
Reborn : To Take My Revenge

-Don't tell me you thought I was sincere, mocked Donovan, giggling before whispering in my ear, from the start I was just playing with you I pushed him away brutally. -Everything you did to me, I threatened him, I will pay it back to you a hundredfold, now you get out —---- Huyn is a famous superstar who is considered stunning by everyone. Yet her husband prefers to cheat on her with girls who don't even come close to his level. How many times will she have to endure these humiliations without saying anything? When life gives Huyn another chance to be reborn, she decides to take revenge. This time, she intends to reveal Donovan's actions to the whole world. But as her new life begins, will she be able to make the right choices when it comes to love and friendship? Because some will seek to kill it, others will want to destroy it. Many chapters every week!!!

Lilitee · Urban
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56 Chs

Never forget

Visha's POV

Visha slammed her bedroom door shut, her heart still pounding from the confrontation with Donovan. She walked towards her desk, trying to calm her breathing. She knew Donovan was a formidable opponent, but she couldn't let herself be intimidated. Not now.

Suddenly, the door to his room burst open. His mother, Elena, entered with a determined step, her eyes blazing with anger. Before Visha could say a word, a sharp slap echoed through the room, causing Visha's head to whip around from the impact.

-Mom!, cried Visha, shocked, a hand raised to her burning cheek.

Elena stood before her, her face contorted with fury. 

-Why haven't you destroyed that good-for-nothing Donovan's reputation yet? » she spat, her eyes glaring at him

Visha stood up, gathering her courage. 

-Mom, I do what I can. But Donovan is smarter than I thought

Elena glared at her, a look of disgust crossing her eyes. 

-Are you letting yourself be defeated by a simple boy? Don't forget why we're here, Visha. 

-She took a step forward, her face inches from her daughter's. 

-It was Donovan's family that caused the death of your real mother, my sister. 

Visha felt a shiver of hatred run through her body. She knew the story by heart, but hearing it again, with this intensity, reignited the flame of vengeance within her.

-I never forgot, mother, Visha whispered, her eyes shining with unshed tears. 

-I'll never forget

Elena stepped back slightly, catching her breath. 

-You would do well to remember that. 

She touched Visha's face lightly, an almost tender gesture.

-I did all this for you, for us. I had this plastic surgery to look like your mother and to infiltrate their family. We must destroy them from within. 

Visha nodded, feeling the weight of the mission she had been given. 

-I understand, mom. But Donovan is protected by Marcus. It is difficult to reach him without arousing suspicion

Elena took a deep breath, trying to contain her anger. 

-You are smart, Visha. Use this intelligence to find a way. We have to bring them down. »

Visha closed her eyes for a moment, collecting her thoughts. 

-Very good, mom. I will redouble my efforts. I will do everything in my power to destroy Donovan and his family

Elena nodded, her face softening slightly. 

-I'm counting on you, Visha. We didn't come all this way to fail now

She turned on her heel and left the room, leaving Visha alone with her tumultuous thoughts. Visha sank onto her bed, a hand on her cheek still red from the slap. Determination burned inside her like never before. She knew that her mission was not only about revenge, but also about justice for her real mother and for everything her family had endured.

-I will never forget

She stood up, her gaze fixed on the window. Donovan had no idea what awaited him. Visha smiled, a cold, calculating smile. The battle had only just begun.

End of Visha's pov