

*knock* *knock*

"brother!! wake up the guild master is here" Janets yell was met with silence. *sigh* she turned the door nob and the door opened signalling the fact that her idiot brother left the door unlocked.

seeing her brothers sleeping form, an evil grin made its way to her face. after she displayed some comedic stretches, she took two large steps backwards and ran forward ,made a jump and landed right on her brothers chest, knocking the air out of this lungs.

she quickly got up and bolted out of his room, like a little rabbit.

"JAAAANNNNEEEEETTTTT!!!!!!" Rex practically roared out her name. but his sisters form already retreated out the door.

"the guild master is waiting downstairs!!" Janets voice echoed in the hallway.

grumbling, Rex quickly washed his face and put on a T-shirt and loose fitting shorts and met with the guildmaster downstairs.

seeing Rex, Sarah smiled " morning pup"

hearing her greeting, Rexs hair literally caught fire.

"stop calling me pup" he yelled, but his look only brought am amused look on Sarah's face.

"okay pup" she said with a smirk.

"wha-*sigh* never mind" Rexs said with a defeated sigh.

"well we'll be training in the forest" she said while walking towards the forest.

a while later, they got to a clearing in the forest.

"this will where we train from now on.....my disciples"

"we neve-"

"I will start with you Janet, we will start with control training for you, from our spar yesterday, I found that you had only average control over your water element and ice element, so I want you to make a stream of water and swirl it round your body while reducing its temperature and do the same when it turns to ice and when you can do it 100 times without spilling it we will move on to the next phase" Janet nodded and started her training albeit failing a few time.

"Well little pup, your control is quite impressive, almost absolute. so we will work on your martial arts, cause your skills are too crude with a lot of unnecessary movements" she said rubbing her chin, seemingly thinking of ways to improve Rex.

"tell you what, since you have agreed to be my disciple"

"I never ag-"

" I'm going to teach you a set of martial art techniques peculiar to the wolf-beast man tribe called lupus regi bellum," she continued, completely ignoring Rexs protests.

"but I'll have to warn you, if you teach it to anyone. they'll be annihilated" a thick killing aura erupted from her body, pushing Rex to his knees at the sudden pressure. but he quickly found out he couldn't get up.

"well then pup, let's begin. we are first we will train you in your wolf form"

Rex was completely gobsmacked, but his daze didn't last long, as he became hostile and took a fighting stance.

"oh?, little pup wants to kill me?, I'm afraid you couldn't possibly accomplish that even if you went all out" Sarah said smilingly which only made the tension in the atmosphere so thick you could cut it.

" we will have see about that" Rex growled and the surrounding temperature rose dramatically.

"calm down little pup, have you forgotten I'm also a wolf beastman, I can smell our God's blessings all over you." Sarah explained seeing how Rex was ready for a death match.

"besides there are other people in our tribe with your gift, only I have never seen any one who reeks of Fenrir as you do. almost like he gave you the gift in person" Sarah said tapping her chin, as she examined the enigma before her. not knowing how spot on her guess was.

"well you have nothing to fear, I would never harm my kin, especially one with so much potential" Sarah said with a kind motherly smile. which reduced Rexs hostility replacing it with a longing for motherly love as he hasn't experienced this kind of love in his two lives.

"*sigh* I don't trust you, but you are the first wolf beastman I have met, so I could say you are the only family ,except Janet, that I have so far" Rex calmed down considerably, after detecting no hostile intent, plus his instincts are telling him to trust her and he has escaped death countless times cause he followed his instincts.

"that's fine by me, now let's start your training. so come at me" she said sporting her usual battle crazed smile. seeing this Rex also smiled crazily.

they both clashed causing a shock wave.

meanwhile, Janet was drenched in cold sweat. thanking all the God's out there for not letting her crazy brother to provoke such a scary woman.

then she had a wry smile on her face when the tensed atmosphere vanished like it never happened and were conversing like nothing happened

like this the duo trained with the guildmaster for a whole year, the anticipated beast wave didn't come throughout the year. Rex became proficient in the techniques Sarah taught him and even started to integrate his flames with the various movements, he also learnt how to fight properly in his wolf form and he could also switch forms quicker than before.

