
Reborn : To Take My Revenge

-Don't tell me you thought I was sincere, mocked Donovan, giggling before whispering in my ear, from the start I was just playing with you I pushed him away brutally. -Everything you did to me, I threatened him, I will pay it back to you a hundredfold, now you get out —---- Huyn is a famous superstar who is considered stunning by everyone. Yet her husband prefers to cheat on her with girls who don't even come close to his level. How many times will she have to endure these humiliations without saying anything? When life gives Huyn another chance to be reborn, she decides to take revenge. This time, she intends to reveal Donovan's actions to the whole world. But as her new life begins, will she be able to make the right choices when it comes to love and friendship? Because some will seek to kill it, others will want to destroy it. Many chapters every week!!!

Lilitee · Urban
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56 Chs

You are both heartless part 2

POV from Donovan and Visha's side

A glint of mischief crossed Donovan's eyes. He let out a mocking laugh, breaking the oppressive silence that had settled.

-Do you really think you can play with Hyun?, He walked towards Visha, a cruel smile playing on his lips. 

-You are nothing compared to me, Visha. I'm the only one who knows how to touch his heart

Visha raised an eyebrow, surprised by the new turn of the conversation. 

-Oh yes ? And how do you plan to do it, Donovan? Do you think your little maneuvers will be enough? 

Donovan crossed his arms, looking confident. 

-I'm the one who won his love, I'm the one who knows how to play with his emotions. You're just a talentless troublemaker. 

Visha gritted her teeth, her smile fading slightly. 

-Don't underestimate me, Donovan. You may have won her love, but I could just as easily destroy her. 

Donovan burst out laughing, a cold, contemptuous laugh. 

-That's where you're wrong. Hyun isn't as naive as you think. She sees through your intentions, Visha. You will never be able to reach it like I do. 

Visha's eyes burned with anger, but also with a certain unhealthy admiration. 

-You really think you have everything under control, don't you?, she said, taking a step forward, her gaze challenging.

-All right, let's play your little game, Donovan. Let's see who, of the two of us, is really the master of manipulation. 

Donovan stared at her, his smile widening. 

-Do what you want, Visha. But remember this: Hyun is mine. Every smile, every tear, every emotion... it's all mine. You're just venturing into territory you don't understand.

Visha looked at him for a moment, then chuckled softly. 

-We'll see, Donovan. We'll see. 

She turned, leaving the room gracefully, leaving Donovan alone with his thoughts. The young man remained motionless for a moment, his fists still clenched. He knew the battle was just beginning. But one thing was clear to him: in this game of manipulation, he was convinced that he was the only one who could emerge victorious.

Their duel had just taken a darker and more personal turn, each determined to prove their superiority. And in the middle of it all, Hyun, innocent and unaware of the dangerous games going on around her, became the stake in a rivalry that threatened to consume everything.

Donovan remained standing, his fists clenched and his gaze fixed on the door through which Visha had just exited. Suddenly he heard heavy footsteps in the hallway. The imposing figure of their father, Marcus, appeared in the doorway. His stern face and piercing gaze were usual, but today there was a special glint in his eyes.

-Donovan, I heard you talking with your sister. What did she do again? Marcus asked in a deep voice.

Donovan sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was going to lead. 

-Nothing new, father. She's just trying to harm me like usual

Marcus nodded slowly, his expression hardening further. 

-That is what I thought. Listen to me carefully, Donovan. Visha must be kept in check. She is a danger to you in particular. You have to continue to make sure that she is seen as the villain on duty.

Donovan looked at his father, a mixture of respect and resignation in his eyes. 

-And how do you want me to do that? She's more cunning than ever

Marcus approached his son, placing a heavy hand on his shoulder. 

-You're smarter than her, Donovan. You know his weak points. Use Hyun as leverage. Show everyone his true nature. I will not tolerate her ruining our family reputation

Donovan felt the weight of his father's expectations weighing on him. He nodded, tacitly accepting this mission that he knew too well. 

-Very well, father. I will do what it takes

A thin, cold smile crossed Marcus' lips. 

-GOOD. Remember, Donovan, it's all about perception. Make everyone see Visha for what she is

-And in an hour and a half I want you to be ready for dinner with Huyn's parents, added his father Marcus coldly.

-Yes father, replied Donovan respectfully

Marcus turned on his heel and left the room, leaving Donovan alone with his thoughts. He knew his father was not wrong. Visha could be a real threat, not only to him, but to their entire family. However, a part of him wondered how far he was willing to go to accomplish this task.

The manipulation game had just gone up a notch, and he had no intention of losing.

End of Donovan and Visha's POV