
Reborn : To Take My Revenge

-Don't tell me you thought I was sincere, mocked Donovan, giggling before whispering in my ear, from the start I was just playing with you I pushed him away brutally. -Everything you did to me, I threatened him, I will pay it back to you a hundredfold, now you get out —---- Huyn is a famous superstar who is considered stunning by everyone. Yet her husband prefers to cheat on her with girls who don't even come close to his level. How many times will she have to endure these humiliations without saying anything? When life gives Huyn another chance to be reborn, she decides to take revenge. This time, she intends to reveal Donovan's actions to the whole world. But as her new life begins, will she be able to make the right choices when it comes to love and friendship? Because some will seek to kill it, others will want to destroy it. Many chapters every week!!!

Lilitee · Urban
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56 Chs

You are both heartless part1

POV of Donovan and his sister Visha

Early in the morning, the soft, pale light of dawn faintly penetrates through the large windows of the huge house. 

And in particular through the study room where most of the books in this house were stored. The golden rays touch the antique furniture and cast delicate shadows on the walls. A light morning breeze rustles the curtains, adding a touch of life to the ambient tranquility. 

Inside this study room two individuals.

Donovan fixed his sister with an icy gaze. Visha, leaning against the door frame, a smirk on her lips, stared at him with feigned indifference.

"You really don't understand, do you?" Donovan snapped, his voice trembling with suppressed anger, "Hyun is mine so don't you even dare get in my way. 

Visha burst out laughing. 

-Donovan you are so naive. » She took a step forward, her smile widening, do you really think I care about Hyun? I'm only interested in seeing how I can make you pay

Donovan clenched his jaw, forcing himself to remain calm. 

-You're pathetic, Visha. You want to harm me, but you know you will never equal me. Everyone hates you anyway 

Visha's eyes sparkled with mischief. 

-Maybe so, but at least I'm honest with myself. You, on the other hand, hide behind your false pretenses. You pretend to be her fiancé but in reality you're just a hypocrite

-Hypocrite?, Donovan burst his nerves on edge, you talk about hypocrisy when you only have one goal: to destroy me. You are jealous, Visha, jealous of everything I have and everything I am. 

Visha sneered even more, moving closer to Donovan, their confrontation becoming almost physical. 

-Jealous of you? What joke. No, Donovan, I'm not jealous. I'm just tired of your little game. Tired of everyone thinking you're so perfect when you're just an imposter. 

Donovan's face twisted with rage. 

-I'd rather be me than you, Donovan replied, I have whoever I want at my feet and you know it very well because I even managed to get Huyn 

-You're sick Donovan. Really sick. Hyun deserves better than your petty manipulations 

-I remind you that you want to manipulate her as much as I do, he smiled darkly 

Visha shrugged with maddening nonchalance. 

-Maybe. But who knows, maybe Hyun would enjoy seeing who you really are. Maybe he'd rather play more...interesting games

Donovan backed away, disgusted but also furious.

-Try to ruin my plans and I swear I will destroy you. Don't play with me Visha you might lose and regret it.

Visha burst out laughing, a cold, cruel laugh. 

-You never scared me Donovan. But in the meantime, I plan to have fun. And if Hyun suffers from it, so be it. »

Donovan shook his head irritated. 

-You really have no heart 

Visha looked at him, her icy eyes betraying a glimmer of satisfaction. 

-Not towards you, anyway. 

The silence fell, heavy and oppressive, as the two siblings stared at each other, each realizing the abyss that now separated them.