
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Pet

"You like that?" Sora's voice sounded within Alexander's room, yet he couldn't be seen anywhere, yet his voice was loud, and Alexander could do nothing but listen, with tears running down his face.

"Yes, more!" Lisa's voice which was filled with bliss and pleasure followed, causing him to grit his teeth. Lisa's moans sounded out of control, with Sora talking all types of dirty talk which caused Lisa's moans to be filled with more life. each time she orgasmed, he could feel the state she was in through her voice alone. it was like she came out of hell and entered heaven.

this went on for an hour before Lisa was able to take it anymore, and began asking Sora for a small break, even though she was about to fall asleep. Sora didn't force her, instead, he had her clean up his mess took. and the sound from her gags caused Alexander to break down, this was his pure and innocent little sister.

this was the person he promised his mother to protect on her deathbed. this was his best friend and the last thing which reminded him of his mother since his father took everything else.

He just lowered his head and cried. it was not any loud cries, it was a quiet cry filled with his pain. even when Sora returned, he had no power to look up at Sora, and just cried, awaiting his fate.

"You were a nice brother, girls her age don't remain so innocent. you truly cared for her, and now she is going to fall into my hands..." Sora said lazily while looking for a place to sit down, but there was nothing. shrugging he went to the other room and returned with a seat.

"so, I will tell you what I will do next with you. I will make you suffer a few more times before your brain kills itself. I will have your body found somewhere, with a few hints leading them to the Lomi family. Your sister shall return home and take your spot as the next air to the Raion family, and be filled with boundless hatred towards the Lomi family for what they put you and her through." Sora said while pulling out a chocolate bar, while Alexander cried even more

"From the very start, your sister was a major keystone in my plans. anyways, I will push for your two families to fight each other. I will act in the dark to catch openings, to get Luke Lomi... thats seem to be all, but there is more to the plans, but you should understand." Sora said calmly while eating. but seeing how the guy could only cry, Sora placed his palm on his head before he froze

"I forgot to feed you... you need not worry about your sister. I see her talent, something which I don't have. So, I will train her. I will tell her you choose to die, a female mind is complex, but it's also easy to read and control. So, you can die knowing your beloved sister would be forever loyal to me. a tool used until it breaks," Sora said softly, before going to get him something to eat, once Alexander heat his fool, Sora went on to weaken the filters and began playing some scary music using the Violin.

"PLEASE, FORGIVE ME. I'M SO SORRY!" Alexander roared while stumping his feet none stop on the ground, his body shaking. Sora ignored him and played the Violin with closed eyes.

"Wow, 3 minutes 15 seconds... let's try and reach 3 minutes and 30 seconds next time," Sora said seeing he was about to reach his limits, returning his brain filter to normal, Sora watched

"Please, please," Alexander said with a defeated cry. He couldn't go through that, his hair was already turning white. At this moment, Sora was the devil in human flesh, Sora was the embodiment of pain. His mind was going crazy to escape this, but Sora returned his mind to normal before it could do so.

"Maybe I fell for your sister... but sure, I'm willing to stop. I will give you two options and give you the choice." Sora said with a smile, Alexander looked at Sora, with hope

"You can one, become a loyal dog of mine. You shall do everything I tell you to do, if I tell you to kill yourself, you shall do so. if I tell you to kill someone you shall do so, do I make myself clear? As for the second option, we continue this." Sora asked to which Alexander nodded quickly

"I will be your dog, I will be your slave. I will do anything." Alexander yelled as if he feared Sora would take back the option, Sora smiled before setting him free. he took out a dog bowl and put food in it.

"than eat up," Alexander's body shook seeing he was free, he dropped to all 4s and began eating like a dog. he was broken, he was nothing more than a shell of the former Alexander, to him Sora was a devil.

"What a shame, I was hoping you would attack me. or even better kill yourself. you should know, the brain remains active for some time even after death... even after death, you can't run from me. " Sora said while patting his head, to Alexander's, he felt like the devil's hand was patting his head, causing him to shake like a chihuahua in the cold

"Well, do I have to train you? or do you know how to act?" Sora asked, his voice sounding like that of the devil within Alexander's ear.

"I-I know how to act." He said fearfully, but Sora suddenly grabbed his head, scaring him as he thought Sora was about to weaken his brain filter. he didn't dare to fight back, all he could do was shit himself,

"One, a good dog doesn't speak the human tongue. two, a good dog doesn't shit itself before its master. it seems like I need to train you," Sora said causing Alexander to start crying before he began barking like a dog, which caused Sora to let go of his head.

