

At dawn, Rex could be seen, excitedly, running towards the clearing he normally trained. from the look on his face, he was extremely excited.

he wanted to test his new power, the power over lightning.

he stood in the middle of the clearing, and closed his eyes in concentration. after a moment, purple lightning burst out of his body, striking random spots on the ground around him arm-thick lightning snakes coiled around him.

As exhilarating as the feeling is for him to wield this element, this is not the cause of his excitement.

he wanted to do something that could be dangerous and possibly have a huge backlash but his feral instincts were urging him to try it.

and with a slight push, a sea of flames was created.

he was trying to merge the power of lightning and flames, cause amongst the elements. lightning and fire are the closest in likeness. due to the Two elements being violent in nature.

slowly the fire began to merge with the lightning within his core. this is a critical moment cause any slight mistake could cripple him for life but if he succeeds he'll have a huge boost in power.

in his core the red and purple lights started to slowly merge but then the purple energy started to devour the red but not backing down the red energy fought back.

things were looking bad ,the violent natures of the two energies were clashing, damaging Rexs insides, causing him to cough blood.


with a roar, Rex forcefully merged them, but not without gaining more internal injuries.

as the energies fully merged, a terrifying aura radiated out of Rexs body.

the power up he expected didn't occur, rather it was more of a qualitative change rather than quantitative change.

he could still use flames and lightning separately and at the same time.

He suddenly had an urge to change to his wolf form, which he did and to his surprise. his wolf form got smaller and more agile.

but there was no reduction in strength but rather an increase. from the previous 6feet tall and 2 meters long to 5' 9 and 1.82 meters long. his muscles got more compact, containing an unrestrained, explosive power.

Rex : I feel amazing, like I can take the world, hahaha. this feeling is amazing.

?: oh? is that so.

Rex tensed up and turned to the voice so fast only a blur was seen. he got ready for a fight even failing to notice the familiar voice.

janet: calm down brother, it's just me and I also had a breakthrough and was about to come to give the good news, but it seems you have a better surprise for me.

Rex: congrats on your breakthrough sister, so why have u sought me out?.

Janet: can't your cute little look for her big strong elder brother?.

she said tilting her head to the side in a cute manner.

Rex: I call bullshit, you want a spar don't you.

seeing that she was seen through, a feral grin made its way to her face.

Janet: you know me so well brother, so..... shall we?

a battle crazed smile made its way to Rexs face and he looked at his sister, akin to how one looks at his greatest rival, a gaze filled with unrelenting fighting intent.

Rex: we shall!!!.

with a roar crimson lightning flames exploded out of his form.

Janet: oh? so this is what u have been doing, your energies have been fully merged and you now have the effect of both at the same time. as expected of my elder brother. this is going to be to most interesting spar ever.

Rex: I'm glad I live up to your expectations, so let's begin I want to try this power out.

with that that lunged at each other.


At the guild masters office. the siblings, who were covered in cuts, burns and bruises, sat in front of their adoptive mother, who is also the guild master, who had an annoyed look on her face.

Sarah: do you two always have to do this when you have a breakthrough? and rex do you know how dangerous it is to merge energies unsupervised? *sigh* whatever the reason I called was that the beast hoard is attacking. nothing serious so far but I feel like the saint class beast leading them is trying to test our strength. I'll handle the saint class beast, so I'll not be able to handle its generals so that's when you two come in.

she paused letting them absorb the info dump.

Sarah : there are about 4 expert class beasts, to which you will handle. do not be complacent, any wrong move could cost you your life.

Janet: understood mother, I won't let Rex do something stupid.

Rex : hey!!

Janet: so when are we moving

Sarah : so-


guard: guild master the saint class beast has arrived!!!

Rex: guess it's time to act.

with that the trio vanished from the office and from the sheer burst of speed picked up quite the wind.

as they arrived the beasts that were staring mad Sarah and rex frown from the sheer irony of the beast hoard which is apparently a gigantic wolf pack.

Rex: I know it's odd for me but can we show mercy to the beasts that surrender?.

