
Reborn : To Take My Revenge

-Don't tell me you thought I was sincere, mocked Donovan, giggling before whispering in my ear, from the start I was just playing with you I pushed him away brutally. -Everything you did to me, I threatened him, I will pay it back to you a hundredfold, now you get out —---- Huyn is a famous superstar who is considered stunning by everyone. Yet her husband prefers to cheat on her with girls who don't even come close to his level. How many times will she have to endure these humiliations without saying anything? When life gives Huyn another chance to be reborn, she decides to take revenge. This time, she intends to reveal Donovan's actions to the whole world. But as her new life begins, will she be able to make the right choices when it comes to love and friendship? Because some will seek to kill it, others will want to destroy it. Many chapters every week!!!

Lilitee · Urban
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56 Chs

When you tell me all this, can I trust you?

Every time I tried to distance myself a little, Koen pulled me back against him with assertive delicacy. His hands explored my back, tracing imaginary lines that seemed to light sparks on my skin. We were so close that I could feel the heat of his body, hear his breath in sync with mine.

The strobe lights of the nightclub created an unreal atmosphere, as if we were the only ones in this vibrant living space. Koen slipped a hand through my hair, playing with a strand before tucking it behind my ear. His gaze never left mine, and every gesture, every caress, seemed to say more than words could ever express.

We let ourselves be carried away by the music, our movements becoming more and more fluid and sensual. Koen moved forward again, until our foreheads touched, and we danced like that, connected by an invisible thread of desire and complicity. His lips brushed my cheek briefly, a touch so light it was almost imperceptible, but enough to bring a blush to my cheeks.

Time seemed to stop, melting into this perfect moment. We were absorbed in each other, our movements becoming a silent conversation, an exploration of new sensations. Sweat beaded on our foreheads, but we continued to dance, carried away by an almost supernatural energy.

At one point, he placed a hand on my hip, guiding my movements with unexpected gentleness. I let myself go, carried away by the rhythm and the proximity of Koen. We burst out laughing, our eyes meeting with complicity. Every gesture, every smile seemed to strengthen our connection.

Finally, when the music slowed down, we stopped, out of breath. Koen stared at me intently, his smile lighting up his face. He slid a hand to my cheek, his fingers trailing gently up to my chin. "You dance really well," he whispered, his voice vibrating with sincerity.

I smiled back, feeling a warm warmth fill my heart. The night was far from over, but I already knew that this moment, this dance, would remain engraved in me like a burning memory.

The night was coming to an end when we finally left the nightclub. The cool morning air enveloped us, providing a welcome contrast from the stifling heat of the dance floor. The first light of dawn was beginning to appear on the horizon, painting the sky with pink and orange hues. We walked towards Koen's car, our steps slightly hesitant under the influence of alcohol and the euphoria of the evening.

When they reached the car, Koen stopped suddenly. Before I could understand what was happening, he slammed me against the body of the car, his eyes shining with an intensity I'd never seen before. His lips pressed against mine with wild urgency, a kiss charged with desire and passion. I responded to his kiss with the same fervor, our tongues mingling in a fiery dance.

His hands began to explore my body, sliding over my hips, moving up along my back. Each of his caresses sent waves of pleasure through me, but I eventually stopped him, an amused smile on my lips.

-If you want to have me, you have to show that you're worth it, I told him, malice and challenge in my voice.

Koen pulled back slightly, his burning gaze fixing my lips with such intensity that I couldn't help but laugh, a laugh mixed with blush. He seemed to enjoy the sound, his eyes sparkling with amusement and desire. Then, slowly, he rested his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply, his warm breath tickling my skin.

-You know, he whispered, his voice vibrating with emotion, you are the first person with whom I feel such a strong attachment.

-Really ?

-Yeah I want to be with you every second of my life, he said to me blushing, I want to kiss you and touch you 

His words made me shiver, a gentle warmth spreading throughout my being. I placed my hands on his shoulders, gently pushing him back so I could look him in the eyes.

-I didn't know that I had such an effect on you, I said to him, also blushing. 

He stared at me with such intensity that I felt my cheeks flush again. But there was also a tenderness in his gaze, a silent promise of sincerity and commitment.

-You have an incredible power of attraction, he admitted to me, his voice full of seriousness, you attract me to you and I become like a bee attracted by your honey

We remained like that, our gazes intertwined, the day dawning around us. It was as if the entire world had faded away, leaving just the two of us and this moment suspended. Finally, Koen stood up, offering me his hand.

-Here we go ? I'll take you back, he said suddenly with a gentle smile.

I took his hand, feeling a wave of happiness invade me. As we got into the car, I knew that night marked the start of something special. Koen was ready to prove himself, and I was ready to give him a chance to do so.

Jump then let yourself grow wings...

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