Rex broke through the grandmaster stage and was now an advanced stage expert mage and had physical strength comparable to an advance stage expert warrior . Janet broke through the grandmaster stage as well and was now a peak initial stage expert mage. seeing the siblings perverse talents, she stopped comparing her talent with them as they where 'monsters'.

after Rex broke through to the expert stage, he immediately challenged his monster of a master. but this time the siblings were utterly shocked when Sarah revealed her true rank, which was at the advanced stage of the warrior saint stage. Rex refrained from challenging her and stopped complaining when she called him pup, but he started calling her old monster in turn, much to Sarah's amusement.

In a large clearing, surrounded by trees, two people, a boy and a girl, the boy about 16-17 years with dark hair with red streaks, light brown skin, a handsome face and red slitted eyes. the girl of about 14-15 years old, pale skin, a world toppling beautiful face, black hair and red eyes.

the were currently facing a gorgeous black haired female wolf beastman, who had a smirk on her face.

the stare off continued for a while, before the teenage boy dashed at the female beastman, with flames covering his fists and engaged her in close combat. the woman's hand glowed a silver radiance as she skillfully parried he punch aimed at her head. a crazed smile on both her and the youths faces, as they went toe to toe with their attacks, suddenly the youth jumped backwards to gain some space. then suddenly flames engulfed him and his form changed to a large pitch black wolf, with red slitted eyes.


with a howl the wolf lunged at the beast kin. she quickly sidestepped and was about to punch at the giant wolf but an ice spear was shot at her. she promptly ceased her attack and dodged the spear but before she could recover, flame coated claws attacked her from behind, being hard pressed she released a burst of energy form her body. pushing her assailants backwards. a smile made its way to her face.

"I have to say I'm impressed, you two are really monsters, you actually made me use 50 percent of my power to deal with you, Rex you have almost mastered the techniques I taught you in just a year. as for you Janet your control is now comparable to Rexs, which is almost absolute. there's literally nothing left to teach" Sarah, the guild master said with a loving smile on her face.

through the year, she come to care for the siblings like they were her children. she loved Rex mischievous behavior and the usually cold Janet started opening up to her as well, so she couldnt help but feel proud of their achievements, akin to watching her cubs becoming powerful adults.

"well then pup, I'll meet you and Janet later, be sure to visit often"

when Rex heard Sarah call him pup he didn't react, as he didn't want to attract a beating from his monster of a master.

"we will make sure to visit master" the ever silent Janet replied

"oh don't be so stiff Janet, you could even call me mom, you know" sarah said with a warm smile.

"okay then....mom" Janet said much to Sarah's satisfaction.

"what?!, no way I'm calling this monster mom" Rex said imagining a life with such a monster as a mom and he was covered with cold sweat.

"oh?, what was that, pup.?" Sarah said with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"nothing, mother you must have heard wrong I haven't said anything" Rex said with all sincerity, the sweat rolling off him spoke volumes of the trepidation he felt for the guildmaster.

"Hehehe, thought so, see you later pups" with that she flew of, a feat only possible for saint leveled warriors or mages and above.

"*phew* the Monster is gone, well Janet what are our plans for the foreseeable future" he asked his sister.

"well we will wait for about a month, as mom told us the beasts are gathering, and she suspects an expert level beast is leading them, so we will leave this city and go to the capital to join the royal academy with the letter she gave us, after we have defeated the beast hoard" Janet replied.

"you have everything thought out, haven't you. for now let's go to the inn and rest. I'm exausted" Rex said while stretching.

"yeah let's go "

with that the siblings went back to the inn, and got to their rooms after telling each other good night.