now had Qi? With Qi came endless possibilities, sure he was talentless, but he was the devil in human flesh, motivated to make someone regret everything