
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Gift

Days passed, and the date for Sora's birthday came, many famous people from all over the kingdom came to the party, which was held in a mansion Sora's mother owned. Sora had on a white suit, with a golden shirt under. His long golden hair was a bit messy, but it brought a unique charm to him.

Sora stood 6'9, and even within this era, he was tall. he was the tallest in his own family, so when he stood at the front of the door of the mansion to greet the guest, one could guess how shocked everyone was.

Sora's voice was deep, not over-the-top deep, but a manly deep voice that went perfectly with his appearance... manly deep. a voice that caused many females to throw a second look at him. He was handsome, tall, and had a voice. of course, people were taking second looks

"A pleasure to meet you lady Violet," Sora said with a charming smile seeing a black-haired woman with beautiful Violet eyes enter the mansion, stunned the woman, who felt weird hearing her voice being called like that.

"No, the pleasure is all mine," Violet said with a smile while looking at Sora, the two eyes met for a second too long, which made the young man who entered with Violet displeased with this.

"Sora." Sora's mother said with a frown seeing Sora's actions, she understood he was charming and all, but he couldn't go ahead and still someone woman in front of her future husband,

"Cough, my apologies. Welcome to the party sir Luke, and... Luke Sister?" Sora's eyebrow raised as he frown looking at the woman who came with Luke.

"No, I'm Luke's mother." Luke's mother laughed seeing the confusion in Sora's eyes, which only turned to shock as he looked at Luke and back at her. She was already over 100 years old, sure she looked young, but surely not enough to be Luke's sister.

"My apologies, thanks for coming," Sora said softly, to which she laughed it off, but deep down her confidence shot to the moon. such a handsome young man like Sora, who would not feel good amount themselves?

"the name is Yaku Lomi." She said with a smile, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"it a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Yaku Lomi," Sora said in a deep softly and charming voice, which caused Yaku to freeze, but her heart skipped a few beats.

"you can drop the Mrs," she said with a smile, wanting Sora to say her name once more, but without the Mrs. Sora had a hesitating look, but she gave him a look that said you must,

"Then it's my pleasure, Yaku Lomi," Sora said with a smile, Yaku Lomi's blushed slightly, while her smile from ear to ear, while she stretched out her hand to shake Sora, which Sora took, causing her heart to skip a beat at how small her hands was compared to Sora

"It's my pleasure as well... you should come by the Lomi family," She said with a bright smile, to which Sora nodded a smile. meanwhile, Violet gave her future mother-in-law an unhappy look, while Luke was watching this with a disbelieving look.

"..." Sora's mother on the other hand looked at Sora, filling a chill running down her spine. She was confused as to why Sora would invite those for the Lomi family, after all after what they did, why would he? She got her answer,

Sora planned to charm Luke's future wife and his mother, this would cause the city to grow restless. She had been by Sora's side, sure there were some he spoke to longer than others and others who were charmed by him... but this was the only time Sora gave her this feeling.

Sora didn't give up on his revenge... this made her throw her attention to Raion's family, did Sora have something to do with their kidnapping? form the spies within that family, she knew that Alexander had locked himself away, and from time to time could be heard crying within his room. it's only a month ago that he gained enough strength to step outside, but he still wouldn't go into much detail about what happened.

but in the end, she shook her head, her son was not talented. even if he could have someone else do something, he would need to pay them. and the price to have them do something like that was in the millions, something Sora was not capable of doing.

"Alright, I will be sure to see you before the party ends," Sora said with a nod at Yaku, who nodded happily before walking off.

"Mom, what was that all about?" Luke asked unhappily, Yaku smiled slightly before rubbing Luke's head with a loving smile.

"That boy is special, if the spies in this family are not mistaken, then he is a genius. sure his cultivation talent is bad, but he is smart. we should get on his good side, meaning you should try and fix what you did 8 months ago." She said with a smile, making Luke frown grown

"let's watch and see what he plans to show to the world than I want you to sit down and think about it." She said with a smile, to which Luke snorted not taking her words to heart.

Sora on the other hand greet the guest, many came even Alexander, who lowered his head before many shocked eyes and apologize for what he did. but many turned towards Sora, who looked deeply at Alexander for what seemed to be a minute and shook his head.

"words mean nothing, actions on the other hand hold power," Sora said calmly stunning the crowd, but Alexander nodded slightly.

"I understand," Alexander said before walking off, Sora watched him leave for a moment, before letting out a deep breath and looking at the guests who were coming.

during the whole time, there had been people playing music in the background, while the guest took the time to get to know each other and build connections. Sora went on to go seat on a chair, while his mother went on to make a speech to welcome everyone.