"Good, boy. you should remember when we are alone, you're a dog. when someone is near, or we are in public, you are a dog that took the form of a human." Sora said while stretching his head, Alexander barked while nodding his head, secretly enjoying Sora scratching his head. Sora was hitting the part responsible for the sense of pleasure and happiness,

"Now, go clean yourself off," Sora said calmly before getting up and walking away, he clapped his hands, causing a wall to open up, revealing a bathroom. Sora left entering another room, while Alexander crawled to the bathroom, and went on to clean himself off.

"Well, let's see what I got on the checklist," Sora said calmly as he held his phone, opening a checklist. the main part of the checklist was having the two become his two loyal followers, everything Sora did was for this final goal, although he was shocked with himself that he could get Lisa to join him. then again, she was young and easy to control,

"This is good, now it's time to destroy the Lomi family from the inside out," Sora said while getting something to eat, before sitting back and waiting for the two siblings. Lisa was asleep, while Alexander needed to retain some degree of himself,

So, Sora waited. He had to work with Alexander, having him return to his old self, at least make it look that way. As for his sister, she woke up a few hours later, and seeing how Sora and Alexander seemed to be on good terms, she was happy.

"Alright, you two should get going home. I will contact you a few months later." Sora said calmly, stunning LIsa. it was weird, a moment ago she hated and feared Sora. but the moment they rolled around together she was in love with him.

"I was talking about your brother, I have something I want to start teaching you," Sora said with a smile, making Lisa node happily. Alexander didn't say anything and simply watched from the side with blank eyes.

"Ready?" Sora asked after explaining the plan to Lisa, to which Lisa nodded slightly after some hesitation, after seeing her brother agree with the plan. Sora went on to make a call, and after a moment it was answered.

"Good morning Sir Raion, how's your day going? of course not good since I took your kids. My apologies about that." Sora said with a smile while looking at his watch, which showed how someone was trying to track the phone call

"Whose this, what do you want?" Alexander's father said in a panic, he only had 2 children, one of which would be next in line to take his spot. if his son couldn't take his spot, his brother's son shall. something he didn't want,

"Haha, I got paid good money to steal these kids. but upon seeing who sent the request, I don't feel like completing the mission anymore... so, what do you say. buy the kids off me." Sora said causing Alexander's father to freeze. he looked around at the people in the room with him, all stunned for a moment, but the officer who was within the room waved towards Alexander to go on.

"Who requested the mission, how much do you want?" Alexander asked quickly

"Sorry, although I don't like the guy, I don't like giving away names. As for the price, seeing as your family's net worth is over 2.9 billion Paka, you can buy them for the short price of 500 million Paka." Sora said with a smile, Paka was the name of currency within the kingdom, of course, the form of currency is different in other places

"t-thats too much," Alexander's father yelled hearing the price he was asked to pay,

"Oh, ok. then I guess this is goodbye. it was a pleasure doing business with you." Sora said with a smile, to which Alexander's father quickly yelled for him to stop.

"... How about I buy one of them?" Alexander said seeing how long they wanted him to keep the phone call going, 5 minutes was needed. yet with how the guy acted, he might not have much time.

"Oh, which one? they both are going for 250 million." Sora said with a raised eyebrow, but he already knew the answer. Alexander and his sister knew the answer, causing Lisa to lower her head.

"Alexander," He said quickly, to which Sora fell into deep thought for a moment before he laughed.

"deal, Lisa you want to say goodbye to dad? who knows when you would see him." Sora said calmly, while Lisa held back some tears.

"You made her cry, there goes Father of the Year. anyways, I will take the money out of the account, your son will be dropped off soon." Sora said calmly before hanging up, causing the guy who was trying to track the phone call to slap the table in rage.

"this person is good, to think there is someone out there who I need 5 minutes to track down." He said softly while looking deeply at the screen in front of him, rage burning in his eyes.

"... I just lost 400 million." Alexander's father said in shock while looking at his account, at first he had over 700 million, but he suddenly dropped to 300 million. it just disappeared, without any record of where it went. the deal was 250 million,

"Technology is not as complex as it was back then, it's still growing. anyways, Lisa, you get to stay by me. and Alexander, you got a taxi heading over to get you. remember I'm always watching." Sora said with a smile, causing Alexander to shake slightly, but he quickly shook his head and left through the exit that Sora showed him, and he found himself walking out of a run-down building, the inside and outside looked completely different,

He walked to the street Sora asked him to head towards, and almost on time, a taxi arrived which he went on to enter...