Sarah: and how would you do that, they're beasts rex we can't reason with them.

rex: they are my kin mother!!

Sarah and Janet were dumbstruck. Rex hardly behaves this way, show mercy?, he normally doesn't know the meaning, he is a loose cannon driven only by instinct.

Rex: I have a plan mother but you won't like it.

.with a slight chuckle from Sarah.

Sarah: ofcourse I wouldn't like it, it's coming from you. but lemme hear it, I already have an idea but lemme hear you say it.

rex: let me challenge the alpha.

Janet: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!! I am not going to let my last blood throw his life away.

Rex: this is what my instincts are saying, sister.

Janet: brother, why do you want to do this. okay let me fight with you, just..... just don't leave me alone.

Rex walked towards his sister and embraced her.

Rex: since when do you doubt my abilities sister.? fear not for I am Rex!!, and I shall return!!.

Janet sobbed for a while before calming down.

Sarah: are you sure Rex?.

Rex: no, but I followed my instincts in my most trying and they never failed me and the won't start now.

crimson lightning exploded out of him as he transformed to his wolf form. and howled a howl of challenge.


Rex: I am off, I'll be back with that useless alphas head.

as if on cue a howl of acceptance came from the alpha. and a large red wolf stepped forward in all its Majesty towering over Rex a bit.

the wolves then surrounded the two larger wolves that are about to fight for leadership. the atmosphere was tense at first but then the red wolf growled and lunged for Rex.

Rex: you truly are a useless alpha, you want to waste the lives of our kin, the kin our God fenrir gave me. and for that I give you.... judgement, your penalty.... death.

a kingly aura engulfed Rex as he looked at the charging wolf akin to a king about to deliver his edict. the wolf was stronger physically but his instincts assured him, he would win and he believed it. he met the wolf mid way and engaged in a battle of tooth and claw.

slash, bite, claw, the two wolves were covered in large bite marks and gashes but Rex was healing rapidly but the alpha wasn't so lucky, one could already guess the outcome and the alpha knew this too and after a final clash it could barely stand, fatigued and badly injured, it couldn't do anything. it wanted to kill this supposedly weaker wolf in front of it but it's bloodline was suppressing its full strength, almost like it was telling the alpha to receive it's judgement.

Rex: do not resist, you have used my kin to satisfy your stupid conquest for dominance. and I Rex the champion of fenrir, the wolf God has given you my judgement. which is death!!!!!

Rex said as he was shifting back to his now naked human form. his slitted red eyes glowing with pure unadulterated rage. he rose his palm, the sky's darkened ,purple lightning snakes as thick as a bucket raged in the skies.

Rex: I Rex the champion of gods; mahuea, fenrir and Thor, pass my judgement for your abuse of my kin and the symbol of my mothers tribe. your penalty is death.

the lightning in the skies roared in agreement. the wolves looked in awe at their new leader, the earlier complaints about his human form were removed, they recognized him as a truly capable leader and even the generals seemed to agree with this. no matter how powerful they are still wolves, it's in their genes to follow a strong leader.

Rex looked at the respect and awe he was getting from the wolves and revelled in it. he waved his hand and a lightning bolt as thick as a tree struck the unruly alpha. completely eradicated it, leaving nothing, not even ashes.

the skies cleared and the spot where the alpha once was, is now empty only a black ditch was seen. Rex was completely drained an any could kill him at this point, but he stood tall showing no weakness.

Rex: I am Rex!!, your new alpha, you shall heed my commands or face judgement. return to your territory under the lead of your generals and wait for my return!!!.


with that the wolves turned and howled uniformly and ran to their territory. Rex remained standing till they left, then he fell forward but before he hit the ground. Sarah caught him, he only just noticed her presence also with Janet behind her. with her tear stained eyes you would know she cried during his fight with the alpha.

Sarah: you can rest now.... son

she said with an enchanting smile, the same kind Janet had on her face but hers had a touch of pride in it.

Janet: yes... rest well brother.

Rex: thank you both,

with that Rex finally passed out.