Sora was the birthday boy, so the things he needed to do wasn't much. after her speech, everyone gave their gifts to Sora, who would open them at the end of the party. after which a show was put on, with some of this era's most famous artists performing.

this took hours, and once this part of the party was over, it was time for Sora to step on stage and show the world what he wanted to show. behind him, a huge screen came on, while he stood to show the crowd the phone

"This is in my hands, something I spent the past few months working on. As everyone knows, the current phones are slow compared to most experts. the expert mind is too fast, causing these phones to lag and be slow. this phone shall fix this problem." Sora said calmly

"its speed is capable of matching those at level 30, it can process information so fast it seems to be instant, with storage capable of holding more information than even the normal human brain. the normal human brain is capable of holding about 2.5 million gigabytes, far higher than the current phones which could hold only 10,000 gigabytes." Sora said while looking at the crowd,

"What can this one here hold? it can hold over 500 million Gigabytes. so much storage that you can take the highest quality videos and pictures, without needing to think about the storage." Sora said calmly before he went on to tell them the other good things about this phone, from the camera which was years beyond their time, to even A.I. which was so skilled it made the crowd shocked.

Sora, of course, showed them all the nice things it could do, even taking a picture of the crowd, and zooming in and showing them all of the small detail the camera could pick up, like the small hairs, and so on. it was like a moment in reality was caught, and perfectly kept, a scene that shocked them.

Sora was no super genius or anything. he was not the smartest person in the world, although Sora would like to say he had an IQ score of somewhere around 210 before he mastered his mind.

Sora was just from an era where technology was more refined and supreme, unlike today where although the technology was doing things his world tech was light years away from doing, it was mostly because of Qi. A.I. was trash compared to A.I. of the past,

the camera was not as good as in the past, although they could zoom in super far, and so on. Sora was simply taking what he knew and combining it with Qi to bring out its full capability,

after which, Sora moved on to the next thing he wanted to show. a perfume that targeted the part of the brain responsible for happiness. this perfume would make it so all who smell it enjoy the smell. it was also long-lasting, it was like a skunk smell, it would last for 3 weeks to even a month

the females in the crowd were most drowned hearing this such a perfume existed, and when Sora sprayed it into the air, causing it to spread out, everyone fell in love with the smell, be it male or female.

as for the last thing, the mystery thing was... headphones. Sora had noticed that Headphones were not a thing, it seemed like something as small and delicate as headphones were to be lost in time.

of course, the crowd fell in love with the concept of headphones. So, with this being made, Sora placed 3 of each item as a gift for anyone there to take home and a year from now, his company shall be releasing this to the public,

of course, those who could win were rigged by Sora. he needed two people to win, the first being Yaku and Violet, since they shall be coming up the stairs to personally get the rewards, he wanted to get close to them.

"starting with the Heavenly perfume.." Sora said while pulling a paper out of a sealed box, and looking at it. but he didn't speak for a moment, and simply looked at the crowd, causing them to feel restless.

Sora smiled before he called out the person's name, which was a young man who came onto the stage and thanked Sora. but he felt uneasy when walking down the stairs as all the females glared at him,

Sora called the second person, this time a female, but the 3rd person was Yaku who happily went on stage while keeping a calm and refined look.

"Today is your lucky day, congratulations," Sora said with a charming smile, making Yaku smile slightly at him.

"Well, now I feel bad. the gift I brought is nothing compared to this. take this, and come to the Lomi family at any time. I will make sure to give you something better." She said with a smile while giving Sora a card,

"you're too nice, I can't..." Sora froze at his words seeing her force the card into his hands and walk off, leaving him speechless. With a sigh, he put the card away and moved to the next item, the phone. this was what most people there wanted, but many were left disappointed as only 3 people got it.

the next item was the headphone, which many people also wanted. who would not want such magical things? the headphones were not too big, only the size of a bean, which fit into the ear. who didn't want that?

the first person called was Violet, whose eyes brightened in joy. She walked up to the stage, but upon seeing Sora looking at her with those sky-blue eyes, and with that smile, her joy for that headphone was overwritten.

"Congratulations Violet... are you alright, you're face is red?" Sora asked while shaking her hand, Violet's face wasn't that red, only a hint of pink. but with his words, it turned completely red

"N-no, it's nothing. I'm just a little bit hot." She said while pulling her head back,

"a little bit hot? Little Hot isn't the word, you like an angel. I think thats the word, I don't know if there is a word." Sora said while in deep thought, causing Violet's face to turn red seeing Sora miss understood her.

"Her voice of a thousand angels. all sent from God. Her beauty wrapped within, a heart full of gold. Her personality shines, like the sun, harmful rays. She is delicate. absolutely, elegant. to just simply. exquisite. beyond all my words can describe." Sora said softly, Violet's eyes widened while looking at Sora. She opened and closed her mouth, at a loss for words. She was into poems, and suddenly hearing one out of someone like Sora caused her brain to reboot.

"It was a pleasure meeting you... I wish we can see each other again." Sora said while rewarding her. Violet nodded and took the gift and left, and went to stand by her future husband and future mother-in-law.

"what's wrong? did that bastard say something to you?" Luke said with rage burning in his eyes, but Violet simply shook her head,

"he said a poem..." She said softly, making Luke speechless for a moment, while Yaku's eyebrow raised earing this.

"I'm just shocked, I didn't expect him to be into something like that." She said softly, before looking at Luke. She couldn't help but compare him to Sora... but she cut the thought off before it got too far, this future husband of hers was lacking in many ways, and she was already disappointed in him enough as she things were, she didn't want to see that her disappointment could grow even more.