"why are you crying?" Sora asked seeing how Lisa was just crying, how could she not after hearing how her father abandoned her.

"fuck your father, he was toxic. you can now stay with me." Sora said with a smile, to which Lisa nodded slightly. before hugging Sora, who hugged her back.

"What did you want to teach me?" She asked softly,

"how to manage businesses. what do you think about becoming the richest person alive? The power that would come with that... your father would be barking for your attention." Sora said with a smile, making Lisa's eyes widen

"you're willing to help me do that?" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"I think you don't know your worth, so maybe becoming the richest person alive would be a good confidence boost, to help you break free from your father's shadow. you're special, you just don't know it." Sora said with a smile, causing Lisa to almost cry... no she did cry. She gave Sora a deep hug, while Sora patted her head slightly.

"but thats not all, I also need to help you change, at least so that others don't know you are Lisa. but it can't be too much of a change, so let's simply work out." Sora said with a smile, causing Lisa's eyebrow to raise slightly, but she nodded.

So, Sora had her follow him downstairs, there through the sewers, they headed towards the gym. once they arrived, Lisa was shocked by the sight of the gym, ignoring the tools used to work out, her attention was caught by the high-grade tech which pros would normally have.

there was even a car, and a suit, which she instantly knew was made out of high-grade items. it was made out of items that were highly resistant to impact, and Qi.

"This is where I stay, and your home for the next few months as I train you to not only be physically stronger but also to know the way of running a business," Sora said calmly, to which Lisa nodded slightly.

"wait, physically stronger and not cultivation?" Lisa asked as she quickly caught up to Sora, who was ahead.

"Yes, for a few months, you shall work out. if you like it, then you can keep working out. if not, then you shall return to cultivation." Sora said calmly to which Lisa nodded slightly.

Sora went on to show her to the treadmill, something he had recreated from memory. so with Lisa following his lead, they began working out at the gym. SOra only wanted her appearance to go through some transformation as he did, that way the outside world would not be able to notice her.

So, while they worked out. Alexander had finished telling the story of what happened with his kidnapping, yet he didn't know much as he was knocked out for most of it, and as for his sister, he told them he feared the worst for her.

Unable to speak any longer to them, Alexander went to his room and locked himself away, after the hell he went through, he needed a few days to recover. seeing this, his father had everyone leave him alone,

the search for his sister of course continued, but it was not as serious as before. To his father, she was as good as dead. it's not like he ever wanted a daughter in the first place, and to make things worse that daughter killed his beloved wife.

So time passed, and although people continued to search for Lisa after the first week it took a noticeable drop. her biggest fans online still sent out their wishes, but it did nothing. The news of such an event of course spread all over the city, but that was all.

Sora discovered something interesting. Lisa's growth was faster than his, at least twice as fast. her body grew fast than his, a sight which made Sora sigh softly. Lisa was a girl. Sora was not sexist or anything, but a male should be more capable than a girl. yet Lisa was...

If Sora wasn't torturing himself for quick growth, she would be gaining power far faster than him, and in a few months, she could be stronger than him. this scene made Sora sigh softly, Lucky no one went out of their way to work out.

From Lisa, he guessed that working out had a quicker growth of strength compared to cultivation. yet for that strength, one had to put themselves through hell each time, pushing their body through hell over and over.

meanwhile, Cultivation allowed a person to grow stronger by simply sitting down. it increased their lifespan, allowed them to control Qi, and even allowed them to fly once they reached a high enough level. so yes, people would rather cultivate, causing working out to disappear

it didn't help that the first 10 levels of cultivation strengthen the body, allowing the body to withstand Qi.

'could it be because she is at level 13 that her growth is so fast? I should try it out and see.' Sora thought while looking at a woman who was bench pressing 1 ton, that was none other than Lisa. in a month, her body transformed greatly, and so did her appearance. her muscles were not showy like Sora, as she didn't want to look ugly because of that. She had a perfect figure, her beauty was heaven-shaking. She was a goddess compared to the females 10,000 years ago... yet Sora didn't like her.

she was not his type, she was the tool type. One day she would break or something of the kind, but for now, she was a tool he needed to refine.