

"where am I?" Rex asked as he woke up in the all too familiar void, dread crept up from within his heart.

"don't tell me I died, my sister, my ambition. don't tell me I wasted the chance Fenrir and Mahuea gave me" Rex said ,completely filled with regrets

"calm down child," an unfamiliar voice sounded from behind him, bringing him out of his depressing thoughts.

"who are you, why am I here?, have I died again?" Rex turned to see a handsome middle aged man, with white hair, clad in golden armor and immediately started bombarding him with questions.

"calm down child, you haven't died, I heard two old friends of mine brought you to this world after your tragic end in your past life" Rex sighed with relief when he found he wasn't dead, but looked wary when the man before him referred to Fenrir and Mahuea as two old friends. it only means he is a God as well.

"I am a God as well, I am Thor, the God of thunder. I have been watching you for a while now, and I have to say your antics are quite entertaining, tell you what, since you are acquainted with my old friends and they have given you their blessings, I'll give you mine as well ,so what do you say?" Thor said with a warm smile, but Rex wasn't having it.

"why are you helping me, I haven't done anything notable yet , and my 'antics' aren't enough a reason to give me your blessing, is there something you want from me?"

"Hehehe, what a cautious child, for one, there's nothing you have that I would want, and I'm doing this for no reason other than entertainment plus I don't know why those people brought you here, but I want to see you dominate this world or maybe do something else that's entertaining and I want you to wield my power in your quest, that is all" Thor explained with a smile.

"so you want me to wield your power so you wouldn't lose out to Fenrir and Mahuea?, wow so gods can be like this too" Rex said squinting his eyes at Thor.

"why aren't you a smart little mortal, well that is what I want but you have nothing to lose but you have gained heavily cause you get to have power over lightning which is one of the rarest in this world" Thor said with a proud smile on his face, not minding the fact that Rex had seen through his facade.

"well child I have to go, oh and try and survive the awakening of your lightning, hehehe"

"wait what?!! " but before rex could say anything he was back in his room and it was still night time.

*boooom* *crackle*

sounds of thunder echoed in the night sky, Rex looked out the window and what he saw rose the hairs on his arms. he quickly jumped out the window, shifting to his wolf form and bolted into the forest.

reaching the clearing he trained for a whole year, he shifted to his now naked human form and almost immediately a lightning bolt as thick as a tree struck him.


Rex screamed as the lightning ravaged his body. for five hours lightning bolts each stronger than the last destroyed his body and repaired it, five hours of agony felt like an eternity. Janet long since arrived at the scene, she tried helping but the intensity of the lightning increased the closer she got, so she could only helplessly sob at the scene, Sarah, the guildmaster also arrived a while later and she was about to rush in to help Rex, but was stopped by Janet who explained what would happen if she interfered, so they could only watch Rex scream for death and could do nothing about it. this was a truly dreadful occurrence for the mother daughter duo.

when the five hours passed the thunderstorm fully subsided and Rexs naked form was exposed, his body was charred in some places and he was covered in soot. Sarah carried him towards the inn and put him down in his room. she got a bowl of water and a some clean towels to clean him up.

to their amazement, Rex didn't have any wounds on his body and the only changes in his body were the purple streaks of hair in his hair, which only served to increase his handsomeness. after cleaning him up and putting new clothes on him Janet and Sarah sat and waited for him to wake up.

A few hours passed, and Rexs eyes twitched for a bit before he opened them. he sat up to look around but before he could make any further actions, Janet, who noticed his movements, dove right into his chest with her tear stained face. seeing her crying face a warmth crept up to his heart.

"I'm sorry for making you worry sister, I'm sorry" Rex said trying to calm her down, but it only made her cry even more. so he could do nothing other than rub her head and wait for her to calm down.

"I thought I would lose you, brother" Janet finally spoke after a while.

"Ofcourse you wouldn't, sister. you're stuck with my ugly face for life, aren't I alive and kicking now? and besides I wasn't in any danger, I only awakened another element, so I'm fine, you can stop crying sister, or I would really cry as well" Rex explained to Janet, but he lied about not being in danger, he really would have died if not for his powerful physique. the explanation seemed to calm her down slot as Janet released him.

"you awakened another element you say, the lightning element I presume, what a peculiar way to awaken your element." Rex who only now noticed Sarah, turned to face her and nodded in affirmation to her presumption. but he was struggling as to tell her the truth about his sudden awakening.

"I hope you'll explain this to me when you can. well seeing as you are okay now come to the guild when you are ready, I have news about the beast hoard" seeing as he was struggling to explain she didn't push him. after talking to them for a while she left.

"well brother, I want an explanation cause there are many things I over looked, like your eyes they weren't like that when we were kids and the fact that you could suddenly turn into a huge wolf, you couldn't do that before our clan was attacked " Janet said after Sarah left.

"*sigh* well my plan was to tell you but I didn't know how, please sit I'll explain everything" with that he explained everything except that he was reincarnated but instead told her that he met with the gods and they took pity on their situation they gave him their blessings and he also explained how he awakened the lightning element after meeting with thor.

"well that's a lot to take in, but I'm happy that you are fine brother" Janet said with a smile that never stopped leaving Rex entransed.

"hehehe, I know I'm beautiful brother, but you have to close your mouth" she teased

"I can't help it sister and just so you know, if anyone comes for your hand in marriage he'll have to beat me in a fight" Rex teased back with a shrug , which made Janet turned beet red and she ran of.

"*humph* don't speak to me" she said before leaving the room.

seeing her antics Rex couldn't help but laugh.

"well let me see if I can control lightning as well" the thought of having another element excited Rex. he sent his consciousness into his magic core located in his heart, this was where mages stored their mana and where warriors store their battle energy but it's called energy core for warriors , this is the main reason it's impossible to dual cultivate mana and battle energy, or risk bodily explosion. inside of the initially pure fire magic core, their is now purple lightning energy occupying half of the core. another peculiar thing about Rex and his sister is chant less magic, everyone in the clan could use that. which was an added advantage which caused them to be seen as threats to the eyes of all big powers, and they were jointly attacked until they were reduced to a small village clan. before they were finally destroyed.

Rex willed the lightning element in his core to come out, the amazing thing is it had the same quantity as his fire element so he didn't have to cultivate it from scratch.

purple lightning passed through his meridians before coming out of his body, purple lightning snakes coiled round his body. he stretched his hands out and willed the lightning to gather in his hands, and like an obedient child it followed his order and formed a lightning ball on his palm.

"absolute control, just like my fire element!" Rex said, excitement dripping out of his words.

'I better sleep now I have to meet with Sarah in the morning' with that he laid back on his bed and drifted off to sleep.