"..." Yaku looked at Violet for a moment, she had to keep this woman away from Sora at all costs. Lomi's family and Violet's family had to complete this marriage, it was a must. if she stays too close to Sora... why must her son be so lacking? For the first time, she felt disappointed in her son.

Sora called out the next name, and his eyebrow raised seeing it was Luke. Luke quickly came up, everyone looking at him strangely as they knew his past with Sora. with Sora's reaction to his name being drawn, many could tell Sora was a bit unwilling. but he shrugged them off and smiled,

"... well congratulations," Sora said with a nod while handing him a smile. Luke looked at Sora with a hint of disdain, something which caused Sora to frown. Luke didn't bother to show much respect while taking the gift and simply walked off, leaving Sora frowning for some time.

Luke's mother glared at Luke seeing his behavior, how could this boy act like this before so many people?

the rest of the gifts were given out, and Sora went on to open the gifts while announcing who they were from before opening them. there were, of course, some people invited who were gifting him gifts to mock him, like cultivation pills and many other resources for cultivation, Sora simply looked at the person who sent them and thanked them. causing them to be awkward and embarrassed. sure he was not talented, but everyone here already knew Sora was going to do great things. they wanted nothing more but to take the gifts back

but the biggest gift given to mock him was from Luke, and the gift was a toy, Lion. Sora froze while looking at the Lion, the whole mansion fell quiet with everyone turning to look at Luke, who wanted to laugh but couldn't seeing no one found this to be funny.

Alexander on the other hand shook in horror while looking at Sora's eyes, he looked towards where Luke was, and couldn't help but pity Luke's future. what awaited him was now going to be far worse than what Sora had planned.

"Thanks for the gift," Sora said softly while putting the lion to the side, before getting up and smiling to the crowd.

"Well, let's have things end here. thank you all for coming." Sora said with a smile, to which everyone nodded and got ready to leave. Sora didn't see them off and simply picked up the toy Lion, and left.

but a sight that caused everyone's eyes to widen took place, Alexander walked over to Sora and handed him a gift. which was a book

"I wanted to personally give this book to you, as a show of my apologies. what I did was not right, and I might never be able to make it right. but I owe you this much." He said softly while Sora looked at the book in shock, this wasn't an act, he was shocked.

The book was called The Era of Mankind Peak. it was a book that spoke of a time when humans reigned supreme on this planet. It spoke of how the humans of the past believed the world was created, the regions, and how they developed from the stone age to their downfall.

this was a rare book, only 10,000 in the world. it was 10,000 years old and had been sealed well by humans from back then to make sure this book lasted long under the passage of time. Sora's ex always wanted to read this book, but it was too rare for someone like Sora to get his hands on it. his parents could have gotten it, but why would they?

but now it was before his hands, it caused his heart to be filled with all types of mixed feelings, but he took the book,

"thank you... and I forgive you." Sora said softly before walking off, leaving the crowd stunned, while Alexander took a deep breath after getting Sora's forgiveness.

"..." within a car, Yaku, Luke, and Violet sat, their air quiet. the inside of the car was large, with the seats all facing each other. Luke couldn't take the silence and spoke up

"it was just a joke," Luke said softly, to which his mother glared at him, this was the first time his mother ever gave him such a look.

"what you did was immature, once the family gets the news of this, and how outstanding Sora is, what do you think would happen to you? Did you think any of this through? and to do something like this in public in front of so many people, how many people do you think would befriend you now? Sora's fame would skyrocket after tonight, and many would try and get into his good books. meanwhile, you did what?" She said angrily, causing Luke to lower his head

"the human race didn't reach the top of the food chain because they were strong, but because they were smarter than other races. humans were able to adapt to everything which came their way, so in this era, brains are what people are valuing most. Sora was a genius at a young age, but he threw his studies to the side because he fell in love, only for his first love to die and leave behind a lion for him... do you see how bad this is?" She asked while looking at Luke, who could only nod slightly.

"Now he has nothing to distract him, so it seems like he is throwing himself into creating stuff. Your father would not be happy once he gets news of this, your brothers would..." She let out a deep sigh while sitting back in her seat,

"Alexander apologized and he was forgiven, after that gift he gave. meanwhile, you rub salt on the injury. Sora tried to be reasonable with you, but you couldn't do the same. why must you put yourself into this deep pit?" She said while rubbing her forehead, and Violet simply sat there, unable to help her from comparing Luke to Sora.

"I will try my best to help you fix things up with Sora... I will try and invite him over, hopefully, he comes before the time you leave for the academy." She said with a deep breath, while Luke just sat there. He of course didn't take his mother's words to heart, for someone whose life was been smooth, the thought of a bump was hard for him to comprehend,

"It's kind of messed up for you to keep that," Lisa said seeing how Sora was looking at the Lion, Luke gave him.

"messed up? You don't know how messed up I can get." Sora said softly while remembering the screams of those from his past, and the many people who were lucky enough to see level 10 of hell... Luke would be lucky enough to join them.